Verses day financier comic

 Day of financial workers


Who on earth all the more necessary,

All safer and smarter?

Here, of course, there is no dispute.

Finance - one answer!

Each month, quarter, year,

He prepared a report,

What, where, how much, and how much,

And who then go.

Here's a simple example:

In urgent action.

After completing the quarterly report,

Summed up the sad:

Debit with a credit vrazlad.

Disorder, compromising!

No problem - there is a solution:

Comma move.

Mouse "Click" and the works.

Profits went clear!

Entered in the coming budget?

"Click" 2 times - no money.

Copperfield never dreamed of:

How it all happened.

Finance - he is the chief magician

In the area of ​​monetary markets.

And, of course, understand,

Even nothing to try.

We will tell you so guys,

That "The Audit Chamber"

Not always will the ends,

And there toothy cubs,

Very competent people!

We checked. Finance,

Blameless, holy and pure.

Joking aside, of course,

Only since ancient times, from all eternity,

People need smart

At the helm of a country.

Because we are in this festival,

They must give honor!


Those whose work for us, for everyone!

A toast to them. For their success!

Humorous ditties about financiers and economists to discharge


Debit with loans, once,

I decided to keep guys

And, of course, the loan taken,

So that debit and did not know.

And now I have to

Remove the last pants!


I'm in love with an accountant,

He climbed into bed to me,

That all happened exactly,

I calculate process.

And when the reduced balance -

Three boys with us!


Andrew taught me:

How to plan children

A neighbor kids jumping,

And I do not know someone!

Postcard Happy financier

 Congratulations financier

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Congratulations financier humorous poems

 Financiers for free


For a long time, I admire you;

And here, on the occasion of this celebration,

I timidly, awkwardly praise

All the money, all the finances of the King!

Ruler, my mentor, guru!

To me just bring out the thrill you.

I'm losing sleep, even his sanity,

Our meeting bringing instant.

O my all-powerful patron,

Let me finish singing an ode to a modest

Thee I'll remember forever

Do not let you burn my contribution!


I congratulate you on this holiday,

Finance and wish you:

So much knowledge and so much desire,

That pension was able to sweat.

How long do you get to the main,

Cabinet to sign yours.

Institute, and the lower classes you tread,

To view today from the podium.

You footpath winding, dirty

Never think of Brest.

City to country to prosper,

As you go straight paths.

Attract investments more carefully

Our nice, sweet Russia.

To Swiss banks all gasped!

We train them only with a grin: "Hmm! "

You and the people respecting our patient;

You credit him gifted.

Only here, take care, my dear,

Finance, about protection from the dig.

For salaries compassionate behold you,

Remember, we're not your enemy.

Insure against default, darling, we,

That we did not have, they have.

Oh well, be healthy, light-rabotnichek,

Finansistskoe Rank hold!

Author Olga


We today




Many risks in your life ...

Let them be smaller!

We wish you success

in their feats of arms.

And a little laughter,

To paint them everyday.


Miracles sometimes works

financier of our dear,

He knows all about the money,

who, where, who else ...

Who will give us a dividend,

and what is the percentage,

And where should we invest,

it would be nice to live.

Author Tatiana Zhelezko

Postcard Happy financier

 Congratulations financier

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SMS congratulations financier short poems

 Congratulations financier - SMS


I have a headache

How to manage the family budget.

Because there you have me

My husband is a financier, a talented genius


Happy Financier congratulations

And you lived all good.

To be considered a "cheers"

To always slept well.


On this day, let us honor attention

Great work and wisdom pro

Finance indispensable

In any country, in any era


Sonny! You became the financier is not in vain.

You captivated since childhood this path.

From Mom congratulations soon accepted.

I'm everywhere with you, like and know.


We lived financier

Most nerves of steel in the world.

In order to finance, on the whole planet,

There was always order, and was an optimist.


You are a great leader!

You reliable Treasurer.

In business pioneer.

Let everything be you "Okay"


I'm proud of you, nephew!

Happy profession you!

Let there be light this holiday.

The order will be all the bills.


Your work, financier

Blogoroden and clean!

Congratulations accept,

All the best and love.


Suppose that as a reward for your work

With the money you will have no problems.

You never forget to congratulate

Your family that you are waiting for home


Finance has always held in high esteem.

His work is indispensable.

He devoted all his soul work.

How to honor loyal paladin.


Though they say that money is evil,

Your noble work indefinitely.

So let you get only good.

Let everything be perfect.


Congratulations to the financiers,

Clerks and economists!

Are you borrowings,

So, the children will be fed!

Postcard Happy financier

 Congratulations financier

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