Features etiquette of Japanese table

 Japanese etiquette for table

If you follow this rather simple guidelines, you can not only experience the full flavor of Japanese dishes, but also to think about the philosophy of Japanese cuisine.

Today, Japanese cuisine in Russia is very popular not only among fans of sushi and rolls. Opens up many Japanese restaurants and sushi delivery service appear around Nizhny Novgorod and other cities of Russia. In this regard, such a feature is relevant, as the knowledge of etiquette at the table at the use of Japanese dishes.

How to eat sushi?

It does not set a specific procedure to be followed in the use of land. Still, it is recommended to start to eat rice clumps of seaweed nori, it enhances the taste sensation. It is worth noting that at long contact with rice, nori does not have to be melted. The next tip is to use a limited wasabi, pickled ginger and sauce. These spices have very distinct taste, and if consumed in large quantities, there will be grabbing sushi taste themselves.

In any sushi bar or coffee shop offers a wide selection of drinks. In conjunction with the land is better to give preference to sake or green tea. Generally, sake should be consumed immediately before taking of land in preheated form. Hot green tea usually drink during the meal, it removes the aftertaste of one kind of sushi, while the second makes it possible to enjoy the variety.

There are two methods for terrestrial use:

1. To begin, pour into a small dish of soy sauce. After that sticks neatly taken land and dipped in this sauce. Dip you need in a way that was only the sauce on the fish. Putting a piece in his mouth is, so that portion of fish was on the language.

Note that there are some types of land that must be there without soy sauce. In this case, you want to put the land in one piece, without sharing it. Typically, when using land use chopsticks, but if you can not use them, you can eat with his hands.

2. Chopsticks taken a piece of pickled ginger and soy sauce moistened. Then with the help of the sauce is distributed across the top surface of the land. Sushi is required to put in the mouth so that the tongue was on its upper layer.

Some features of etiquette:

  • in the middle saucer pour soy sauce and add a little wasabi, everything is well mixed. In the prepared sauce dunk land;
  • at the use of Japanese dishes is not recommended to use a fork or knife. Spoon used in rare cases;
  • Serve if covered with the cap, after the meal platter leftovers back cover;
  • in the use of soup or rice, note that the location of the cup / plate should be at chest level;
  • if you eat sashimi or any other dish, which is expected to dip in soy sauce dish with the sauce should be lifted only with his left hand;
  • during the meal should not only raise large plates, which often served fried fish;
  • If the dish is served 'nebemono "the general plate must be put in a small portion of his plate, then lift it and start eating;
  • khashi arranged on a special stand so that they are in a horizontal position with their points upwards;
  • If you eat meals do not use chopsticks, they removed the right side of the plate;
  • after eating Hashi must be placed to the right of the plate;
  • when you order soup should take into account all the peculiarities of its use, namely: first, to drink soup from a cup, but after that everything else is eaten using chopsticks;
  • fed noodles to eat using chopsticks (usually served long enough noodles), grab it sticks in your mouth and suck chew. Create sounds when food might be a little confusing, but do not worry about it, it does not contradict the rules of Japanese ethics.

Particular attention should be paid to what to do extremely well during the meal:

  • You can not use chopsticks to transfer food to the neighbor, who was sitting next to the table. For the Japanese, it is a flagrant breach of etiquette;
  • do not pour yourself a glass of your drink, it should make your neighbor on the table. You, in turn, should conduct similar actions;
  • In no case can not stick chopsticks into the food, particularly in the case of rice. Such actions are carried out during the Japanese funeral dinner;
  • you can not put across Hashi cutlery (plates);
  • you need to be very careful, it does not drip sauce on the table cover;
  • cup should not be very close to the mouth of the tray;
  • do not use sticks to scoop food into the mouth;
  • do not lick sticks, because it is not well;
  • Hashi is used only for legitimate purposes, they can not be used as a pointer;
  • do not knock on a plate with chopsticks, as such actions attract attention;
  • Hashi or pinch in his fist, it looks hostile;
  • smoking in sushi bars, cafes and restaurants is highly undesirable. The Japanese believe this behavior is a sign of poor tone;
  • Do not immerse the land completely soy sauce, as it is intended solely for the fish.

If you pay attention to all the recommendations, it is possible not only to fully appreciate the taste of Japanese food, but also immerse themselves in the philosophy of Japanese cuisine. Order delivery of delicious sushi in Nizhny Novgorod in the house can use the site, which guarantees service and delivery at a high level.

