What work should be carried out in February in the country

 Works in the country in February

In February, in the winter garden is quiet and virtually maintenance free. Is that sometimes have to shake the branches of the trees from the heavy wet snow and feed the birds.

It is necessary to use the pause to prepare for the new season: a winter vaccination do, to fix tools and materials.

Beginners should buy at the store ahead of time everything necessary to work in the garden. Smaller branches of the trees and shrubs trimmed with hand shears cutter blades are not shorter than 4-8 cm. Domestic pruners are not quite ready to go. They need to give themselves to disassemble or sharpening, sharpen the cutting insert (it is one), then assemble.

Pruners with long handles cut branches up to 3 cm in diameter. Air Pruner, Lopper, or come in handy for trimming tall fruit trees. In the garden hacksaw after purchase bred teeth blade. And she needed for filing large branches and trees. Without garden knife can not do when stripping stumps. Use a small brush of stiff wire caring for the crust.

After snowfall shake the snow from the trees.

First release the lower branches, then the top. The branches can break under the weight of snow. Start from the bottom to release the lower stage until both the upper portion of the branches fall new snow.

Compaction of snow near the fruit trees

Track tread ring around the tree. (Mouse move only in winter under the snow, and dense layer will provide for them an obstacle on the way to the tree.)

In February, making the winter grafting fruit trees.

How is the vaccine winter trees

1. Contribute to the rootstocks from the storage room, wash, obsushivayut, visiting. All rotten, dried up, broken discarded. Bled is not dried up cuttings (scions). The ends of the shoots are not used.

2. On the rootstock roots closer to making an oblique cut the tongue. The cut should be smooth, smooth, long about 4 times greater than its diameter. Helical, uneven, jagged sections are not suitable. Derogate from the sharp edge on the cut 1/3 of its length and notched tongue, about not reaching 1/3 to bottom.

3. Pick up the stalk, the maximum thickness close to the rootstock. Make it a scythe cut the tongue, the same rootstock. Is measured from the cut-off unit and 3-4 against the top kidneys perform slightly sloping top cut.

4. Plant tab on the tab, and connect the scion stock along the entire length sections. If the thickness is not quite the same, to achieve the maximum match from one side (not in the middle section). Tight pulling plastic ribbon, bandages without cracks all connections and securely fix the tension band. Upper section obscure garden pitch. Apply a label named varieties.

5. Fold the vaccination in a large plastic bag, sprinkle the roots scalded vlazh¬nymi filings. Loosely cover the bag and leave it in Nežárkou room for about 10 days. Before landing in the snow piles stored or cold (about 1-3 °) storage.

What is winter vaccination

Viable vaccination will only healthy and pure components (rootstock and scion). The sections of this length and shape of the area to form an optimal fusion. Evenness and smoothness of cuts - a guarantee of close contact of the scion and the rootstock, their successful fusion. Identical sections have a maximum contact area and better grow to one another. Sections were fused only through Kambia, which is located under the bark.

That is why you need to maximize and combine the bark of the scion and the rootstock, not wood. All wounds should be carefully protected from drying out with the help of heavy strapping and garden Vara. In the warmth vaccination will coalesce. It promptly remove them to the cold, so as not to retain moisture and overheating, do not cause premature

Growing seedlings of early cabbage


The difference in the cultivation of normal seedlings of cabbage and sprouts of early varieties is the time of its cultivation. If the seeds are the usual cabbage, mostly planted in late March, the seeds of early cabbage and a half, two weeks earlier, just keep in mind the climate, the region in which you live and are going to grow up early cabbage.

Unlike cauliflower early varieties without fear cold ground for this, it can be germinated in a greenhouse film, but using the seedling boxes.

That is the ground for planting will need to prepare separately, in compliance with the lower layer, usually sawdust or straw, dry grass, then a layer of peat mixed with humus and ash that both neutralize the acidity of the soil, and it is a source of humus.

It is also recommended before filling the form, the way it ignited by heat, and then the whole structure of water the weak solution of potassium permanganate, but this should be done, not on the day of planting seeds and a few days earlier. As long as the soil is soaked and insisted, select and prepare seeds.

It is recommended to use fresh seeds, because they show a high efficiency. To grow seedlings of early cabbage, it is necessary to soak the seeds, as long as they do not hatch.

When that moment comes, as it usually 4-7days, it depends on the quality of seeds should be planted in a prepared greenhouse boxes with prepared soil, usually by this time the greenhouse warming due to the long, daylight and sunlight.

The distance between seeds should be at least 1, 5-2 cm, sprinkle the top, not compacted, loose, wet soil, do not water the newly planted seeds.

