Congratulations verses for the holiday statistics

 Happy Statistics

Poems for a holiday World Statistics Day


We congratulate the Day Statistics

Everyone who is always counting!

And congratulations to the right,

That was the glory and honor!

And thank you kindly

For work hard you a hundred times!

We want to be helpful to all,

With many awards!

Let there be joy you immensely!

Let love warm you!

And let one certainly

There will most finest hour!


Today is the statistical note!

And just before the holiday will be in the morning!

Applause extras meet!

And together we shout Hurray for them!

Then say thank you for caring!

Due to that every day are!

For their invaluable work

And for hard, rewarding work!

We bow down to the ground approximately

To express gratitude to a hundred times!

We are immensely grateful to you now!

Let it be a cheerful, sweet and excited!


Statistics always relentless,

He knows to answer any question!

And now we your favorite

Congratulations to the whole crowd of extras!

They wish happiness and good luck!

Gay life and dashing victories!

And a lot of joy only in the bargain,

To leave a bright trace in my life!

We wish you a lot of sun in your hand!

We wish more than the brightest days!

Let there be more exposure, rest

And a lot of loyal friends!


We respect the extras,

Appreciate, love, we cherish!

We do not take offense!

With them together we live in!

Happy congratulate statistics

This evening let us go!

To send your poems,

Wish to reach the top!

To joyfully welcomed,

Every day you smile!

To us do not worry,

Happy, nice!

That miracle for you

And more magic!

To avoid you bad,

Evil spite and envy!

To enjoy life

A lot of long days!

For all deeds and thoughts

There were just more fun!

To have fun with my friends,

Killed negative!

That shall never tired

And hoarded positive!


We planned a holiday extras,

I hasten to congratulate from the heart!

Let all the best always happens

And you will be able to reach the heights!

Suppose you do not have grief!

Let all the troubles will envy!

Will a positive feeling

And in a way only a joy waiting for you!

Suppose that you are waiting for good luck, fun!

Let happen whatever is destined!

Will cost you only disappointment

And love happens, like in the movies!


I have all the extras with a holiday beautiful

To congratulate heartily now I want!

And I wish them a great and passionate love!

Let all the adversity will be on the shoulder!

To all of you turned the light on!

That incredibly lucky in my life to you!

That happiness is not always just ended

All the sorrows and troubles all the luck!

That joy filled minutes!

That was always on the honor!

Let them not be in a life of evil and turmoil

And let always passionately luck!

Funny congratulations economist in verse

 Congratulations economists

Humorous congratulations from colleagues


Today we congratulate you on your triumph

You are our dear Economist!

From the heart to the economist you Happy!

Take your list of desires.

Let our companies only

Your work profit may in the end turn out to be.

You just need to edit the percentage currently wisely

Lift, plus indexation.

Work your complex responsible for the brave,

Here, the error can not be avoided.

It does not matter if there are no profits and advantages,

So someone else to blame.

Happy economist from each other


He flew as a full-fledged master of everyone here,

Inviting yourself to a vacation and start -

Financiers of the day, a nice day economists.

Allow me to convey to you desires.

Round out there with the debit-credit life,

And their reports piled on the far shelf.

A better cost control lead

In the resort the sand and waters of Antalya.

And forget you're all about his calculation,

And cash flow check every hour.

I wish that no inflation,

I do not eat green home reserve.

Humorous poems from friends



Economists The day has come, where are you, a hard worker.

On the bridgehead in the area - clean.

And fountains are bored, poor fellow.

All clear! After the summer, the river

I dragged you all day economists.

We wish a tender some water,

We wish you a radiant sun.

Let all your deeds will be forgotten.

Campfire only consider kissing

And embrace on the beach at night

It is strongly recommended.


He is to "monitor" conjuncture demand

And can adjust the budget.

Important issue than the economy,

Friends, believe me, in our world there!

The Economist, in general, the image is clear:

Rich, successful and what to hide, intelligent,

The groom enviable, promising and beautiful!

For girls - the ultimate dream it!

So let this life is thriving,

Always on his head the sky is clear,

His friends congratulated today

Not a happy birthday - Happy economist!

Funny greetings to friends economists


When my wallet is empty,

And in the refrigerator just one cheese,

And the bank account purely sterile,

I remember about economists.

Which just is not there were times

We remember in fear sometimes,

How tormented shock therapy

And it was hard for the citizens of Russia,

And helped us survive financiers

Their Happy economist!

Congratulations economist in verse

 Happy economist


Suddenly the rain out of the crisis we have passed

And the economy is basking in the warm sun.

The Economist's Day on the streets come

Day of those on whom all businesses and stay.

We are grateful to all our economists

During the hard work that they are constantly waiting

Analysis of the activity fine-grained,

For the calculation of the time report.

We wish you to work less tired,

Ladder, we wish you a fast,

Often go to resorts to relax.

Once again with a holiday to you all, economists!

Congratulations economist


Many holidays have bright, clean:

Birthday, Love, New Year.

But today, all the economists,

Financiers good day awaits.

We congratulate you on your holiday!

Thanks to you a tremendous!

It is you, our enterprise

Rises from the crisis pits.

Calculate, to spend the entire analysis

Enterprises to get into profit,

Make it so that all admired -

Well, nothing is impossible without you.

We wish you a ladies man,

The growth of your company, firm.

And today, you name day -

Stay in cheerful happy.


This is necessary so all calculated,

Not a day, not for a month, a year,

Swallow, then chewed,

Turn on the paper in the report.

Well, of course, by economists.

This is their work, path, craft.

And, rightly, has allocated a place

For their day, to celebrate the triumph.

Congratulations to you, our relatives,

With your holiday economist!

This day is like two weekends

That celebrated with champagne bubbly.

Happy economist in verse


The glorious day economist

Being willing optimist

Let reporting procedure,

Well, in general - the highest class,

There will be easy and smooth

Tomorrow, in the future, now!

Let happiness, prosperity,

All of you, who every day,

They know what is "necessary"

Without accepting the word lazy.

You are used every dollar

Without a doubt, save.

Let the light in your home

Only the harmony of lights.

We wish strong nerves

And the harmony of the soul,

Joy, hope, faith,

And, of course, love.
