Growing seedlings of strawberries from seed at home

 Seedlings Strawberry

Lovers of all kinds of berries and flowers will be very useful this information is for growing seedlings from seed strawberries at home.

The largest strawberry producers in the world are: Turkey, United States, Spain, Italy, Egypt, Mexico, South Korea, Japan, Germany, Poland, Russia. In our countries, this sweetness is collected in the end of May - the month of June, and if bush fruits twice a year - even in July - August.

The soil for planting seedlings

To grow strawberries from seed sprouts, it is necessary to properly prepare the soil for planting. Usually used for planting the garden soil with compost earth in equal proportions.

You can add in a mixture of about 10% of wood ash produced from the burning of trees and branches of deciduous trees. Ash gives you the nutrients you need, thanks to which the young shoots will grow strong and healthy.

To grow strawberries from seed sprouts, it is necessary: ​​soil mixture, selected seed varieties introduced fertilizer, water for irrigation, transplanting shovel Opener.

Tanks for the cultivation of seedlings

First you need to prepare the capacity for direct seedling strawberries. This may come silicone, plastic or wooden boxes. If not, you can use the liter packs from the juice or yogurt, covered in foil.

The bottoms of packages is necessary to make the through-holes, which will pass the excess water and allow to accumulate excess moisture when watering. Next, you need to mix equal parts compost and garden soil, add ashes and well watered.

This mixture to stuff the boxes and let it stand for a few days. During this time, the soil will settle slightly. You need to add soil to the surface of the skirting boxes or packages.

Sowing seeds of strawberries at home

It should soak the seeds in a weak solution of any humic fertilizer. In various flower shops, centers almost everywhere there are mixtures which are intended for seed germination. The capacity to soak the seeds should be moved closer to the window, as they need a little temper.

The optimum temperature is 15-16 C. A few days later the swollen seeds can be planted. However, the germination of seeds of strawberries and bad is not more than 35 - 40%. This should be considered when planting.

Recommended swollen seeds are planted in furrows spaced 3 - 4 cm apart. We need to sow a solid number.

It should cover the boxes with already sown the seeds of plastic transparent film. Transfer to a fairly warm place for 3-4 days. Every day, be sure to aerate the soil to sprout hatched overheated.

When the cotyledon leaves, covering material should be removed and the boxes to move to a brighter place. However, it is not necessary to put the boxes in direct sunlight, otherwise the tender leaves can get sunburn. In light of the young seedlings can be set a week after germination.

Dive seedlings strawberries

Next, you need to dive into individual pots of strawberries with the appearance of the third true leaf. Soil is the same as described above, but instead of wood ash per kilogram of soil need to add 2-3 grams of any complex fertilizers which contain superphosphate, potassium salt and nitrogen.

After the transplant, the plants should be watered with water at room temperature, it is best to pour the roots. In the next few days is better to remove the seedlings from sunlight.

Further care is watering the plants and soil loosening. A week before the transplant strawberries on a constant need to feed wood ashes.

Thus, the cultivation of seedlings from seeds tasty berries allows at home to breed new varieties of strawberries for questioning.

Good harvests of strawberries you!

How to grow seedlings of flowers

 We grow seedlings

Floristry - a special science that requires knowledge and practical skills. However, if desired, and a sufficient manifestation of efforts to master this complex matter under force even to those who do not have much experience in horticulture. How can the right to grow good and healthy seedlings of flowers - talk about this in our article.

It's no secret that there are many number of species of flowers. And they all require different conditions for growing seedlings. But with proper care and compliance with all the conditions you should be able to receive high-quality seedlings.

First you need a special way to prepare the ground. Quality land must be kept moist and loose, contain all the necessary for the development of plant nutrients. Therefore, the ground for the seedlings need to fertilize with special additives or add humus.

Usually when growing seedlings of flowers, a mixture of soil, sand and peat. This soil is best to prepare in advance, around September.

You can, of course, do not spend it themselves and buy ready-made soil in a specialty store. The advantage of this earth is that it is specially processed, so it has no harmful pathogens and weed plant growth infections.

Seeds before planting in the soil must be prepared to germinate. They are usually wrapped in a damp clean cotton cloth, put on a dish, wrapped in a plastic bag and put in a dark and dark place, such as a battery. This will provide the desired balance of heat and moisture and creates a kind of greenhouse effect.

Regularly check on the availability of seeds and seedling level moisturized. Do not forget to moisten the cloth so that it was always quite moist. For this purpose, well suited spray. The optimum temperature for germination of seeds - eighteen - twenty degrees.

If you did everything correctly, the seeds should hatch soon. When that happens, it will be necessary to expose the seeds to the light.

