Congratulations verses financier

 Congratulations financier


In financial matters you just ac

And there are no cases are not solvable.

Success for you and tomorrow, and now -

That is a matter of time, he does not find the target.

Suppose that on the balance of the money will not go away,

And if go away - so not in vain!

Career let traced out clear terms

  Successes and achievements only classrooms.

Let luck always ahead of waiting

And joy as before do not lose anything.

  Suppose that in the future will come good

And every moment is bright!


  Not acceptable in your work

  Sentimentality or nuances.

You always collected and resourceful,

  After all, you are a worker financial sphere!

You know how the money is not in vain

With the clarity of mind and thought.

  Only intelligent strive Finance

  All their laws to open.

Let the feast of professional

  Money will multiply a hundredfold.

  All tasks will be a real,

  That has always been fabulously rich.


  Bankruptcy - not! And collapse too.

  It is not just a specialist.

You all bills stacked on the shelves -

  About the rules are you financier!

And in thy feast, I wish,

  To become a reality every whim,

  And were you a happy life,

Our best financier!


This special day without dispute,

This is a celebration of many in this world,

  This is the day people - those without them

  Unlikely to rotate the entire planet.

The financiers - their name is so simple,

Day and night work in three shifts,

  Check all the rules and visitors

The documents, graphs and charts ...

We wish to congratulate

  Anyone who moves the planet,

  And thanks to those who help

  In money matters - even advice.


  This is no secret,

  Those who work with finance related,

  That will help and advise,

Do not back down through life never,

On this day, we congratulate all together

  Financiers that help us,

  For their wisdom, their courage and their honor,

We rather wish them happiness.


The most honest in the world of genius,

  Infinitely loyal business,

  That's right, no doubt,

  Finance without bold action.

We wish success

  He had everything in life,

  Happiness and love - of course,

  And luck and strength.

Congratulations to us today

  Financiers of our wonderful,

  Let them not be grief

  And moments in life tedious.

Postcard Happy financier

 Congratulations financier

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Congratulations Sberbank bank employees

 Congratulations Sberbank


All employees of the Savings Bank

Our greeting and congratulations!

Time cloth on the ground

To get to the mood!

We wish you a job

No special incidents

More cash payments

And yet pliable!

We are for all Russian banks

Infinitely we will be happy

If you become effortlessly

Increases deposits.

However, the bank is booming!

Well, as a contribution

Present population

Interest-free service!


You, colleagues, congratulations

Finally the time has come.

Allow me to wish

Sun, light and goodness!

Let you happy work,

And for honest work as a reward

In addition to the honor and honor

You add on salary!

Yes, even credited award.

This is an exception.


Happy banker congratulations!

Well, thank you Nick!

An important he issued an edict

On the establishment of savings banks.

On the important work

Keep in mind, in high esteem!

Means citizens save,

Small businesses strengthen!

I wish you the mobility

And financial stability!

Fortunately, good to them in the bargain

Happiness, peace and good luck!

Author Lyudmila Kusturova


Let the faces of your clients -

Pensioners, workers, students

It will be a pleasure to shine,

We wish you strength and peace!

Workers best bank -

Known to us all of the Savings Bank,

Be healthy, happy

And every day, so beautiful,

What you will all rush back,

To receive the services of Sberbank again!


Employees of the Savings Bank,

Once you're very early

Hurry to work,

To take care

About their customers,

Who suddenly Dividends

I did not know or forgot,

The loan is not repaid,

He does not know how to pay

For light duty to repay!

You are happy to help everyone!

Throw away you lazy!

We wish you luck,

Good and promotion!


All employees of the Savings Bank

Congratulations to me!

Go you to the Kings,

Dear friends!

Become the best bank

Let all of you know,

Let the workers of the Savings Bank

Clients respect!

Let salary would be cool,

Let your boss

Phrase bright and beautiful

Glorifies every hour!


I wish I Sberbank promotion

To the height of a huge big aspirations,

I wish you success and achievements,

I wish all the versions plans!

Author Alain

Congratulations financier prose from friends, bosses

 Congratulations financier prose

Congratulations financier of friends in prose.


Dear ... I congratulate you on this sunny day with your professional holiday - the Day of Financier !!!

And we wish you on this day every success in your financial affairs to the success of your department helped the company to win your financial well-being.

To all debits agreed with credits to income in the reporting year it doubled.

For after the successful end of the financial year, the company's management has appointed you head of the finance department.

Good luck to you in your work and in improving their own financial well-being.

Congratulations financiers from the authorities in prose


Dear our finance staff, we congratulate you on your professional holiday, a day Financier!

Thank you for your efficient work in our company, thanks to the financial department, we were able to direct our cash flow in the right direction and at the end, we received a considerable profit. Your work helps intelligently allocate our funds and we worry about its development in the coming year.

We understand it is not easy to work with finances, because you need to consider every free ruble and correctly calculate all of its continued use in the financial turnover of our company. Thanks to your scrupulous work we do not know such words as "loss", "no money", "salary is delayed."

Let the material well-being will make you even better, give you great opportunities in career growth and financial independence.

Congratulations financier from his wife on holiday in prose


My dear ... financier.

I congratulate you on a holiday in your favorite work, work with the finance course is very difficult, because you need to take into account all the nuances of the real world to get a positive result.

I am glad that your favorite work you enjoy and brings not only moral but also material well-being to our family.

Thank you for your concern and for the nice gifts during the holidays. Work, study, improve their financial literacy, and I'll try to help you and protect you from all unnecessary worries in life.

I wish you that our financial situation was as good as that of your company, your success in your work.

Postcard Happy financier

 Congratulations financier

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