Happy congratulate the taxi driver,
Work your complex, understand,
Behind the wheel you have a whole day,
Forgetting about sleep and laziness,
To support his family,
And the support, my dear,
Brings to us without reserve,
A small fee,
Know, my husband, we love you,
We appreciate, just cherish
Change will not let difficult
Ends gasoline!
Congratulations friend taxi driver
My friend, let me easily and quickly
You to congratulate the taxi driver!
I wish with all the heart,
Client so often slammed the door,
To all trips were a joy,
And at home - waiting for and loved,
To "drunk" in your car did not climb,
Good luck! No nail you, no wand!
Happy father, a taxi driver
Around one you do not ask,
Everyone likes to take a taxi ...
Father's Day I wish the taxi driver,
You winter - road net,
And in the summer - it was not so hot,
Let your lights shine brightly
Always known path vector
And do not let worries inspector.
Good passengers! Congratulations!
Health, happiness heartily wish!
Humorous poems to her husband
My dear, I congratulate you,
Let your way tortuous and thorny,
But every time I again wish you
Hold the steering wheel firmly, my taxi driver.
Come all you smelled gasoline,
But I love the smell of your employment,
That does not come from an empty store,
Brings a lot of denezhek home
Day and night you're always on the road,
And in the rain and mud, not knowing barriers
And I'm sitting alone in anguish - alarm
But you will come and say, "I'm so glad! "
Wishes brother, taxi driver
Today is a taxi driver and you
My brother, I congratulate you with this.
This work is not easy because,
Often you want to be at home.
The addresses of passengers transported,
From year to year, not knowing the weekend,
Not dosypaya and starved,
And the person forgetting their loved ones.
Let there be fewer obstacles in the way,
Bumps, holes, pedestrians fleeing,
And that did not have to reduce speed,
Underground longer wish transitions.
Happy favorite taxi driver
His favorite taxi driver
Congratulations from the taxi driver I write,
And with spring rain and thunder
I congratulate cute hurry.
Suppose that whenever you fly on a shift,
Good luck drizzling rain
And that all have hammered home the cloak,
And cheerful striped umbrella,
To call all taxi
To get to the other and her friend,
To the house waiting for you hot tea,
Fragrant dumplings and warm.
And your loyal and reliable friend,
The one next door, in sorrow and distress,
Do not break, I ate little gasoline,
For many years I have served you.
Congratulations taxi drivers
Taxi drivers my dears,
Congratulate you hurry now,
And on the day the taxi driver, happy hour,
I write congratulations.
Words are good to all of you
I wish to say today
And with the holiday, and spring, warm,
My family, congratulations.
Thank you for your patience,
Because so long awaited,
What street, avenue, and the house
Not just in the city were looking for,
Because bags and products
Under my door is always dragged
And listen to nonsense and delirium
My never tired.
What we went through a red light
When I was in a hurry for a meeting.
Congratulate on this day all of you,
My good, she decided.