How to grow seedlings of vegetables, planting in the ground

 We grow seedlings

Many vegetables are grown seedlings. This is done to reduce the third, and maybe even a half of the cultivation in the garden, so yield is obtained much earlier. Seedlings being prepared in the greenhouse, greenhouse or a room, and prepare the seedlings in special beds in the open air (nurseries).

How to grow sprouts

Best in nurseries such plants, which do not really need to heat it, for example, cabbage and turnips. In addition, seedlings grown when there is no severe frosts. When the temperature drops, but enough to advance pm pour warm water beds, matting cover, thereby protecting the plant from various injuries.

Time of ripening, its size is largely dependent on the quality of seedlings. As we all know, first of all plants grow roots. Cabbage roots have a suction surface 10 times greater than the surface of the leaves. This means that the seedlings should be removed from the soil carefully, lump, however, up to 90% of the roots still remain in the ground.

And in order to restore the lost during recess roots, it is necessary to wait up to two weeks after transplanting. If you pull out the seedlings from the soil, it can settle down for a long time or even die.

Mineral nutrition for the young plants are also necessary as it is for an adult plant. Growing seedlings even in a very good and rich mixture of stocks may last only two to three weeks. Then begins a shortage of minerals, we have to feed the seedlings.

To keep the roots, the plant is grown in paper cups or sod. It can also be grown in peat-compost pots and pottery. Seedlings planted in such a way easy. To do this, be prepared pit size slightly larger cup or pot, which falls seedlings. Whom should not crumble during landing.

Land that has been thrown out of the pit, it is useful - it is necessary to crimp com. Around the stem to make a recess is needed to ensure that water does not leak when watering. This depression sprinkle with humus ground after watering. Thus, the crust is formed, and the land will be more retain moisture.

Planting seedlings in the ground

Generally, in a paper cup poured a good garden land with mineral fertilizers. For one kilogram of ground leaves 1 g of potassium salt and ammonium nitrate. If the fertilizer is not, you can prepare a mixture of 2g of ash to the ground.

Seedlings planted in the ground right from the cup. Subsequently, the paper will rot, and will not interfere with the growth of roots. Before planting should be watered and give fertilizer. Seedlings of cabbage is prepared in the second half of May.

Early seedling tomatoes, cucumbers and other vegetables planted under the hood or temporary protection, quenching not. That is, do not leave in the open air. Cabbage growing month or so, tomatoes and pumpkin - up to two months. Tomatoes should be planted to the first lower leaves, as well as celery and onions.

The most important condition is a high-quality harvest the maximum use of solar energy. It is therefore necessary to place the plants so that when a seedling to maturity and the area of ​​land under vegetables was not empty. But we should not overly thickened to the plants do not shade each other.

In the country to be reckoned with soil fertility, because the fertile soil of the plant will need less intensity, it will grow better and faster. Cabbage, root vegetables and other plants retain more leaves on a ground.

In the garden vegetables should be sown and planted correctly: neat rows. Rows can be noted line or cord. Broadcast seeding absolutely not acceptable, it will create even more trouble.

Do not save your time, it is better one time to spend enough time on the even distribution of the plants in the beds, than to spend even more time to get rid of weeds and loosening.

Preparation for the spring working in the country

 Spring Cottage

It seemed for winter gardeners at rest, but it is not. Work is year round in the area, of course, is not as enhanced as the late spring and summer. In winter you need to take care of the garden, on the detention of snow in areas. Snow - a good protection for the roots and berry fruit crops from freezing, and the main condition for the accumulation of spring soil moisture.

Mounted shields for the detention of snow during a snowstorm in February. Spiked snow on beds with plantings of perennials and bulbous plants if they become bare land. It is necessary to shake the snow from the branches, so that under the weight of melting snow is not broke branches. Compacted snow need around the bush to the mouse does not get to the roots. Check whether shtamby protected from rodents, if the rail is broken on trunks correct.

Do not forget to feed the birds in the area, they will thank you in the spring and summer (destroying caterpillars and beetles).

Looking around trees, shrubs destroy nests wintering pests shriveled dried fruit on the trees. In February, the sun is active, and you need to take care of conifers. If the fall, they were not sheltered from the sun, you need to do it now, or they are roasted through, this usually use gauze or a covering the thin material. Also in February, during thaws begin afoot seeds of plum and cherry. To stop the germination, place the package in which they are in a snowy shoulder. So as not to melt the snow, shoulder Cover the layer of sawdust (8 - 10 cm).

Harvested from autumn cuttings for spring vaccinations, check their condition. If you have not already done so, it is possible to prepare cuttings for spring vaccinations in February - March days with positive temperature. Harvest winter manure, bird droppings, ash. Stacked manure pour superphosphate: 100 kg - 2 - 2, 5 kg. Counted and must be purchased in advance mineral fertilizers, lime, pesticides permitted officially, means of combating plant diseases and pests. Store out of the reach, safe place away from pets and children.

