Bank Employee Day greetings

 Congratulations to bank workers


We hasten to congratulate you

Today early in the morning,

After all, you do not wonder long ago decided

Bank employees to become!

Health - better not to credit,

Love Unlimited to complete!

Let continue at zero percent

You give a ticket

In the best vacation, to you

I saw half the world!

We would like to congratulate us, loving,

Today afternoon banker!


Hard work in the box office:

In the back - money mass

Throughout hundreds here and there!

Is not it time for a hundred grams?

To Banking

Do you ever not tired,

Stop you think

Start mark

Professional holiday:

Let him otgremit fine

Will bring a lot of happiness

And love for the year ahead!

Congratulations in the verses


If you work in the banking sector,

It is no less than the honor of an officer!

There must always be ironed suit:

View your show as you need!

We must keep in mind all finance,

Do not forget to check the balance.

Suppose it turns out everything and always,

And the work is not life but a dream -

Not every program hangs,

Well, the salary - are always Freaky!

Let all the customers go with a positive!

All congratulate your team!

Happy Banker


Let happiness client prepares loan

Let your wealth will increase

Let banker at a meeting, "Be sensible" He speaks

The failure to pay was not worried

Let Toast meeting sound

Suppose you have sad thoughts but not darken

Suppose you work in the midst of beautiful girls

And to wait for years to children and grandchildren.

The life of the great bankers, light and easy

Where the length is infinite, and where short

And that you did not press any sadness or melancholy

Every seven years, the debtor cleaned forgive!


We see everyone who rule this world

And we know how difficult to be a banker

And if the banker slumber in the post,

Part of the money creeps away into the darkness.

This is in order to the world was stable

You connected with him his fate, the banker.

You should be aware of this, certainly

Banker - there is a perpetual motion machine of the universe.


Extensive around the world

In it, each payer and each banker

And it is unique, any path

It is no bypass or can not quit.

Actions and thoughts are credited

And waiting in front of an impartial account

It is not clear yet what it is there?

But each will pay for personal accounts.

And let our hearts good to win

It is easier to repay taken credit

And can forgive us unwitting reproach

When it calculates the balance of the lender.

Congratulations Banker 2014

 Congratulations Banker 2013


Happy bankers diligent

I hasten to congratulate this day friends!

Good sense of life is very delicate

And only the best news!

Let your work does not get bored!

Let your work to be valuable forever!

Let salary increases often!

And let there be no sorrow ever!

Let welcome you with smiles and flowers!

Let all be congratulated simply from the heart!

Let caressed by gentle words,

So that you have reached all the earth tops!


All bank employees congratulate

We are in a hurry to this day!

To send congratulations best

And I wish you many days of happiness!

To customers were satisfied with age!

To superiors century valued you!

To the joy you promise arbitrarily

And I fell in life the best chance!

So that in my personal life was all great!

To health was a strong age!

We wish to earn decently,

To not need sincere forever!


If you work in a bank,

In fulfilling their civic duty,

So, on this day ascend to the rank of

Should everyone who is able to work!

On this day, to congratulate you about

Congratulations on a beautiful soul!

We wish to be the true,

To achieve all of the big-tops!

That work brought joy!

To be proud of forever you are!

To the joy often come

And the family was sweet peace!


Happy to congratulate the employees of the bank

On this day, I want to hurry up!

To send a word to them in verse,

Wishing to live happier!

That beautiful moments more

It was a happy life you have!

So that you worked earnestly longer!

To you fell happy chance!

To enhance promised soon!

That was pleased with every customer!

To all the desires, all versions

Now is the time now!


No bank can not imagine life,

After all, the banks - this is our everything!

Workers of all banks congratulations

With a beautiful profession, an important day!

Let this day run faster!

Let the fun will be celebrated!

Let the will of the minister congratulations!

And you will raise just as quickly as possible!

Let there be a lot of words and congratulations!

Let there will be more sincere poetry!

I wish you happiness manifestations

And sincere, pure love!


You work hard for four times!

And, without sparing himself, the customer again

You give a lot of capital truths,

What banks are called basis!

And on this day we hasten to congratulate you,

To wish the best of luck in this celebration!

We cherish you very much!

And the helmet verses, though not why!

Let there be in your life less troubles!

Let there be more joy huge!

We wish all of you many victories!

And remained, as before, a modest!

Congratulations Treasury in verse

 Congratulations treasurers

Poems for the feast day of the Russian Treasury December 8 (the date, the number that mark)


You are not a politician, not a minister,

Not the mayor, and the head of the regional committee,

You steeper, you're an expert,

You treasurer, and it means a lot.

What do you wish for in your day?

More money? So it makes no sense,

Because you tossed Salvage,

Every minister abruptly.

Let my wishes,

Do not be loud or bright,

Health cup of the soul,

Love, success and gifts !!!


Well treasurers, raising his glass,

For the case that tightly bound,

For the euro, rubles, for cash and non-cash payment,

So that in life we ​​have enough notes.

That was all the money in the place of the country,

To converge with the debit credit,

To our ruble rose and the dollar fell,

And the euro is slightly squinted.

During our holiday drink, and let not terrible,

we will all be living in adversity,

Health is more,

And these rubles, we do not build in the life of the weather !!!


Holiday cash structures .

And we hasten to congratulate,

All employees of the country,

The Treasury holiday.

Do not allow the Treasury

Crisis, Default,

Bins will be full

Homeland long.

We wish you friends,

Good luck, wisdom, fortune,

Suppose you pass by adversity

And concomitant shortage !!!

Author Vita Starchenko


How denezhek in the treasury?

How to count them all?

Where to find income country?

Treasurer should know!

Work it is not easy -

It is in the morning until late at night

The answer lies in the question,

Not closing his clear eyes!

Let thou shalt healthy

Let the work brings joy,

Let more of your dreams

Embodies the sweetness!


Happy Treasury in Russia

Congratulations brave guys,

Their wisdom and knowledge - the power,

They do not sleep on the job!

In their actions, even in the calculations

The accuracy of lives only one.

Who is the program, and earlier in the accounts

They considered the treasury!

So be healthy, our colleagues,

Suppose you love a big country,

And let the blizzard outside the window or the wind

Work tirelessly native treasury!


On the day the Treasury congratulations

My dear, you!

Only patience wish

And the fuse and fire!

I wish optimism

Castles around and forces

At work - heroism

To me down!

You are working without a problem

Just count the money,

I give you smiles,

You do not forget!

Author Alain
