Is it worth buying cosmetics on the Internet?


Cosmetics - This tool allows you to improve the appearance, to create the appropriate image. The desire of every woman to always look good - clear. The first time the word has been applied cosmetics in 1867 at the Paris exhibition. At this time, such as the manufacture of perfumes and soap-making stand out from the pharmaceutical industry. Today, these concepts are inseparable from the concepts of modern stylish lady.

The variety of firms cosmetics brands make us think not only about the right choice, but also the place of purchase. Why purchase made over the Internet often? And there is a simple explanation for this. The rapid development of the Internet attracts more and more users. Quite a bit of basic knowledge and skills, to see world news, read about past exhibitions or shows, or just chat with friends. Buying clothes, household appliances, home furnishings, and of course, cosmetics. This kind of shopping can not have surprised anybody.

The benefits of such purchases as follows:

- Enough to have a computer or mobile phone with Internet access. While at home, when the bitter cold outside or sorokogradusnaya heat, you can go shopping.

- Shop of perfumes and cosmetics provides several photos of each cosmetic product and a detailed description. Hardly a consultant in the store hours will tell you about each product that is interested.

- a wide range of. Restrictions on the number of products and brands do not exist, if a product is no longer of interest to us, it can be easily found elsewhere.

- There is no reference to the city. If the distributor is located in another city or country, scary. Courier or postal representatives will deliver goods to any corner of the globe.

- Ease of ordering, payment and delivery. Suffice it to products from the catalog and order form. Payment can also be made via the Internet. Perfumes and cosmetics will be delivered to the address in a short time. So you can make gifts to relatives and friends, allowing you to combine the very fact of the gift, and a surprise by handing (courier services).

-acceptable prices. The prices of online stores are much lower. Working without intermediaries, without renting a retail space to accommodate the goods, without the need for additional personnel, online store allows us to offer competitive prices.

How to choose your perfume?

 Choosing perfume

Perfume - Women's favorite theme and the final touch of the toilet. Jean-Paul Guerlain said that if a man fell in love with a woman, her choice of perfume was successful. Often we feel bewildered before a huge selection of flavors in the cabin. How not to make a mistake and not to be disappointed after the purchase? Let's get ourselves an expert!

Often you can see in the shops in search of a woman tortured favorite perfume, and near obsessive shop assistant, who helpfully offers new and new flavors. Most often the choice falls on the seller very expensive product, wanting to "spin" the buyer. Embarrassed, the woman is testing everything for the hundredth time and finally realizes that nothing can choose. Why is that? What are we doing wrong? Let's finally stop making mistakes and learn a few rules.

For a start it is worth noting that a similar problem intrusive salespeople will help you avoid online perfume store. Detailed descriptions of the spirits of the notes on the site help you choose the fragrance liking.

If you do decide to go in search of your favorite flavor in the shop, it will be useful some important tips.

Choosing perfume, consider the style and age. And most importantly, it makes you nice and comfortable with this aroma.

Apply scented water on a special paper tester. Try aroma. An hour later, we repeat the attempt, then a few hours later. After three attempts, you must be friends with this smell. Do not forget that this kind of test gives an approximate idea of ​​the flavor. Fully spirits disclosed only in contact with skin.

Apply perfume on your skin and spend a few hours with them. The fragrance is revealed in three stages:

  • The top note - the first impression of the smell of perfume. It lasts less than a minute.
  • The next step - Heart note.
  • And the final stage-base note. Only 15 minutes after application, when the unfold all three notes can judge the flavor.

But it is better to spend a day with him. As the French say the choice of fragrance is similar to the choice of a lover - it is necessary to spend the night, to find out if you qualify each other.

We must start to taste the toilet water with a slight odor and finish heavier-them nose gets tired easily. If perfumes like, it is possible to compare the flavor of 2-4, and if the perfume are of different types, then 5-6. To give a little rest to our nose to smell the coffee beans.

With a choice we have identified. But the question arises, and what concentration to buy perfume? The composition of all kinds of perfumes same. This flavoring, water and alcohol. The difference in the proportions and price. The most persistent and expensive are the spirits. These contain 20-30% of aromatic substances in a 90% alcohol.

Daytime perfume or eau de parfum concentration of aromatic substances 15-20% in a 90% alcohol is somewhere in between perfume and toilet water with 6-12% aromatic substances in 85% of th alcohol. The aroma is preserved 5-7 hours. Eau de toilette is an easy view of perfumes. She can be used several times a day.

The main thing is not in a hurry. Do not regret his time. And then the tips will help determine the choice of the spirits of your dreams and you will be alone with a favorite scent and find the man who will bring to mind.