It's time to think about what crops and how much will be grown on the site, as required seedlings. It is necessary to take care for growing seedlings of Soil mixtures, pots and boxes. The soil mix should be fertile, light, with a slightly acid or neutral reaction (pH less than 6) soil solution, a low concentration of salts, high moisture capacity.

Check the available seeds for quality and shelf life. Seeds Physalis, eggplant, celery, peppers, carrots, parsley, dill, onions of all types are suitable for 3 - 4 years. Radish, radish, watercress, cabbage, lemon balm, basil, savory stored up to 5 years. Cucumbers, tomatoes, zucchini, pumpkin, melon, watermelon, beets, squash retain their viability for 10 years or more. Buying a new unknown varieties, look at what the natural areas they are grown.

Sow on the windowsill can be different green plants: lettuce, watercress, Beijing, and Chinese cabbage, spinach and others. Distillation of green onions, celery and parsley. In February, sown seedlings early varieties of peppers and tomatoes, annuals (salvia, lobelia). From sowing flowers: pelargonium, petunia, balsam, begonia, Viola, kraspediyu, heliotrope, fuchsias.

Check the plants that are dormant. Awakened plants should be cleaned from old roots, wash with a weak solution of potassium permanganate and put in a loose soil and put on a well-lit place. Check skeletons have greenhouses, buy a film for them. Complete repair of gardening equipment and prepare it for the spring work. Sharpen pruners, knives, shovels, saws, scythes and hoes.

Caring for the cottage in winter, summer care for the plot, plants, seedlings

 Winter care in the country

All cottagers is widely known that in the autumn, spring and summer schedule at their favorite site does not have weekends and loaded to the eyeballs. Some are waiting for the arrival of winter will not wait to finally - the rest. And that commit grave mistake.

Your piece of land to the manor house in need of you, and in the cold season.

Of course, winter is not necessary to visit so often, but it was not necessary to experience excruciating pain in the spring, the advance in the house and on the site a number of works that:

- Help ensure the safety of your property, acquired by hard work.

- Assist land without complications through the winter.

It is no secret that the vitality of young trees and seedlings planted on the eve of the fall, the amount of future harvest is formed and is defined as the time in the winter. It is now kept on the strength of the root system, and I'm being pest - rodents. Therefore, first take care of its assorted buildings on while you are in them.

-Try To completely disconnect the wiring system. Any newspapers are full of news service 01 news of a fire, which causes a malfunction in it. To do this, turn off the switch on the main board dispensing, if none, then remove the plug on the electric meter.

-Up Onset temperature with a negative input to the drain piping land values, or with a small depth. Winter frost with permanent effect of freezing and thawing can cause irreparable damage to your pipes. Also drain the water from all containers summer version water storage.

-Zakonservirovanny Gas tank located in a place where the least likelihood of fire or completely removed from the territory of his garden.

-Zastrahuyte His cottage he did not petition the guests a variety of metal doors with secure locks and the insurance contract in handy for you company. Then start working the land, which in December, January, February, require active participation to prepare your garden for the new season.

-In The beginning of December to collect the dried leaves of weeds and cultivated plants, put them in a specially prepared hole on top and cover with plastic wrap. In the spring you will receive your humus, which is good to use for cucumber beds.

-Before The onset of cold, in the absence of snow, insulated the roots of plants. It should be the old leaves, a mixture of earth, wood chips and straw, or in extreme cases to conceal tree trunks foam layer up to ten centimeters. Especially take care of the root system of young seedlings and grapes in your area.

-After Snow cover, be sure to protect tree trunks from other uninvited gardeners - mice. To do this, you need to trample down the snow, located at the roots of trees. And to do this procedure periodically as loss of new snow. Not on your nelly not apply for protection against pests arsenic and other chemicals that are detrimental impact on the fruit in the fall. Their almond color with sores and foul smelling very few people like.

-In The beginning of February, take care of the seed. Check the condition of the bulbs, tubers, lying in storage in the basement. Search ads and sale of high-quality seedlings. Plan a preliminary breakdown of the beds on the site.

-Zapasaytes Fertilizers for the next planting season, buy new equipment or repair the old equipment.

-Pokarmlivayte Birds in winter. This procedure not only bring you positive mood and the younger brothers help. In summer and fall, they destroy half in response to pests in your area. So do feeders and strengthen them in their territory. Spend a feeding several winters in a row. And the birds will know your cottage. And fly it here.

Thus, continue to work at their summer cottage in the winter. Stock up on heaters, thermos of hot coffee or tea and to give all possible assistance.

If not you, then who? And you get a good result from a surprisingly rich autumn harvest.
