Tone Cream masks skin imperfections


"Light of my mirror, tell me the truth but reported" - we ask in the morning. However, do not always mirror says that we liking. Sometimes it suddenly reflects some circles (for dinner will take place?) Or wrinkles (smile should be less?), Or ... In any case, we remain dissatisfied and took from a shelf foundation.

Nuances of necessary disguise. The man she loved, or colleagues at work does not necessarily know that you sat on the annual report to the three in the morning. So Foundation.

They should not be abused, and the "plaster" will begin to crumble. Easy to overdo it, but we are not to face affectation, right? Therefore, the application and the selection of foundation - a delicate matter. It treats it should be responsible. The choice depends, firstly, on your skin type.

If the skin is dry, choose "tonalnik" containing moisturizing ingredients. By the way, this cream will not accentuate wrinkles, accumulating in them. If moisture - the most urgent problem for you, better mix concealer and liquid moisturizer for skin care. Apply the mixture on your face. The skin does not change color dramatically but noticeably posvezheet.

If the skin you have oily, use tonalnik that does not contain oils. They have a dense texture, lay not subtle. Use it dry and oily skin to eliminate unpleasant shine. However, most women do not have the skin dry and oily, and mixed type. What should I do it?

Impose foundation in a special way. Most often, oily skin around the nose and mouth, and on the forehead and cheeks it is too dry. In this case, there is no need to cover the "tonalnika" entire face. Better buy two of them: the first color, the second - on the darker tone. Darker cream cover the nose and cheekbones, and on top of it, apply a layer of cream that matches the color of your skin. Apart from the usual tone cream tone means there are now lifting effect.

They are not only camouflage skin imperfections, but also spread on the skin invisible grid of microwaxes, contracting wrinkles. It makes a person younger. To lay the cream as natural as possible, try to distribute his face massaged. Moreover, the thin layer of cream, the better. Apply the cream can be like a sponge or a brush or fingers.

It is important to carefully shade cream to his coat turned out as thin as possible. The cream is usually applied from chin to forehead. First, chin, cheeks and cheekbones then, in the end - the forehead. It is important to ensure that there were no clear boundaries between the cream and the skin. To find your desired color, it is best to buy a first probe 2-3. When the cause, look.

If you bought the cream is too dark or too light, buy another cream of the same brand, but the other (lighter or darker) shade. The use of "tonalnika" must take into account the specificity of the season.

For example, in the summer of the cream is better not to get involved from the heat, and it can "float". In the winter the cream should moisturize the skin: it dries in the cold more than usual. Young girls 15-25 years creams possible, better not to use. At this age, the skin contains enough collagen and it needs a constant supply of oxygen.

But without the "tonalnika" difficult to do in the winter. Modern creams have not only pigment substances and caring components. Therefore, in the cold, they protect the skin from the icy wind and frost. To the cream does not hurt your skin, do not skimp on it. The cheaper "tonalnik", the less the probability of finding it tightens, moisturizing, anti-aging and nourishing ingredients.

AT creams for oily skin contain antibacterial ingredients that help reduce the number and intensity of skin rash. So that the high price of modern tone creams justified.

The correct foundation will not only protect your skin in cold weather, but also help to keep it young and healthy for years to come.

Use sparingly, to devote sufficient time to the application and removal of make-up and skin will thank you good health and a beautiful rosy complexion.

After all, beauty is not the economy, the truth, the light of my mirror?

The right makeup


Do not overdo makeup.

Make-up is intended to emphasize the natural beauty of the face and not bring negative attention to you by others, and it would cause such a reaction generously smeared makeup person, no matter how attractive it may be. Do not abuse this cosmetics:

Eyeliner: bold penciled black eye immediately visually add you a few years and completely destroy the effect of the rest of the makeup.

Ink: overly painted lashes look unnatural, no matter how good the mascara. Especially those lashes look awful in conjunction with oily blue eyeliner or eye shadow.

Tonal basis: tint tonal framework must conform to the natural skin tone. Purpose foundations - to protect the skin, smooth out the bumps and hide minor flaws. The magic word - mixing. Only the mixing of different bases allows you to get the perfect skin tone.

Powder: all that is written above is true of the powder - do not overdo it, otherwise the person becomes like a mask. Oh, and do not forget to moisturize the skin, otherwise the powder will emphasize all the little wrinkles.

