Moisturizing the skin
You widely known that moisture - an important element of skin care. Moisturize the skin should be required immediately after cleaning as proper hydration will help preserve the appearance,
youth and beauty, healthy skin.
Moisturize dry skin is very required, in addition to many facilities for humidification, in turn, are renowned properties postpone aging of the skin.
But do you know how the hydration of the skin, and how you could improve the effect of moisture?
If you study in the directories or on the Internet, you will know that hydration will help restore a fairly basic protective function of the skin, remove the small cracks of the skin, protecting it restores the protective plenochkoj and adds moisture content of the skin.
The main function of moisturizers - provide the top layer of skin moisture. The means for moistening retains moisture by preventing evaporation, this makes it possible to maintain a healthy moisture content and improve the appearance of the epidermis, to a greater extent if the skin is dry and fading.
So, what are sure to remember the use of wetting agents to influence the effect of moisture? We decided to share their experience and tell 5 wonderful tricks moisture.
1. Apply a moisturizer to damp skin is required immediately after washing or cleaning
Perhaps you remember, but you can hardly understand what is the reason that the moisture immediately following skin cleansing is a great value. Applying moisturizing cream on slightly damp skin allows the skin to retain moisture and prevent evaporation.
In that case, if you use a toner, never wipe tonic before applying means for moistening, as its creamy texture will only increase the effect of moisturizing tonic. That's why professionals is always advised to use a moisturizer right after the end of cleansing the skin.
Never apply a means for moisture to dry skin, because in this case the cream is not able to maintain the required skin moisture. Not recommended course apply product to completely wet skin, as in this case, the cream just drained.
2. Do not apply moisturizer to the skin around the eyes
Maybe this advice will seem a bit strange. Of course it is necessary to clarify that the skin under the eyes is released from the epidermis in the remaining areas of the face. The skin around the eyes is strongly sensitive.
Moisturizers may be bold enough for this type of skin and able to cause the appearance of Wen. Also, humectants ingredients often lead to swelling of the skin around the eye, because moisture retention. Therefore we recommend to moisturize the skin around the eyes use a specially designed cream.
3. In the evening, do not use a moisturizer with SPF-filter
I must say, many cosmetologists are not advised to use a night moisturizer, it will prodelyvat least because of the many daily moisturizers includes SPF-filter.
Moisturizing cream or lotion with SPF-filter is desirable to apply only in the morning and in the afternoon, on the very clear reason. In the event that such a cream remains on the skin at night, it clogs the pores, resulting in it can lead to dysfunction of the epidermis.
4. Every time you want to apply a means for humidifying on the neck and décolleté
Be sure to do this by vertical, soft, gentle movements.
Sadly, some women forget about the care of the skin in the neck and décolleté, and this is too important, almost constantly exposed part of the body that gives our age.
Moisturize the skin - this is the right activity, all of which are necessarily required to dedicate 2 minutes of your time.
5. Do not advised to apply tonal basis until until well absorbed by the means for humidification
Quite often in the morning, hurrying we put tonal basis, without waiting until the cream is absorbed. After applying means for moistening is essential to wait 5 minutes before proceeding to the application of tonal resources.
Similarly, it is not recommended to apply as soon as the cream to moisturize cream with SPF-filter.
Perhaps these tips and tricks are not considered for the opening of some women, but a regular follow up to the Council will really allow to adjust the efficiency of wetting and the appearance of the skin.