Cold dishes from fish recipes

 Fish meals

Food tasty fish and useful not only hot, but also in the cold. Cold snacks and meals are usually served at the beginning of the meal, if a banquet or dinner party. They serve to whet the appetite before serving the main course.

For breakfast or dinner in your own home, you can apply a cold dish made of fish as a main. It should be hearty, so be sure to serve it with a side dish. This is the difference between cold dishes from appetizers, side dishes in which the role is minimal, such as herring and onions. As already mentioned, the fish dishes are very useful.

Fish is easy to digest, it has a lot of vitamins B, PP, trace elements needed by the body. Fish oil is essential for the normal development of the child's body. Iodine, which in a lot of fish, also fills the body needs it. Especially important for thyroid iodine.

Regular consumption of fish reduces weight considerably reduces synthesis of cholesterol in the blood. Fish Dishes must be in the diet of the elderly and diabetics. It is safe to say, is necessary for all the fish!

Russian cuisine is rich in recipes for cold dishes of fish of different varieties. Consider some of them.

Cold fish sauce

To prepare, take the fish with white meat and less pronounced fishy odor: haddock or cod, pollock, hake and whiting. To cut 500 grams of fish fillets with the skin, but without the rib bones.

Pieces of 60-80 was slightly simmered, then cool in the broth, covered. Then we deal with vegetables. Diced 2 boiled potatoes, pickled cucumber and sweet pepper (1 pc.), Boiled carrots and egg (1 pc.), 1 cucumber.

Two tomatoes cut "lily". On a large platter of lettuce leaves to decompose; in the center - pieces of fish skin side down, and vegetables and an egg lay beautiful hills around.

On top decorate the dish of canned green peas and parsley sprigs. Just before serving pour the flavored mayonnaise.

Fish in the marinade

Processed marine fish (hake, pollack, whiting), cut into small pieces and fry.

Prepare the marinade White: first cook until soft pound of chopped carrots, add 300 grams of onion rings, a tablespoon of sugar, a little cinnamon and cloves, bay leaves and 2-3 liters of 3% vinegar. The whole mass to boil for 20 minutes.

To taste the marinade should be sufficiently acidic. Fried fish lay in an enamel bowl, pour the hot marinade, leave at room temperature.

Enjoy all the meal!

Second hot dishes from fish, useful properties

 Hot fish dishes

The offered to your attention the article talks about the benefits of fish for the human body, its therapeutic properties, the prevention of disease; are recipes for delicious healthy dishes of fish of different varieties.

Useful properties of fish

It has long been known beneficial properties of fish; people appreciate her good taste and medicinal qualities. Above all, it gives high-quality proteins containing amino acids required by the body, among them - methionine, which is not present in the meat. In addition, trace elements such as magnesium, potassium and phosphorus are beneficial to the human body, preventing the development of heart disease.

Nutritionists advise as often as possible to eat fish. It is easily absorbed and digested for 1, 5 - 2 hours, whereas the meat remains in the stomach up to 4 hours. It is interesting to compare the calorie content per 100 grams of product: 91 fish in the river, and the meat - 166! Therefore, the people who are watching their weight, the fish is a must.

Experts recommend eating fish at a sick stomach, problems with the thyroid gland, as well as for the prevention of stroke and heart attack. The increased fat varieties such as salmon, salmon, trout, sardines, there are special fatty acids omega-3 and omega-6, which because of its physiological activity rapidly affect metabolism. The amount of lipids in the blood is reduced, thereby significantly reducing the risk of heart and vascular diseases.

Recipes fish dishes

p Russian cuisine is a rich assortment of dishes prepared with different varieties of fish. Lunch is not considered complete without the second hot dishes and fish will always be welcome. Quite simply uninteresting carp fry and serve them hot on the table.

Prepare a tasty dish with love, without haste. It is better to be acquired, and the family or guests will thank you for the work and effort. Probably every woman has their own experienced in recipes; but maybe she wants to use the recipes given here.

Carp baked with potatoes.

