Humorous congratulations financier colleagues

 Happy financier


Dealing with finances - a tricky business,

But you are not cowards, we undertake skillfully

And if you suddenly hard to take all together,

Finance went there - where it is necessary.

Today is our holiday, the day of profession

But even today, work is not lazy.

I have colleagues, congratulate want

After all, we are the financiers - we can do anything,

Yes, we are the financiers, and our task -

That next step is more luck,

That money flowed only the right thing

Without rest are working very skillfully.


Day of Finance

We celebrate today

"Without finance No romance"

Often this notice.

I congratulate you, colleagues,

Festival will celebrate.

Money - our charms

Our goal - to be able to count.


It is not easy and unsightly

Life workaholic financier

That loan and then the loan,

So he runs to the stock exchange.

We wish financiers

Quiet holiday in the pure

And forgotten phone

A quiet and peaceful sleep.


Congratulations financiers

Punching and vociferous.

The hard they work -

From Saturday to Saturday.

They do not forget about many things,

For financial monitor.

Where credit, and where loan

We congratulate - and pour.


Financiers expensive

Congratulations from the heart,

Thank you, family,

For hard work,

In your mind a lot of numbers,

Dream of the night you are,

You do not need a calculator,

Without it, you fellows,

Congratulations, colleagues,

The sea of ​​happiness and love,

That is at a premium in your list

Hurry brought!


So sit, how you sit,

Above the paper every day,

Maybe not everyone,

You will not be considered lazy,

From the nature of genius,

You know a lot about the work,

No more real profession,

To do their duty,

Happy you financiers,

Let everythnig will be alright,

Let your figures will converge,

Unpleasant to spite!


Reports, summaries and Finance,

Or who did not wish to,

In the small nuances,

Always colleagues on the shoulder,

Waking up very early in the morning,

You start to believe

And the exchange rate or currency

Easily you can learn,

Let you all will develop smoothly,

Let us add the salary,

It takes away the sadness with the remainder

And canceled sadness

Let there be harmony in the family favorite,

Health, happiness without end,

A mood of spring,

Do not worry ever!

Postcard Happy financier

 Congratulations financier

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Congratulations financier happy birthday poems

 Congratulations financier


Who can find any numbers,

The order of the whole while respecting?

Whose work is constantly thinking about?

Who's Financial everything knows?

Who can be trusted with even the planet?

Who is the best of all reliable and accurate?

Oh, yes, of course it is - by all appearances,

It is easy to find among others!

Today is the birthday notes

Our financier - he was the first among the first!

To him we wish happiness and love,

Health, money, the strongest nerves!


Be happy and loved,

The strongest, the sweetest,

To round everything stops,

That dream did not die,

You're in finance like the sea,

Like a fish in the open,

Let everything in life so it will be:

As in the cases - and just as in humans.


I do not know one another better than you,

I do not know a friend or rather,

Let your dreams come true,

As you always to the end, I believe,

Finance your right on the shoulder,

Let the light be every decision,

To congratulate you on this day I want

And congratulations boldly: Happy Birthday!


The day you were born

I want to not forget

And I accept congratulations

And in the heart of preserved

I want to say I'm only one

What would you leave all the work

Sadness and threw out of the window

And hurry dream come true

But the main thing I will say now!

I wish you happiness

And that patience in store

In cases of bad weather


Let it be wonderful

And happy holidays,

This day - interesting

Your Career - beautiful!

All happiness - your

Fun - unusual

Today we want

To this day was excellent

We wish you

In the life of joyful days

To be always

Many, many friends

Ideas prospects of success

Love of good luck

Congratulations team

Well of course happy birthday!


We wish to inform you

Our dear birthday

What financial steer

This is a lot stronger

All have enough, you are strong

Health and smart

And beautiful words

We all will express poems

And we have to tell you

Stay the same

These qualities are important

And in the affairs of the vastness

And we want more to say

To else you wish

What do you want to do

Only we do not say

Postcard Happy financier

 Congratulations financier

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