Boxes should be closed tightly wrap to create a micro-thermal effect, which contributes to the rapid growth of germs, but should be carefully monitored and the main time to remove the film, to prevent damage to the germs they break, as well as the first leaves can burn.

The greenhouse also easier to observe proper heat treatment that ensures hardening of seedlings and pulling the stem exclusion, which significantly reduces the quality of early cabbage seedlings. Ready seedlings to the seating is usually determined at the age of occurrence of two or three leaves, about three weeks after emergence.

To select seating, a warm and sunny day, it will minimally affect, at a later stage of seedling growth. Seated gently, taking care not to damage the roots.

After seating seedlings abundantly moisten them and darken, creating an additional, but not much humidity, which will accelerate the process of rooting.

Convinced that the seedlings after the pick has taken root, it is possible to feed a solution of urea slightly, but not more than twice during the entire period, as it contributes to seal the stem and leaf growth, but reduces the level of ties fetus.

Also in this period, the seedlings have not sprayed, fully watered, but not too wet, otherwise it will lead to root rot, disease, early cabbage seedlings, and eventually to the death of the plant.

Usually, if the right to carry out all the evidence, that a healthy and robust seedlings of early cabbage can be planted in open ground in the middle, the end of April, by which time it passes hardening has developed trunk, five, six true leaves, and a well-developed root system.

What work should be carried out in February in the country

 Works in the country in February

In February, in the winter garden is quiet and virtually maintenance free. Is that sometimes have to shake the branches of the trees from the heavy wet snow and feed the birds.

It is necessary to use the pause to prepare for the new season: a winter vaccination do, to fix tools and materials.

Beginners should buy at the store ahead of time everything necessary to work in the garden. Smaller branches of the trees and shrubs trimmed with hand shears cutter blades are not shorter than 4-8 cm. Domestic pruners are not quite ready to go. They need to give themselves to disassemble or sharpening, sharpen the cutting insert (it is one), then assemble.

Pruners with long handles cut branches up to 3 cm in diameter. Air Pruner, Lopper, or come in handy for trimming tall fruit trees. In the garden hacksaw after purchase bred teeth blade. And she needed for filing large branches and trees. Without garden knife can not do when stripping stumps. Use a small brush of stiff wire caring for the crust.

After snowfall shake the snow from the trees.

First release the lower branches, then the top. The branches can break under the weight of snow. Start from the bottom to release the lower stage until both the upper portion of the branches fall new snow.

Compaction of snow near the fruit trees

Track tread ring around the tree. (Mouse move only in winter under the snow, and dense layer will provide for them an obstacle on the way to the tree.)

In February, making the winter grafting fruit trees.

How is the vaccine winter trees

1. Contribute to the rootstocks from the storage room, wash, obsushivayut, visiting. All rotten, dried up, broken discarded. Bled is not dried up cuttings (scions). The ends of the shoots are not used.

2. On the rootstock roots closer to making an oblique cut the tongue. The cut should be smooth, smooth, long about 4 times greater than its diameter. Helical, uneven, jagged sections are not suitable. Derogate from the sharp edge on the cut 1/3 of its length and notched tongue, about not reaching 1/3 to bottom.

3. Pick up the stalk, the maximum thickness close to the rootstock. Make it a scythe cut the tongue, the same rootstock. Is measured from the cut-off unit and 3-4 against the top kidneys perform slightly sloping top cut.

4. Plant tab on the tab, and connect the scion stock along the entire length sections. If the thickness is not quite the same, to achieve the maximum match from one side (not in the middle section). Tight pulling plastic ribbon, bandages without cracks all connections and securely fix the tension band. Upper section obscure garden pitch. Apply a label named varieties.

5. Fold the vaccination in a large plastic bag, sprinkle the roots scalded vlazh¬nymi filings. Loosely cover the bag and leave it in Nežárkou room for about 10 days. Before landing in the snow piles stored or cold (about 1-3 °) storage.

What is winter vaccination

Viable vaccination will only healthy and pure components (rootstock and scion). The sections of this length and shape of the area to form an optimal fusion. Evenness and smoothness of cuts - a guarantee of close contact of the scion and the rootstock, their successful fusion. Identical sections have a maximum contact area and better grow to one another. Sections were fused only through Kambia, which is located under the bark.

That is why you need to maximize and combine the bark of the scion and the rootstock, not wood. All wounds should be carefully protected from drying out with the help of heavy strapping and garden Vara. In the warmth vaccination will coalesce. It promptly remove them to the cold, so as not to retain moisture and overheating, do not cause premature
