Happy agriculture congratulating,
I knelt before labor!
This is not an easy profession,
What feeds daily every home!
Thank you for your hands constantly
For the benefit of our work a hundred times!
Let the happiness knock you unexpectedly
And each will be happy and rich!
We wish you success in work always!
We wish you shine in everything forever!
Let there be in life only more laughter!
Live in joy all year long!
Workers in agriculture
Executed complex, very heavy work:
Their work does not tolerate sloppiness,
After harvest their hands cherish!
On the Day of Agriculture of Praise
And wish feats of arms in labor!
We admit that appreciate, respect
And we honor them everywhere and anywhere!
May God grant you the only good health!
May God grant you the strength for more work!
You will be favored by the age of love!
And so let it be for many years!
All those who managed to work in the fields,
Who did not spare himself in the snow and rain
On farms century work is not lazy,
To feed us worked day and night,
To congratulate you all on the occasion of today
Happy farming you, friends!
We wish you in life and in the work of peace,
Let the team you will be as a family!
We wish to work with pleasure,
To feed everyone in the world, on the ground ...
And all of life to achieve success,
To lay the bread and meat on the table!
On the Day of agriculture Congratulations
Thunder across the vast land!
And all are preparing a holiday feast,
That work has been seen on the big screen!
Thank you say now ready
Because sparing last effort
You have time to collect the harvest of the new,
To every now drank, ate ...
Thank you for sinewy hands!
Because you are at work all the more beautiful!
Let you not weary of trouble and anguish!
Let it be in the life of a good and a laugh!
Happy agriculture, dear,
We are very happy to congratulate you ...
Thank you for your golden hands,
That work, avoiding all the obstacles!
All foremen, masters today
We want to wish the heat with love!
That only with the permission of the Lord
I keep you at the head of Angel century!
So you are always working properly!
To all of you succeed in life!
And the holiday, to celebrate you nice,
For the fun does not end forever!
Happy agriculture in this day
We congratulate you for not lazy!
We wish you a hundred times to live richly,
That there was always a big salary!
So that you do not hurt prizes!
So that everything valued, respected ...
That is your opinion of the Standing honored
And, that success came to you unexpectedly!
We congratulate you on the occasion of the heart we
And drink to the health of vodka with pepper!
Biting garlic and delicious bacon,
To live more beautiful in the world has become!