Grow seedlings of flowers is convenient in special plastic cups or similar containers, which you can buy at the store, or to find among household utensils.

The main thing that the tank is not too deep. At the bottom of the cup is necessary to fill the drainage, making a few preliminary holes. As a suitable drainage sand, pebbles, expanded clay. Then you need to pour a layer of flat land and gently lay the seeds on top again sprinkled the ground.

Care seedlings after sprouting is largely dependent on the plant species. Heat-loving flowers such as marigolds, verbena, amaranth requires a temperature of about twenty degrees. Other plants like the cooler air (for example, gillyflower, aster, snapdragon). For normal growth it is sufficient only ten - fifteen degrees Celsius.

For better growth of the plant can be fed. This should be done in about ten days after transplanting. Pick the correct fertilizer at the store depending on the type of flowers you have grown.

Be careful not to overdo it with the dressing, it can lead to the fact that the plant will be very bad to take root in the open ground.

By following these simple rules, you will very soon be able to grow seedlings excellent colors and get the perfect seedlings ready for planting.

As you can see, the process requires a flower-specific cost and effort. But the reward for all your work will be your grown flowers that will decorate your site and will be a long time to give joy to you and your family.

Cultivation of cucumber seedlings in the greenhouse and in the home

 Seedlings cucumbers

How nice zahrustet fragrant early cucumber, ripped from your own garden! And for this you need to try a little - to grow their seedlings of cucumbers in the greenhouse, or at home on a window sill. An article about growing seedlings early cucumbers, tips and advice.

Select the seeds for seedlings

Hybrid seeds of cucumbers not treated and heated. Seeds non-hybrid variety cucumbers disinfected 6-10 minutes in a solution of manganese from the calculation: a glass of water for one gram of potassium permanganate crystals.

The seeds are then washed well with pure water, and wrapped in a cloth soaked in a solution of ash wood is 12 hours (teaspoon of ash mix per liter of water), and can be in nitrophosphate (1 hr. L.udobreniya in 1 liter of water).

Applied and modern means - sodium humate - the color of strong tea solution in which the seeds are soaked day. After the procedure is left soaking seeds in a moist cloth in a warm place for a day, two, that the seeds hatch, but you can not prevent them from sprouting.

Prepare the soil for seedlings

The mixture of soil prepare in advance by mixing two parts of a well-decomposed humus and peat with a small part of the old wood chips, adding to it half a cup of wood ash and 1 tablespoon nitrophosphate. l.

You can use other soil mix: equal parts compost and peat; or taken in equal volumes of humus, turf ground, peat and sawdust.

To all this mixture was added a glass of ash in a bucket of soil. You can use ready-mix "Live Earth" without adding fertilizer to it.

Growing seedlings of cucumbers in the greenhouse

If the greenhouse is reliable, the seedlings were grown in a greenhouse on a small area where it is convenient during the frost cover additional plant non-woven covering materials (lutrasilom, agrilom).

Sow cucumbers April 20 cups larger 10 x 10 cm, they poured the soil up to the top and pour the hot solution of sodium humate (in a bucket of water dissolve 1 tbsp. L. Of liquid sodium humate).

Beds, which will be pots, dig up, compacted, and shed very hot aqueous solution of copper sulfate - a bucket of water pour 1 tbsp. l. Then this is the place put pots close to each other.

The pots make a recess in 2cm and seeded in one seed fall asleep soil. Pots cover on top of a thin transparent film. Cucumber seedlings were grown in three or four weeks at an air temperature in the greenhouse during the day not less than 15 ° C, 12 ° C at night at least.

When the two pieces of the seedlings are fed a solution of mullein (10 liters of warm water to a glass of liquid mullein) or an aqueous solution of finished fertilizer "Ideal" (10 liters of water to take 2 tbsp. L.).

During seedling growth its watered 2 times with water of 30 degrees. Water consumption during watering per square meter is 3 liters.

We grow seedlings of cucumbers at home on a window sill

Farming cucumber seedlings growing on the windowsill is somewhat different than in a greenhouse. Cucumbers should be watered as the drying of the soil, but waterlogging is unacceptable.

The first days after planting and germination, keep warm 25 ° C to the deployment of the cotyledons, and then lower the temperature by 5 ° C at night for at least 18 ° C. Sill must be warm, well lit window, drafts are not allowed.

When seedlings sprouting move them away from each other to normalize lighting. A week before transplanting in a greenhouse or on a bed, lower the air temperature to 16 ° C and reduce watering.

Cucumbers planted in a bed of warm soil - at least 16oS, gently remove the plant from the pot.
