When comes to talking about making jam, involuntarily recall harvesting of strawberries and raspberries, and many do not even realize how original and nutritious can get jam such exotic fruits like kiwi.
Uniqueness kiwi that after preservation, it practically does not lose its beneficial properties. Among them the high content of vitamin C and E, and the whole scattering of various macro- and microelements (iron, zinc, iodine), and a unique enzyme actinidin which improves digestion. Besides jam kiwi can cook all year round, because the little hairy fruits are always on store shelves.
There are many variations of preparation, and in this article we will present only the most basic of them: How to cook a quick jam kiwi, with the addition of lemon juice and apples and, nutritious and healthy kiwi jam with banana. The main thing to always remember that taking better poluspelye, tougher to touch the fruit, so that the juice flowed out of them ahead of time.
How to make jam of kiwi, a simple recipe
Ridiculously easy recipe jam kiwi require from you a minimum of effort and ingredients.
You just need to take the kiwi and sugar (calculated that 1 kg of fruit requires 1, 5 kg of sugar), fruit cut into thin slices, put in a saucepan, sprinkle the top with sugar and let stand about 15 minutes to give the kiwi juice.
Then light the stove, put the mixture on fire and cook, stirring constantly over low heat until sugar dissolves. When this happens, the jam boil 3-4 minutes. When everything is ready, pour it into hot sterilized jars.
Fast jam kiwi
It so happens that we have neither the time nor the desire to tinker with the banks, but eat tasty and fresh jam like.
A simple recipe for which you need kiwifruit (250g), a tablespoon of water and sugar to taste (the best option - 100-150 g) will allow you to cook a delicious treat for some 10 minutes.
Cut the kiwi into small pieces, add in a small saucepan, sprinkle with sugar and add water. Then put the mixture into the microwave for a few minutes, the maximum temperature setting. Then thoroughly mix the contents, and cook over medium heat for about 5 minutes. Then cool and can have.
Kiwi jam with the addition of lemon juice
Often for a more original and a little less cloying taste culinary added to jam kiwi lemon juice. At a ratio of 1 kg Kiwi 1, 5 kg of sugar, you will need 1 tbsp lemon juice.
Peeled kiwi is necessary to grind, add lemon juice and put on low heat. Stirring constantly, it is necessary to wait that used fruit pulp seethe, and only then add the sugar.
Then bring the mixture to a boil and cook 20 minutes more, then pour into banks and roll.
Nutritional kiwi jam with banana
Despite its exotic origins, kiwi can be great combined with other fruits, with new and original flavors. For example, Kiwi amazingly combined with bananas.
In one middle portion of such goodies you'll need 5 kiwis, 1 ripe banana, 1 teaspoon gelatin and about 200 grams of sugar (if you want to roll up in jam jars, simply increase the number of ingredients in a few times, preserving the aspect ratio).
Put in a pan chopped vegetables and mix thoroughly, gently kneading. After adding sugar and gelatin. The resulting mixture was put on fire, bring to a boil and then cook on low heat for 10 minutes more.
Useful jam kiwi and apple
No worse than a banana kiwi combined with apples. Moreover, the preparation of this recipe will take you only 15 minutes.
Take 1 large red apple, kiwi 4-5, 3/4 cup sugar and 1, 5 tablespoons lemon juice.
Fruits grind in a blender and pour into the pan, then add sugar and juice. The resulting mixture was put in a microwave oven for 15 minutes while every 2-3 minutes is necessary to remove the container and mixed thoroughly. Once the time is up - the jam is ready.
It is important to understand that the kiwi fruit of those whose taste qualities provide a vast field for experimentation. You can always add a light hand to the kiwi is not only bananas and apples and pears, oranges, apricots and raisins. Moreover, the proportions may be completely arbitrary and depend entirely on the taste preferences of cooking.