Beloved boss
Wearing a sly smile
On the lips shaved recently,
He began to look menacing our chef
Truly great!
Carelessly joyful and sweet,
His holiday today,
As if in childhood hit
And it came to life in the monkey.
And congratulates the team
You triumphantly powerful,
Essentially declaring
You are the best chef.
Poems boss woman
Among other highly important cases
One carried away by our department -
We are ready beauty
Leading our boss
An excellent souvenir to date:
We proclaimed to the whole world,
On the day of a popular chief,
On our most beloved,
With no boss kind,
Queen to see her,
And we wish all department
You happiness in the world gone crazy!
Funny greetings
Happy Head Chef you cute!
Take this rod from colleagues,
It tells you who is truthful
And that someone smarter than everyone.
Among us you are with him gone,
At the rod has one secret -
As someone zaoret,
He zaoret to you in return!
Author Ruslan Kharisov
Destiny, fate if the lord
We pride ourselves on the head!
Our chef - a symbol of power, courage,
We just bursting with pride!
We are low so the fate of our worship:
We wipe the tears of joy,
Our boss is in fact famous for its warm,
From it, we can not wait to shit!
And even if he is spinning like a squirrel,
We wish him only the patience
We want you with us not to suffer,
We wish you only good luck!
Our chef as captain -
A clear view of the camp and proud!
On the way, he is like the king -
In his speech began to call!
In this celebration the whole crowd
Chief, we praise you!
Let you always
An example of love, kindness!
Happy Chef in verse
Many chefs are like the wolf -
Growl without end, but not in this sense!
Our chef is always present smile
Gently chided for a simple mistake!
Happy chief today, we congratulate you,
Let all in our company will be on the "class"!
Let our great income will
And money let us carries the whole nation!
Chef exactly our best,
He remembers all the world knows,
Waiting for your company success
After all, it is respected by everybody!
On the day we congratulate the chef,
Let us always on horseback
All tops conquer
And we soar in the sky!