Humorous congratulations geologist

 Happy Geologist


Today I want to congratulate the Day of Geologist

All those in geology is strong!

I wish you a wonderful holiday to celebrate,

That one was surrounded by care!

To know all the people that in the world

You will shine a guiding star!

What light and heat in the apartment

We are obliged only to you always!

Let this holiday give you a smile,

Let congratulate you just from the heart ...

And let there be no mistake,

When you are looking for coal and gas!


Geologists are modest, but their work

We are helping the bowels of mine ...

They are always on the experience with care

Ready to gas and coal we look!

And can find in the land of huge

They always deposit!

They are one more worthy of dignity

Let it be so for many years!

And take your holiday compliments

For your labor is very important, difficult ...

Let your honor sound of applause!

Let Fate brings happiness and peace!

Greetings fellow geologists in verse


The land is rich with different gifts,

But you will be able to find them hard!

But as a geologist with us, somewhere near -

We are in the depths of all that I want to find!

Today, on the Day of Geologist congratulate

His friends hasten his verse!

I want a word with the recognition of the right,

That has always been rich in your peaceful home!

To work dragged on for centuries -

Let no one ever runs the bowels!

Very proud of you forever!

And honor your finest work ever!


Colleagues I congratulate you

With our common "Geology Day"!

Be loyal to the cause of the faithful

And look for the treasure it!

On the eve of the backpack waiting hike

Soon we're going to go!

Let nature help native

We look into the eyes of luck!

We do not need recognition and fame

The result tells about himself.

The holiday we raise glasses,

He shouted: "We are grateful! ".

Verses day geologist friend


Happy Geologist, I congratulate you.

You chose a difficult path in life.

On this day I wish you

On the road or where you do not roll!

That hypothesis all justified,

And crowned thy hike only success.

To home is always waiting for you

And you would be the happiest!

Congratulations friend


Happy geologist I congratulate

Be successful and always easy.

Let the work brings good luck

And the lure of a cloud.

The result is you are looking for without the vagaries,

Through swamps and jungle passing,

It does not change all the same recapitulation,

Peace love this profession.

Stay as beautiful

Let health always enough.

Smile colleagues marvel at,

A soul be always young!

Poems beloved


The sun smiled on early,

Ray face kosnulos-

On the day you geologist

So congratulated loving!

With him I also congratulate

And I just want to wish,

He is with me apart

About me not to forget!

For me you are the best

I'm proud of your work.

Dispersal over the house of the clouds,

I always wait for you in it!

I want to wish luck

And good luck in any land,

Live in a good mood,

Very much I love you!

Congratulations geologist in verse

 Happy Geologist

Happy geologist from each other


Backpack worn near the wall late at night

Freed from the loaded shelves ten.

So again, the way the track with authority

In taiga tundra il make you a geologist.

I congratulate my friend Geologist Day!

I wish that in this warm spring day

Your work, which is rare in sing songs,

He rose and eclipsed all the holidays of the country.

Good heavens, how Bohemian crystal bowls,

Good health and much happiness in the days,

Prosperity at home, and friends and fun

Opening of new for myself and for the people.

Lyrics from the beloved


Freeing the sky clouds, wind south

Helped flash beam gloomy sky.

And laser sun on bark fir taiga

Sonnet my burned for you, my sweet dream.

I congratulate you on the Day of Geologist favorite!

Let wherever leg steps footprint

Warmth, love you my tree crown

Give to warm up from the cold.

Let your way - without bend and without barriers

And in the expanse of life to let me pirouette,

Friends let in your house will always be welcome.

And the one that writes the sweet sonnet.

Greetings from your friends


Congratulations to the geologist! You know,

All our desires - the life of the grapes:

In a way stones throw - always leave,

Tags to come back home soon.

Let your cold rain does not flood,

Sun in the sky blue - as a good sign.

And in your work to seek help let

That horseshoe, we threw in a backpack.

Let the warmth of family everywhere warms,

With him are not afraid of no backbone, and no gully.

Let your dreams come true and dreams all

Let you always friends lit a beacon.

Happy Geologist


You expeditions spend a lot of years,

Your clothes soaked with smoke,

But there is one secret of your profession -

All around it is needed.

And as a result of your work,

Though it may seem strange,

Erected in the desert city

And conquer the depths of the ocean.

I would like to wish today,

You, the geologist, the main thing - good luck.

To wanted to start a new search

And, no doubt, performed the task!
