Delicious strawberry jam recipes for winter

 Strawberry jam

Strawberry jam love both children and adults. After it is cooked from fragrant, sweet berries. The article details the benefits of berries and strawberry jam, how to cook a thick strawberry jam, as well as recipes for a delicious dessert for the winter.

Use berries and strawberry jam This berry has a lot of vitamins and amino acids. Strawberries are used not only as a treat, but also for medicinal purposes. She treat diseases of the eye, it is advised for women who are expecting a baby. The strawberry contains an element - folate, it prevents birth defects.

Jam from strawberries contain many vitamins, so people using it less suffer from colds.

If you are sick, the jam is used as a diuretic. The strawberry contains necessary for our body element - iodine. It provides a good activity of the brain and nervous system, very useful for people aged 50 years and above.

The strawberries contain small bones in them an element of zinc. This element occurs sexual arousal.

Strawberries used as a means for cosmetics. Of these, make a mask for the face and neck. After these masks the skin becomes supple and acne disappears.

The beneficial properties of strawberry jam

People who have diabetes have to eat strawberries, since after its use decreases in blood sugar.

Eating strawberry jam, it strengthens the immune system, metabolism returns to normal, the blood vessels increases strength. If you have insomnia, you need to eat this evening jam and forget about insomnia.

Jam from strawberries can be prepared a variety of options. Consider some of these delicious recipes for the winter.

1. Strawberry jam with white chocolate

Need - 1, 2 kg of berries, 600 g of sugar, 6 g of lemon acid, 120 g of white chocolate. Initially, strawberries need to sort and wash. Cover with sugar, add the citric acid.

If the strawberries will provide the juice, then you need to jam over low heat, boil for ten minutes. Chop the white chocolate and add it when cooked jam. Stir well and pour into the prepared container. Roll up their caps for the winter.

2. Jam from strawberries, cooked in the sun

It is necessary to take a 1 kg berries 2, 2, 1 kg of sugar. Clear the ripe strawberries from unwanted stalks, washed with water and give dry. Prepared jars filled with berries, pour sugar.

Put the filled jars in the sun. Under the influence of the sun the sugar is dissolved and the juice begins to appear. Once the juice of berries cover the banks closed by a cover, which is sterilized.

3. Strawberry Jam "five-minute"

For such a jam should take 1, 2 kg of berries, 1, 2 kg of sugar sand and 3 g of the acid from lemon, 1, 6 of the beaker of boiling water. First a syrup, this sugar is mixed with water, and pour them prepared berries. Jam boil over medium heat for five minutes.

In jam formed foam, which should be removed. Citric acid is added in portions jam. After that jam cooled. Then just boiled twice for five minutes. The finished jam into prepared jars are placed. Banks roll with sterile lids for the winter.

4. How to cook a thick strawberry jam

In order to cook a thick, tasty and healthy strawberry jam, you need to take 1 kg of fresh strawberries and 1 kg of sugar. Berries wash well, to drain the water, pour into a saucepan, cover with sugar, put on the fire, stirring occasionally. Once the boil, remove from heat and let cool.

When cool, put back on the heat to a simmer. So repeat this process 3 - 5 times, depending of type of desired thickness. In order to weld thick and tasty strawberry jam, it must be put to cook 3 - 5 times, you can leave at night to cool off in the morning boil again and roll covers in sterile jars for the winter.

5. Thick strawberry jam - jelly

The recipe is the same as in the recipe 4, the only difference is that the washed berries crushed in a blender, fill with sugar and cook the same way several times to make a thick strawberry jam - jelly.

Very tasty work!

And one more thing, if you want to taste was unusual, to add to the raspberry jam and cook all together.

How to make cherry jam recipe

 cherry jam

Varene- is the most convenient and reliable way home for the future harvesting of fruits and berries. The article detailed description of how best to make cherry jam and given recipe.

In order for a long time to save the jam, it is necessary when cooking adhere strictly to the amount of sugar, the order of cooking and cooking time. Not respecting these conditions make jams can later ferment or covered with mold. In any case, it would no longer be suitable for human consumption.

For cooking jam selected the freshest and not overripe fruit, clean them from the twigs and stems and thoroughly washed under running cold water.

How best to make cherry jam

You need to know a simple but important point that the fruits and berries for cooking should be collected in dry sunny weather, the day making jam.

Dishes cooked cherry jam which should be low and shirokoy- this ensures intensive evaporation of moisture unnecessary.

The best dishes to cook jam is a basin for 3 to 4 kg. berries, because too large basins of the large number of fruits, sweet berries lose their shape and jam kontistentsii get mushy.

