Bank Employee Day 2014 date in Russia, Ukraine, history and traditions

 Day of Bank Employee

Day Banker relatively young festival. Since the beginning of the formation of the banking system, banks have become necessary in the life of the country, and eventually the work of bank employees deserve due consideration and respect.

The article is devoted to a holiday Day of the banking worker when celebrated in 2014 in Russia, Ukraine and Belarus, the date, the number of celebrations, history and tradition.

To work in the bank is not only reliable, profitable and prestigious. However, behind the apparent luster and apparent simplicity hides a hard and meticulous work, requiring return, discipline, perseverance, attention, and, of course, professional knowledge and coherent collective labor.


Referring to the history of banking. Even in ancient times with the advent of the merchants began to appear moneylenders who lent money at interest. So, in the VIII century BC Babylonian merchants began to use a bank card in circulation and equating to gold.

In Rome there were people who took the deposit of contributions to keep them in circulation for profit. In the Middle Ages it developed the fishery changed, which eventually began to call the Italian word "bankers". As for Russia, the first banks appeared in the XVIII century, during the reign of Elizabeth.

At first, their number was not high, but over time they became more and more. There are central, commercial, universal, investment and savings banks.

Since then, the banking system of Russia began to actively develop the use of banking services as convenient, it is difficult to imagine our life without them.

In Russia, Ukraine and Belarus Bank Employee Day is celebrated on different days. And this is natural, because in each of these countries, banking laws came with a certain time interval.

Bank Employee Day 2014 in Russia date, the date when notice

Celebrate this holiday in Russia began not so long ago - in 2004.

Day bank worker in Russia in 2014 mark 2 December.

Day of workers of the Savings Bank of Russia is celebrated on 12 of November.

In their professional holiday, banks usually arrange for its staff in the evening, which reward the most diligent, successful and highly motivated employees.

In Russia today there are more than a hundred banks. The list of services satisfies the needs of any, even the most discerning and demanding client.

Feast of the bank employees in Ukraine in 2014

In Ukraine, this holiday is celebrated annually on May 20th. In March 1991, it was adopted by the Federal Law "On banks and banking activity", which was formed after the banking system of Ukraine. The holiday was established by Presidential Decree in 2004.

Feast Day of the bank worker in 2014 in Belarus

The professional holiday of workers of the Republic of Belarus Bank celebrated annually on the first Sunday of January in 2014, this holiday is celebrated on January 1st.

For more than ten consecutive years, namely since 1999. December 3, 1921, adopted a resolution on the organization of the State Bank. And a month later, he began his work in Minsk. This date is considered the beginning of the banking history of Belarus.

This celebration demonstrates the indispensability of the banking system in the life of any country. Stability of the banking system enhances business and saves money citizens. It provides high-quality service, and what is important, is to ensure stability of the state.

Congratulations bank employee in verse

 Congratulations to bank workers


Bank worker - the position is not simple,

Life - a solid figure that turns, burning.

Again, bills and checks, back payments,

Monitor a computer - that your whole life.

Wish we want to all cases,

But clearly they were not seen evil

From its customers to loved calculation

Let your mind does not put on record!

Well, in the personal life will let success

To all fine, to laughter.

To the joy of the children in - or rather, family

Warm and cozy - close friends!


From the window a bank employee,

All looks from afar,

Ungrateful, among other things,

Sometimes labor. Arm hurts

Runs that bleak day,

The keys computer again,

Aching back, it certainly

Sitting and rarely can get.

And, in addition, all the figures

Again, calculations, payments.

Often in the mind - the computer hangs,

Well, the customer must live.

Thank you, a bank employee,

Your patience hundred times.

Let it be your life is on the rise -

Please now!


Payment card as a new start?

Calculation summarize and translate?

For a bunch of services how do we pay?

Alas, we have no bank is not live.

Let always say "thank you"

Clients, staff colleagues.

Let all the adversities pass by,

And happiness fills the entire century.


Brightly illuminated display -

Recalculated time.

Listen to the radio "Chanson" -

Howling cool line.

Though the day off,

And you're back at work,

Do not be sad, verse Propoi

And forget about taking care of you.

Raise a glass of wine

Under the table, their workers,

Remember, he came here

You're a student, among other things.

Timidly, shyly whispered:

"I want you to work"

And directors filed

File folders and so on.

Chief looked strictly

And he said: "Now, your boss,

Hear you me, as God,

Not ershis not crawl. "

I became friends with the team.

Steels you - one family:

"Even sivuyu mare -

THREE - I'll give you! ".

At work, on holiday,

By running to the subway in the morning.

Three starched shirts

You otglazhival yesterday.

Wind blowing from the dining room -

You buy cakes

And the barmaid severe

Handed "tea" surpluses!

Smiled brightened;

Embarrassed - well, let,

Though a little kinder

On the face of great sadness.

You - a bank employee,

Not a simple working people,

After serving "window" Saturday,

You look, send money to Kiev.


"Hello, and - congratulations,

my bank employee "-

Passbook, I will stretch out the window,

You will smile cute

and tell me: "Thank you";

Tyschenku betray me - and not just one.

Rejoice for those to whom you give the Bucks:

Buy an apartment for a large family.

Remember they are all the rainy day

And bright face in the "window" your "Take it! ".

Congratulations financier, funny poems

 Day financier


Congratulations financiers

Very quickly, very quickly,

After a minute it will save the ruble.

They guard the finance,

So as not to sing those songs,

Embezzlement by them will not pass.

We wish health,

Izobilnoye feast!

Though believe, happiness - not the money.

That budget without deficit,

Sheets are all closed,

Our accountant is always right!


The Armani suit

He was not over with gold languishes,

Protecting strictly

Finance for the country ...

And if you drink in celebration,

That dreams smell money,

After all, a lot of money,

and all of it should be ...

He multiplies the money,

And day and night, stubbornly,

In a jug, collecting

currency to the treasury.

Financial flows

He directs the river

In the service of the state,

but does not give a loan.

So we wish happiness,

Less rainy days

The villa in the Canary Islands and

«Porsche» for half price.


Financier every day

From the clerk to director,

Loan officer,

But just bring:

Stability, prosperity,

General fraternization

Kohl does not rank, so rank,

And not vice versa.

Another big bonus,

The salary on time,

Studying at the Academy,

To get the position.

Become president of the bank,

To go to Casablanca,

And the "Bentley" in the parking lot ...

Yes to me to live like that! ..


Today, we hasten to congratulate

Those who create all the budget,

Who knows how long we leave,

And let the back entrance.

And how much is necessary to study,

And throw doctors

And how to close the budget hole -

For all this - thank you.

Though sometimes we are angry,

We do not understand why

We have not received the money back,

But you do, we all just,

And all things willing financiers

Fun, happiness and good luck

Let your hands be clean to you,

Let the soul singing, not crying.

Postcard Happy financier

 Congratulations financier

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