Lovers of all kinds of berries and flowers will be very useful this information is for growing seedlings from seed strawberries at home.
The largest strawberry producers in the world are: Turkey, United States, Spain, Italy, Egypt, Mexico, South Korea, Japan, Germany, Poland, Russia. In our countries, this sweetness is collected in the end of May - the month of June, and if bush fruits twice a year - even in July - August.
The soil for planting seedlings
To grow strawberries from seed sprouts, it is necessary to properly prepare the soil for planting. Usually used for planting the garden soil with compost earth in equal proportions.
You can add in a mixture of about 10% of wood ash produced from the burning of trees and branches of deciduous trees. Ash gives you the nutrients you need, thanks to which the young shoots will grow strong and healthy.
To grow strawberries from seed sprouts, it is necessary: soil mixture, selected seed varieties introduced fertilizer, water for irrigation, transplanting shovel Opener.
Tanks for the cultivation of seedlings
First you need to prepare the capacity for direct seedling strawberries. This may come silicone, plastic or wooden boxes. If not, you can use the liter packs from the juice or yogurt, covered in foil.
The bottoms of packages is necessary to make the through-holes, which will pass the excess water and allow to accumulate excess moisture when watering. Next, you need to mix equal parts compost and garden soil, add ashes and well watered.
This mixture to stuff the boxes and let it stand for a few days. During this time, the soil will settle slightly. You need to add soil to the surface of the skirting boxes or packages.
Sowing seeds of strawberries at home
It should soak the seeds in a weak solution of any humic fertilizer. In various flower shops, centers almost everywhere there are mixtures which are intended for seed germination. The capacity to soak the seeds should be moved closer to the window, as they need a little temper.
The optimum temperature is 15-16 C. A few days later the swollen seeds can be planted. However, the germination of seeds of strawberries and bad is not more than 35 - 40%. This should be considered when planting.
Recommended swollen seeds are planted in furrows spaced 3 - 4 cm apart. We need to sow a solid number.
It should cover the boxes with already sown the seeds of plastic transparent film. Transfer to a fairly warm place for 3-4 days. Every day, be sure to aerate the soil to sprout hatched overheated.
When the cotyledon leaves, covering material should be removed and the boxes to move to a brighter place. However, it is not necessary to put the boxes in direct sunlight, otherwise the tender leaves can get sunburn. In light of the young seedlings can be set a week after germination.
Dive seedlings strawberries
Next, you need to dive into individual pots of strawberries with the appearance of the third true leaf. Soil is the same as described above, but instead of wood ash per kilogram of soil need to add 2-3 grams of any complex fertilizers which contain superphosphate, potassium salt and nitrogen.
After the transplant, the plants should be watered with water at room temperature, it is best to pour the roots. In the next few days is better to remove the seedlings from sunlight.
Further care is watering the plants and soil loosening. A week before the transplant strawberries on a constant need to feed wood ashes.
Thus, the cultivation of seedlings from seeds tasty berries allows at home to breed new varieties of strawberries for questioning.
Good harvests of strawberries you!