Hair color should be in harmony with the skin tone. If you have dark hair and you want a little spice up natural tan, try not to deviate from the odd natural tones. Blonde girls should stay bright colors. With age, the skin and the hair becomes lighter. And one more thing - if you decide to dye your hair, if you please support the selected color and paint regularly regrowth.

Lip Make-up should begin with the guidance loop lip pencil. It not only emphasizes the shape of the lips, but also helps to prevent the spreading of lipstick, so perfect makeup lip is better preserved. The main thing is to tone circuit is not too different from the color of lipstick, and would have remained invisible. In addition, the shade of lipstick should be in harmony with the skin tone; cool colors fit pale girls northern type, and warm - red and dark-skinned girls.

If you want to visually reduce the lips, putting contour line on the inside of the lips. Would you like to visually enlarge the lips - in any case, do not spend the contour lines on the outside of the lips! This is a very common mistake made by many women. In fact, leaving behind the lip contour not emphasize them, but only make lips messy and unnatural.

Relevant makeup

Never depart from the main rule: makeup should fit the circumstances. When going to the beach, reduce make-up to a minimum and do not paint as if going to a disco in a nightclub. Of course, the day make-up should be much easier and more discreet evening.

Little or no makeup

Some women do not use cosmetics, they just do not know how to use it, they are afraid to look ridiculous and attract attention. If you are not confident in their abilities, apply on the eyelids shade lighter shade. Start small, gradually perfecting his technique and adding new touches of make-up.

Perhaps we should start with a tonal framework, then add mascara, blush, and finally lipstick. If you are feeling unusually painted face, full make-up may be for you (and your skin) real shock, so proceed slowly and methodically.

Image integrity

Finished makeup should look harmonious and natural. This means that you need to avoid contrasting color combinations. Dark-skinned girl with dark hair are more suitable for dark shades, light colors will look on their skin pale and unnatural. Blonde beauties should use light colors, as dark shades visually delicate features coarsen and grow old them.

Owners of oily skin is recommended to start with make-up applying moisturizer and tonal framework. Fasten the effect will loose powder. Carry a compact powder to periodically touch up makeup.

Effective care for lashes at home


Performing daily make-up, about a third of our attention we place the lashes. In spite of the care, they often drop out, look lifeless and sparse. How to return the eyelashes to life and, in general, what we know about them?

We nourish and moisturize lashes.

Eyelashes, like hair on the head and body, 90% consist of a special protein - keratin. In the course of our lives constantly lashes fall out, but in their place the new grow. This process, in most cases goes unnoticed by the owner. However, if the eyelash growth slowed down, the loss becomes noticeable not only to you but also to others. In addition, loss of eyelashes may increase.

The cause of these symptoms become poor-quality cosmetics, incorrect removal of make-up, allergies, stress, neurosis, fatigue, poor diet, taking medicines, thyroid dysfunction, as well as inflammatory diseases of the eye (blepharitis, conjunctivitis). In each case the cause of loss of eyelashes especially individual, and if the situation gets out of control or you see other unpleasant symptoms, it is best to consult a doctor.

At home, for the effective care of eyelashes can use the same techniques as for the hair of the head - a hydrating mask based on vegetable oils and fat-soluble vitamins. There are many variations, but we have tried to highlight the main points.

 So the recipe. It may be pure castor oil, almond oil, olive oil or burdock, fish oil (it is rich in vitamin A - chief component strengthens our eyelashes), vitamin E oil solution or oil with vitamin E or vitamin "Aevitum" oil. To store a treasured bottle composition can be used from the carcasses, but first it must be very carefully washed and dried.

Use firming oil every day, dealing with a brush on a clean dry lashes, starting from the bottom and moving to the tips. Dip the brush into the oil, let it drain and literally comb the top first, then the lower lashes. Try to get closer to the roots of eyelashes brush, but be careful: Avoid getting oil on the mucous membrane of the eye. This will lead to a feeling oily veil on the eyes, from which it is difficult to get rid of.

For proof effect such a nutrient for eyelashes procedure should be carried out within a month, if necessary repeat several times a year. If your eyelids are receptive to herbal ingredients, the strengthening of eyelashes and eyelid skin nutrition can be used a mixture of massage: the vegetable oil with the addition of finely chopped parsley and the juice of aloe.

Additional massage enhances the action of the active ingredients, bringing the onset of the desired effect. In addition, the suit cool compresses with herbs (extracts of cornflower, chamomile, sage). You can also use Black tea. Note that the growth of eyelashes (as the condition of the hair on his head) will improve if you take special vitamins for beauty hair and nails (Vita-charm, beauty-Vitrum).