Carp - big meaty fish and a dish of ready to forgive him. It will be an excellent option for a family lunch or dinner.

In carp weighing 2kg need 10 small potatoes, 3 onions, salt, spices package ready for the fish, parsley, sunflower oil. Gutted, washed carp cut steaks crosswise into 2, 5 cm.

Rub the spices and roll in flour added to salt. Potatoes and onions cut into large chunks, sprinkle with spices, a little salt and mix with 3 tablespoons of oil. On a greased baking sheet lay out the fish, impose potatoes with onion, parsley sprigs distribute.

To improve the taste, you can lubricate the sour cream on top. Preparing carp 40 minutes. Heat oven to 200 degrees, no more. During the cooking time 2-3 Turn the potatoes. Serve with white sauce and fresh dill.

Pike under yellow with saffron sauce

Dishes pike tasty and healthy. Pike meat somewhat dry; prepared according to the recipe of the dish is mild and original taste.

So you need to take 1, 5 - 2 kg of fish and prepare the following composition products: butter - 1 tbsp. a spoon, a glass of table wine, 1 glass of vinegar, a cup of raisins, lemon, roots, herbs and spices.

Since pike cooked with sauce, then you need another third cup of sugar, half a cup of flour, half tsp. saffron 4 cups fish broth.

Prepared fish cut into medium-sized pieces, season with salt, put in a saucepan. Pour wine to vinegar, add water, then add the roots, spices and herbs, half a cup of raisins and half a lemon. Put cook until done.

During this time, prepare the sauce. Butter and flour mixed with sugar, add the saffron; dissolve the entire mass of fish broth and boil. If desired, add more oil. Remove pike ready, pour it sauce, top it with the remaining raisins and lemon slices. Serve with boiled potatoes.

As you know, for the holidays and significant dates dishes to the table to meditate beforehand. The food should be just a holiday, but not everyday. Therefore, the need to take fish of excellent grades and prepare a dish to make it memorable guests and they appreciated the culinary talent hostess.

Baked Salmon

You will need: 600 grams of ready-sliced ​​fillets, olive oil - 2 tbsp. spoons, 3 finely chopped onions, 100 grams mushrooms, 85 grams of black olives, fresh coriander - 2 tbsp. spoon 4-5 large peeled potatoes, 30 grams of melted butter, grated parmesan cheese - 4 tbsp. spoon.

Tip: zagotovte composition of the products on the table, so that nothing is forgotten. Prepare a bechamel sauce: Melt 1 tbsp. spoon of butter in a saucepan, add 2 tbsp. Spoon flour, cook for 2-3 minutes over medium heat, stirring occasionally. Then pour the warmed milk (300 g), bring to a boil and cook for 2-3 minutes, stirring occasionally. The sauce is ready.

In a large frying pan with heated oil 3 minutes to fry the pieces of fish with mushrooms. Remove from heat, add the olives, coriander and bechamel sauce. Transfer to a ceramic form.

Boil potatoes whole in salted water for 10 minutes. Then remove and cut into thin slices, which are put on top of the fish. This top layer of grease with butter, sprinkle with grated cheese. Bake for 20 minutes.

A bit troublesome, but delicious.

Bon Appetit!

Second hot dishes from fish, useful properties

 Hot fish dishes

The offered to your attention the article talks about the benefits of fish for the human body, its therapeutic properties, the prevention of disease; are recipes for delicious healthy dishes of fish of different varieties.

Useful properties of fish

It has long been known beneficial properties of fish; people appreciate her good taste and medicinal qualities. Above all, it gives high-quality proteins containing amino acids required by the body, among them - methionine, which is not present in the meat. In addition, trace elements such as magnesium, potassium and phosphorus are beneficial to the human body, preventing the development of heart disease.

Nutritionists advise as often as possible to eat fish. It is easily absorbed and digested for 1, 5 - 2 hours, whereas the meat remains in the stomach up to 4 hours. It is interesting to compare the calorie content per 100 grams of product: 91 fish in the river, and the meat - 166! Therefore, the people who are watching their weight, the fish is a must.