Before cooking jam basin carefully washed, rinsed and dried.

In order to prepare jam from cherries with pits is necessary to select only whole and ripe berries without any damage and rottenness.

Detailed recipe

Before cooking, the berries should be washed under running water and dry them on a towel and cotton waste gently shift into a large bowl. Prepare the sugar syrup: in two cups of water to dissolve 800 grams. sugar, bring to a boil and boil for a few minutes.

Pour the hot solution cherries in a bowl and leave in a cool place for 3 to 4 hours to berry soaked sugar.

After this time, put the bowl with berries on the stove over medium heat and bring to a boil, stirring gently, exclusively, a wooden spoon. After boiling boil for exactly 10 min., Remove from heat and leave to infuse for 7 to 8 hours.

After 7- 8:00 to pull out with a slotted spoon syrup berries very carefully, trying not to damage any of the berry. The remaining syrup to put on the fire, add 700 gr. sugar, bring to the boil and simmer until sugar is dissolved.

Carefully lower in the cherry syrup extracted earlier and cook all together for another 35 to 40 minutes Add readiness.

In order to check the readiness of jam, you need to drop a drop of hot syrup on a saucer if a droplet does not spread out of the saucer, but remained tight - cherry jam is ready.

Before bottling the finished jam jars must be washed in hot water with soda ash, rinse with clean water and turn the water to drain. Then dry with a dry on the stove. Spill should be finished hot jam into a completely dry and too hot jars.

Hot cherry jam pour banks sterlizovannym and roll cover. Leave to cool naturally without wrapping and hiding.

After a day jam from cherries with pits is completely ready. Keep out of the jam, as well as other preparations for the winter in a cool, dark cellar or pantry meste-.

Raspberry jam benefit recipes

 Raspberry jam

People in our region like raspberry jam. It is fragrant, has a unique taste. Just jam is used for medicinal purposes. Raspberry contains special substances - volatile. It antibiotics from nature, thanks to it Raspberry has an antimicrobial effect.

Raspberry jam speeds up the metabolism, as a good antioxidant.

Benefits of raspberry jam for all

Raspberry jam is used during cold, it reduces the temperature, it is a diuretic. The best effect has, in such diseases, jam, cooked cold way. In this recipe, fresh raspberries fray with the sugar, and it allows you to keep useful to the body.

The raspberries contain ellagic acid, so the jam has the ability to prevent such diseases as cancer.

Substances contained in raspberry jam, similar to the properties of aspirin. Therefore jam knocks temperature makes the blood less viscous. With this jam you can prevent a stroke.

Large quantities of raspberry jam has not recommended. Some people are allergic to this berry. Raspberries contain bioactive substances, if you eat a lot, you can get an anaphylactic shock.

Raspberry jam is prepared in various ways, it all depends on the imagination. Cooking Jam is not difficult, it can each. One need only read the recipes and be patient. But winter will have a great dessert and natural medicine.

Consider a few recipes raspberry jam

1. Raspberry jam, sugar-free

To this jam take integers raspberry, washed with water and placed into sterilized jars. Banks are placed in a container with water, covered with a lid. The water is brought to a boil and sterilize jars with berries within ten minutes.

Then banks roll covers, caps embedded in paraffin. This jam can not only eat, but also make him a filling for pies.

2. Jam of the three varieties of berries - raspberries, cherries, gooseberries without sugar

We need to take 2 kg of raspberries, gooseberries 1 kg, 1 kg of fruit cherries. Just need three liters of water.

Preparation: The berries need to sort and wash in water. Gooseberries need to prick the needle release from cherry pits.

Adding raspberries, all berries folded into one container. It add water, bring to simmer to the boiling point, stirring frequently, and cook for ten minutes. After complete cooling, boil well as three times. Jam will be thick.

It is poured into sterilized jars and roll covers. This jam is no sugar, so it will choose the people sitting on a diet.

3. Raspberry jam with melon

For it is necessary to take raspberries - 300 gr., Sugar - 800 gr., Melon - 1 kg of one lemon, a glass of water.

Preparation: All the components you need to wash and dry. Squeeze the juice from the lemon and mix it with sugar. Adding water to the mixture, stirring necessary to dissolve the sugar. Ready need to boil the syrup. It put the cut pieces of melon, peeled. Cook over medium heat, when the melon is soft, add the raspberries.

Stir often do not need to, as long as it is not burnt. Jam will be ready when it thickens. Then he laid out on the banks and roll covers, which are initially sterilized.
