* * *
Yesterday you learned to drive a car.
Today you learned a lot
Men - notorious drove,
How should you give in the road.
And this cloudy day in October,
With you, we drink little by little -
To this feast spread a
For the whole year we have a smooth track.
* * *
Today, suddenly happened in October Indian summer.
And you, the leaves rustling wheels,
Again he came to me -
As if reading my thoughts.
And we'll celebrate today.
There is a reason - Motorist
Today is the day. And in this time
You will not go away soon and fast.
* * *
I toned in your car windows,
I hope you his "external reputation"
Do not create a traffic accident, ie,
And that "swarthy" did not climb to you in a box.
Perhaps this is my gift
By the day of the drivers you are not nice,
But if you know, what has got strength
I watch their cheeky faces.
* * *
On a rainy night on the decline of October
We're going on a visit to commemorate the driver.
And how wonderful my dear,
What I'm not behind the wheel, and you lead our "Hog".
I will drink. You talk.
Dot all the problems.
Sleep. I wake up. And you are silent.
You're behind the wheel spite blunt chimeras.
Author Alexei Novikov
* * *
Light and soft, like a bird,
The car rushes yours
And near the river silvery
And you waving forest foliage.
And a warm breeze-companion
Are you flirting gently
A silver sun ray
In the box slumbers peacefully.
And you're behind the wheel, like a queen!
Humble your car
You understand: where to seek,
When to go home.
* * *
Let your iron horse rushes!
You collected, seriously.
Compress the wheel of your palm,
Graceful posture.
Let the iron one boldly rushes
Success and good luck!
Let there be light around the world
And bright - nothing else!
* * *
You mchishsya the road towards destiny
And the sun plays in curls.
And around the corner closest to you,
Luck is waiting for you.
Often not a short mysterious way
But all to anything to worry about.
You just press on the brake, do not forget,
That dreams do not shoot past.
Author Tatiana Chizhikova