Not only experienced psychologist, but also an ordinary person, especially a man, no problem can read everything that is in the farthest corner of your soul. Of course, much is reflected in our eyes, but have you noticed when something like changing your appearance,
cosmetics, clothing, accessories, manicures, - depending on how you feel that in your heart.
Did you know that happiness can be weighed in the balance? No, we are not talking about what some people informally dress and behave, trying to prove something to someone.
It's about what you do not notice, but are doing. The most basic, you can easily remember, it's what you do not do make-up, when they are sick, or, in extreme cases, very light makeup. However, here too lazy to act soon.
Cosmetics and appearance: a reflection of the inner world
The main criterion is the weight of happiness happiness. The fate of happy men much nicer than women. But a woman can not remain in the same form. How hard is it to give up another cake, and if there is still a favorite and keeps saying something like "I love you so", you can eat the second.
Usually this takes place every day, and then the woman is left alone, with his already overfed belly. This does not mean that you are not loved and used as puppets, it is a male psychology.
The simple truth: the woman loves the ears, the man - the eyes. What would be the good woman was not without beauty, it can only be a good friend, a companion. Men love to admire and worship. They do not understand the consequences of the ongoing delicious dinners they sincerely believe that you will love in any form.
Most worryingly, before you found a mate, you think: "I still do not show off in front of someone, and so you can be like." When you're in love, you say that they love in any form, moreover, in all seriousness not sit on a diet; and when you cast, you eat with grief!
Of course, well, when nature gives a beautiful figure, and any amount of food disappear who knows where, but still most of the beautiful half can not bring himself to stay in shape.
It happens like this: a couple in love, to arrange a cozy nest every night it withdraws, potchuya homemade borscht with sour cream, lying in bed for hours, love to drink coffee there, watching and football melodrama, eating potato chips, cookies, popcorn. Then diverge: This applies to the figures.
Cosmetics - not a figure, but it is also exposed to happiness. But the effects can be, as it were divided into two categories: one woman under the influence of love blossom like a rose, change your make-up on a gentle, pink, purple - make-up shades of spring.
Others repeated the story of the figure, trusting their suitors claiming that cosmetics old that much better without makeup. In addition, waking up is not the first time together and find themselves not made up, and then drawing attention to the fact that man is not horrified, we see as good without makeup.
And then just do not want to crawl out of a soft, warm bed. The colors in cosmetics is really changing. No wonder the course of love recognized by the spring with its bright colors, with its enchanting mystery. Often the color change is in the shades of pink, because pink is carries a mysterious flavor of spring.
But some women, trying to battle their elected representatives, a little exaggerated. This applies to most of eau de toilette, perfumes and deodorants. Sympathy man consists of many impressions. This hair color and manicure, and the style and flavor. Last - is particularly sensitive.
Strong half is seen by many on the basis of smell, so do not tolerate change of odors. Varying the shade or color of the hair, you are being transformed, but by changing the perfume you have to change your scent. Equivalent to a change of persons, for example.
Trying to please a man, though, and wants a maximum of romance, do not forget what it is you want.
If you want to create the impression of a femme fatale, use colored pumpkin; Red has always been fatal; as well as orange, gold. Such colors like wealthy men who are accustomed to luxury, have attained a high position in society, bring up his career.
If chosen for your condition is not the most important thing, he wants to kiss under the Eiffel Tower, invites to dine on chamomile field, then this is where you can use the color of tenderness: pink and purple.
The club guy accustomed to entertain, rip, like the girl in the style of ultra. Because of possible colors to choose shades of blue, especially since they are now so urgent.
In any case, whoever he was, no matter who you were, all colors should be chosen based on their own taste, pick up to her face, dress, way of life.
Considerable attention must be paid, and nails. It is not necessary to have nails that are not natyanesh gloves. The main thing in nails - neat and tidy. Do not think that if you make up nails red or black - that's half the battle. We must not forget where you are going, appropriate if your manicure. Who, if not the man, it can be seen all.
Most lovers of women generally prefer not to paint the nails, but in vain. Unpleasant as favorite asks why today nails are not made up, and without a second thought. Moreover, women have little interest in men's fashion, and they do not know the things of trendy women's cosmetics. Therefore, they will never understand why the tips of the nails to paint, for example, black.
Speaking of clothes, is to say that love women start wearing more comfortable clothes free. If to select half, we tried to look "one hundred percent," tormented in tight shoes and a short skirt, but now somehow goofing off. Think, if you notice it is perhaps only a type of women interested in your man.
If he liked a woman, dressed in country style, it certainly would have found this. All these properties can actually be in love to see anyone. But such behavior is not only loving women. All the cracks of your soul can be seen. Therefore, being a woman, you have to try our best to hide them.
Sadness, do not change the makeup on paler; aching, do not tell yourself that today you are allowed to do styling.
Do not try to relax, loving. But not in any way think that if now you are alone, you will not see while you run to the store.
Who knows, perhaps at this moment you will meet your destiny, but will not be in uniform.