Funds that give the skin a beautiful view


How often do we look at the beautiful shiny glossy magazines with beautiful models with great skin and a dream to have the exact same skin. But is it really. Yes, many models are not bad skin, but that's just the way we see it on the covers of magazines

TV screens or make special tools. Of course, in the professional world of fashion and cosmetics used by professional means, but on our cosmetics market also have similar products.

Our conversation about the means of giving the skin a beautiful, glossy, glamorous look, the kind of well-groomed skin. To make the skin glamorous and well maintained used four types of funds.

View it first konsiklery (the means by which we mask defects of skin around the eyes)

As a rule, they are available in packages for a lot less than the foundation, and have the shape of a pencil with a brush for ease of application.

These funds are for the most part contain light-reflecting particles. Brush facilitates easier application and distribution of the skin around the eyes. Not that makeup artists recommend konsikler applied on the upper eyelid, and in that case if you have pigmentation of the upper eyelid is not homogeneous, and makeup a la naturel. The leading place among these funds hold some firms Guerlain, Yves Saint Laurent.

The second type of funds is the base for make-up.

These funds are intended for: tone smoothing the face, the face tone adjustments, corrections of minor defects (redness, pale skin, excessive yellowing, a decrease in the redness of rosacea, etc.) databases makeup could dedicate an entire article.

Recognized leader in this area of ​​course is the company's products, and it is called Givenchy Givenchy Acti 'Mine Make Up. It is also the base for make-up of the following companies have VOV, Chanel.

The third type of funds is tonal cream tones fluids and their ilk.

The choice of foundation pretty hard work. Since foundation, finally evens skin tone, giving it the appropriate color.

Well, plus the care of the skin, moisturizes, nourishes and protects. Although the choice of foundation and a very individual thing, but the favorites in this category Guerlain, Givenchy, Chanel, Dior. The company Givenchy has a very good thing, it is called Givenchy Sublimine tone is fluid with pearl particles, and is a kind of base and foundation in one. I want to warn you that they are not pimples zamazhete.

To hide the major flaws in the skin used proofreaders. They are more dense than the foundation.

The fourth type is a means of powder.

Powder, tend to be tint, transparent, and powder brightens (focused product). Also powder may be loose or compact in the form of beads. Here in this place I will focus on the powder in more detail as Some products require detailed description.

Compact powder tint - a conventional powder, which we used to enjoy every day. But, nevertheless, they can be added to light-reflecting pigments that give skin glamor.

Favorites in this area Guerlain, Chanel, Dior. Loose powder - this is exactly the same powder as compact, but they are light, soft and natural in them can also be added to light-reflecting pigments. Favorite in this area Dior, Chanel.

Transparent (transparantnye) powder intended for fixing makeup, and can also contain a light-reflecting pigments. Favorite in this area Guerlain. Powder, giving radiance may be different as the compact and crumbly may contain a mixture of several shades.

How do they differ from others in their increased amount of light-reflecting pigments, they contain the dry form to the mixture as a foundation to the base and thus also matting and fixing properties of powder.

Such powders can give the skin a light shade and highlight it to give a well-groomed and glamorous look. The shade depends on what colors you take this powder. The favorite in this area are: Givenchy (compact powder Prisme, loose powder Prisme Libre).

And one media type is powder-rouge in the balls.

This product has the properties of icing (frosting, reflective particles), as well as giving a person a light blush color, a fresh appearance and a healthy glowing skin.

The undisputed favorite in this category for many women the product from Guerlain (Meteors). The company released their compositions in three colors: classic, pink, beige. Depending on your skin color and needs or you can use one or all three views. But by themselves meteorites on clean skin does not give any effect.

It is not part of the make-up, and only the finishing touch. Ie this is the last resort, what you put on your skin. Once again I warn that without a foundation or base, or powder to clean unwashed skin effect of the use of such funds is nil.

But if you use them on top of the powder or the base or foundation effect with precision, but on the contrary a person comes to life and starts to glow, it turns face with glamorous, well-groomed skin. A very important nuance is that, in order not to overload the face of the number of funds.

I have described, popular and common products, but in the pursuit of beautiful views and glamor do not overdo it, please. Since Lights can easily be converted to shine and glitter from small meteorites in large numbers will make you a great New Year's ball.

You need not sparkle of the Christmas tree and a light gloss and shine. If you have normal skin with no visible flaws, do not seek out at non-existing pimples, etc.

You will be enough base for make-up, lung fluid and transparent tone powder for daytime makeup.

For evening make-up, you can add meteorites. If you do not have skin defects, it is still important sense of proportion that the person did not work like a mask.

Sveta Zvarich