Features etiquette of Japanese table

 Japanese etiquette for table

If you follow this rather simple guidelines, you can not only experience the full flavor of Japanese dishes, but also to think about the philosophy of Japanese cuisine.

Today, Japanese cuisine in Russia is very popular not only among fans of sushi and rolls. Opens up many Japanese restaurants and sushi delivery service appear around Nizhny Novgorod and other cities of Russia. In this regard, such a feature is relevant, as the knowledge of etiquette at the table at the use of Japanese dishes.

How to eat sushi?

It does not set a specific procedure to be followed in the use of land. Still, it is recommended to start to eat rice clumps of seaweed nori, it enhances the taste sensation. It is worth noting that at long contact with rice, nori does not have to be melted. The next tip is to use a limited wasabi, pickled ginger and sauce. These spices have very distinct taste, and if consumed in large quantities, there will be grabbing sushi taste themselves.

In any sushi bar or coffee shop offers a wide selection of drinks. In conjunction with the land is better to give preference to sake or green tea. Generally, sake should be consumed immediately before taking of land in preheated form. Hot green tea usually drink during the meal, it removes the aftertaste of one kind of sushi, while the second makes it possible to enjoy the variety.

There are two methods for terrestrial use:

1. To begin, pour into a small dish of soy sauce. After that sticks neatly taken land and dipped in this sauce. Dip you need in a way that was only the sauce on the fish. Putting a piece in his mouth is, so that portion of fish was on the language.

Note that there are some types of land that must be there without soy sauce. In this case, you want to put the land in one piece, without sharing it. Typically, when using land use chopsticks, but if you can not use them, you can eat with his hands.

2. Chopsticks taken a piece of pickled ginger and soy sauce moistened. Then with the help of the sauce is distributed across the top surface of the land. Sushi is required to put in the mouth so that the tongue was on its upper layer.

Some features of etiquette:

  • in the middle saucer pour soy sauce and add a little wasabi, everything is well mixed. In the prepared sauce dunk land;
  • at the use of Japanese dishes is not recommended to use a fork or knife. Spoon used in rare cases;
  • Serve if covered with the cap, after the meal platter leftovers back cover;
  • in the use of soup or rice, note that the location of the cup / plate should be at chest level;
  • if you eat sashimi or any other dish, which is expected to dip in soy sauce dish with the sauce should be lifted only with his left hand;
  • during the meal should not only raise large plates, which often served fried fish;
  • If the dish is served 'nebemono "the general plate must be put in a small portion of his plate, then lift it and start eating;
  • khashi arranged on a special stand so that they are in a horizontal position with their points upwards;
  • If you eat meals do not use chopsticks, they removed the right side of the plate;
  • after eating Hashi must be placed to the right of the plate;
  • when you order soup should take into account all the peculiarities of its use, namely: first, to drink soup from a cup, but after that everything else is eaten using chopsticks;
  • fed noodles to eat using chopsticks (usually served long enough noodles), grab it sticks in your mouth and suck chew. Create sounds when food might be a little confusing, but do not worry about it, it does not contradict the rules of Japanese ethics.

Particular attention should be paid to what to do extremely well during the meal:

  • You can not use chopsticks to transfer food to the neighbor, who was sitting next to the table. For the Japanese, it is a flagrant breach of etiquette;
  • do not pour yourself a glass of your drink, it should make your neighbor on the table. You, in turn, should conduct similar actions;
  • In no case can not stick chopsticks into the food, particularly in the case of rice. Such actions are carried out during the Japanese funeral dinner;
  • you can not put across Hashi cutlery (plates);
  • you need to be very careful, it does not drip sauce on the table cover;
  • cup should not be very close to the mouth of the tray;
  • do not use sticks to scoop food into the mouth;
  • do not lick sticks, because it is not well;
  • Hashi is used only for legitimate purposes, they can not be used as a pointer;
  • do not knock on a plate with chopsticks, as such actions attract attention;
  • Hashi or pinch in his fist, it looks hostile;
  • smoking in sushi bars, cafes and restaurants is highly undesirable. The Japanese believe this behavior is a sign of poor tone;
  • Do not immerse the land completely soy sauce, as it is intended solely for the fish.

If you pay attention to all the recommendations, it is possible not only to fully appreciate the taste of Japanese food, but also immerse themselves in the philosophy of Japanese cuisine. Order delivery of delicious sushi in Nizhny Novgorod in the house can use the site, which guarantees service and delivery at a high level.