Experts recommend eating fish at a sick stomach, problems with the thyroid gland, as well as for the prevention of stroke and heart attack. The increased fat varieties such as salmon, salmon, trout, sardines, there are special fatty acids omega-3 and omega-6, which because of its physiological activity rapidly affect metabolism. The amount of lipids in the blood is reduced, thereby significantly reducing the risk of heart and vascular diseases.

Recipes fish dishes

p Russian cuisine is a rich assortment of dishes prepared with different varieties of fish. Lunch is not considered complete without the second hot dishes and fish will always be welcome. Quite simply uninteresting carp fry and serve them hot on the table.

Prepare a tasty dish with love, without haste. It is better to be acquired, and the family or guests will thank you for the work and effort. Probably every woman has their own experienced in recipes; but maybe she wants to use the recipes given here.

Carp baked with potatoes.

Carp - big meaty fish and a dish of ready to forgive him. It will be an excellent option for a family lunch or dinner.

In carp weighing 2kg need 10 small potatoes, 3 onions, salt, spices package ready for the fish, parsley, sunflower oil. Gutted, washed carp cut steaks crosswise into 2, 5 cm.

Rub the spices and roll in flour added to salt. Potatoes and onions cut into large chunks, sprinkle with spices, a little salt and mix with 3 tablespoons of oil. On a greased baking sheet lay out the fish, impose potatoes with onion, parsley sprigs distribute.

To improve the taste, you can lubricate the sour cream on top. Preparing carp 40 minutes. Heat oven to 200 degrees, no more. During the cooking time 2-3 Turn the potatoes. Serve with white sauce and fresh dill.

Pike under yellow with saffron sauce

Dishes pike tasty and healthy. Pike meat somewhat dry; prepared according to the recipe of the dish is mild and original taste.

So you need to take 1, 5 - 2 kg of fish and prepare the following composition products: butter - 1 tbsp. a spoon, a glass of table wine, 1 glass of vinegar, a cup of raisins, lemon, roots, herbs and spices.

Since pike cooked with sauce, then you need another third cup of sugar, half a cup of flour, half tsp. saffron 4 cups fish broth.

Prepared fish cut into medium-sized pieces, season with salt, put in a saucepan. Pour wine to vinegar, add water, then add the roots, spices and herbs, half a cup of raisins and half a lemon. Put cook until done.

During this time, prepare the sauce. Butter and flour mixed with sugar, add the saffron; dissolve the entire mass of fish broth and boil. If desired, add more oil. Remove pike ready, pour it sauce, top it with the remaining raisins and lemon slices. Serve with boiled potatoes.

As you know, for the holidays and significant dates dishes to the table to meditate beforehand. The food should be just a holiday, but not everyday. Therefore, the need to take fish of excellent grades and prepare a dish to make it memorable guests and they appreciated the culinary talent hostess.

Baked Salmon

You will need: 600 grams of ready-sliced ​​fillets, olive oil - 2 tbsp. spoons, 3 finely chopped onions, 100 grams mushrooms, 85 grams of black olives, fresh coriander - 2 tbsp. spoon 4-5 large peeled potatoes, 30 grams of melted butter, grated parmesan cheese - 4 tbsp. spoon.

Tip: zagotovte composition of the products on the table, so that nothing is forgotten. Prepare a bechamel sauce: Melt 1 tbsp. spoon of butter in a saucepan, add 2 tbsp. Spoon flour, cook for 2-3 minutes over medium heat, stirring occasionally. Then pour the warmed milk (300 g), bring to a boil and cook for 2-3 minutes, stirring occasionally. The sauce is ready.

In a large frying pan with heated oil 3 minutes to fry the pieces of fish with mushrooms. Remove from heat, add the olives, coriander and bechamel sauce. Transfer to a ceramic form.

Boil potatoes whole in salted water for 10 minutes. Then remove and cut into thin slices, which are put on top of the fish. This top layer of grease with butter, sprinkle with grated cheese. Bake for 20 minutes.

A bit troublesome, but delicious.

Bon Appetit!