Choose mascara

The basis of the mascara is especially wax. In most cases, animal wax lanolin. Although he gives the mascara good viscosity and provides a smooth, smooth coating, lanolin often cause allergic reactions (redness of the eyelids rims, lacrimation). Alternatively lanolin used beeswax, ceresin wax of mineral origin or petroleum jelly, and vegetable waxes.

As vegetable waxes for mechanical properties denser or lanolin, or a liquid, it is necessary to combine them (e.g., a solid formulation is administered in carnauba wax candelilla wax soft, which is obtained from leaves candela). If the ink is applied to the lashes well, then that's not all. Second, not least its property - the color. To make the shade of mascara widely used synthetic pigments, which provide a wide palette of colors - from neon to subdued tones.

However, synthetic dyes - strong allergens, so the owners of the sensitive age of mascara should be chosen with mineral pigments. To make the carcass functions such as the ability to lengthen or thicken eyelashes, the formulation is administered in various excipients: silicones, polymeric components, nylon yarn. Generally such ingredients are inert, they do not enter into the oxidation reaction and rarely cause individual intolerance.

Discomfort from the use of such ink can only be associated with incorrect use or application of too much. In this situation, the carcass particles fall on the eyeball and mechanically irritate him. When buying mascara is important to pay attention to the additional nutrients: it can be silk proteins, panthenol, special systems for the recovery of keratin, vitamins A, C and E.

In the hands of a master ...

Often, even using expensive ink, we are faced with the problem of lumps on the eyelashes, mascara looks bulky, uneven lies. This can be caused by several reasons. First of all, long-term storage of mascara. Since any ink made based wax, each time the bottle is opened wax loses moisture, it becomes more rigid, as if the ink dries. The situation is aggravated by natural cold weather. Of course, it is better not to use mascara for more than three or four months, but what if the mascara thickens before the appointed time?

To melt the frozen wax, using a water bath. Lower the closed ink in a glass of hot water (water level must not reach the cap, otherwise it can get inside). Try to slightly move the vial to ensure uniform heating of the contents. After a few minutes the wax is soft and the ink can be used without interference. The second cause "congestion" lashes lies in the abundant application of mascara. Many of us have applied it several times during the day on top of the already existing. Not to do so.

Mascara is necessary to impose on clean lashes, having a brush 3-4 times from the roots to the tips of the lashes. Movement should be slowly, hold the brush for a split second and swung from side to side, to the maximum covered surface of the ink lashes, enveloped on all sides. If you need to update your makeup, mascara is better to remove the remnants of a special tool and apply a fresh coat. And finally, a little trick that will help avoid the use of excessive amounts of ink, thus giving splendor lashes.

If cilia are rare, it should be put in between the points with the sharpened eyeliner. It saves the situation as a thin eyeliner, which runs along the lash line. To achieve maximum effect, eyeliner should blend in with the natural color of the eyelashes, or be chosen according to the color type. So, for devushki- "winter" ideal black mascara and eyeliner, "fly" fit gray, silver and black colors. "Spring" to face the blue, green, and "fall" is better to use brown, rich green.

Properly remove make-up

Removing make-up - a task no less tricky than the correct selection of the carcasses. Many women simply wash off makeup from eyes with water and soap. It is not surprising that after such a procedure tweak the eye and the skin around is dotted with small wrinkles. Removing make-up, you must use specialized tools: so you spend less time and effort, but it will achieve radiant look, clean and beautiful manicured century lush lashes!

To perform effectively and efficiently make-up remover, just use a cotton or gauze cosmetic disc cut in half into two parts. One half (crescent) put under the lower lashes. In the second half, apply lotion or lotion and put it on the upper lashes, after closing the eyes. 20-30 seconds is enough to clean the components softened mascara, and then you completely remove the makeup. Note that all this time under the lower lashes gauze protects the skin from pollution. In this technique, make-up remover mascara particles do not get into your eyes and cause irritation.

Note that these tricks are effective in most cases, but the loss of eyelashes sometimes cause serious injuries or medication when revive the natural eyelashes longer possible. Even in this case, modern cosmetology and surgery come to the rescue, offering eyelash transplantation. In fact, not the transplanted eyelashes and hairs from the scalp implanted in line century.

Subsequently, for those eyelashes requires careful care: feed them and tighten up in the right direction. Although transplantation requires a lot of time and effort in a desperate situation, it is the only alternative to overhead hairs (which remains one of the most popular tools for quick, beautiful, lush eyelashes).
