Congratulations on the occasion of military drivers

 Congratulations army motorists


Military driver - not an easy service.

Steering-wheel to turn the head you need:

From the speed and sharpness of your

It Depends, usually a lot of people.

Have you, in a way to not rain,

And that health was excellent,

And to quietly humming motors,

Hit the road wheels on the earth open spaces!

Let your service easily occurs,

Let the trouble does not deliver!

Good luck to you! A zeal

Let them bring in rank only boost!

Congratulations in the verses


Ah, the road, the road, the dust and fog,

Cities of skyscrapers, and steppe ocean ...

Only your road is not always serene,

You are on the battlefield brought hope.

They are driving up the shells.

In the field hospital - those who are injured.

Life on the ice delivered

Terrible besieged city.

Exploding mines.

You shoot spooks,

But in spite of all deaths

loads you delivered.

And today, in your holiday,

We congratulate all of you!

Only the flat roads,

Only wish the world!

Looking let it be acute,

be strong hands,

Let end meeting

any separation!


Hands - on the steering wheel awaiting orders.

Heart rhythm works in "KAMAZ"

Look examines the way the meter,

He knows it to the smallest signs.

Vozish shells you il General,

But do not look tired from the cockpit:

You're not just a driver, and the military,

Crisp orders and loyal to the Motherland!

Let your sorrow will not touch!

Let the chest arrive medals!

Let it be a warm cabin in the car

(And always reserve - a canister of gasoline)!

On the day of the military motorist


In the light of the different cars you have,

We write them for the convenience of people.

But, who served in the auto company,

Tell us what kind of transport of all important!

Today is a holiday of this pro

Today's defenders of the country.

All those who drive a car is not at work,

And it is not fun, il wife.

After a day of military motorist

Imbued with loyalty to the country!

That dreams always come to you quickly,

We drive the trucks on the ground.


Day of the military motorist

In late May to us knocking,

The special machines quickly rush

This holiday is celebrated!

Here's to us for this day light,

for the profession over the summer and all those

Who chose his duty to

Protect the Earth!


We have gathered today at the table

Congratulate military motorists

Who risked their lives day after day,

It seeks to protect the lives of others.

And let a party of danger you bypass,

And the civilian waiting relatives and friends,

Often a letter from his wife come.

For you for all! For peace of all the earth!

Humorous congratulations taxi driver in verse

 congratulations taxi driver



Happy congratulate the taxi driver,

Work your complex, understand,

Behind the wheel you have a whole day,

Forgetting about sleep and laziness,

To support his family,

And the support, my dear,

Brings to us without reserve,

A small fee,

Know, my husband, we love you,

We appreciate, just cherish

Change will not let difficult

Ends gasoline!

Congratulations friend taxi driver


My friend, let me easily and quickly

You to congratulate the taxi driver!

I wish with all the heart,

Client so often slammed the door,

To all trips were a joy,

And at home - waiting for and loved,

To "drunk" in your car did not climb,

Good luck! No nail you, no wand!

Happy father, a taxi driver


Around one you do not ask,

Everyone likes to take a taxi ...

Father's Day I wish the taxi driver,

You winter - road net,

And in the summer - it was not so hot,

Let your lights shine brightly

Always known path vector

And do not let worries inspector.

Good passengers! Congratulations!

Health, happiness heartily wish!

Humorous poems to her husband


My dear, I congratulate you,

Let your way tortuous and thorny,

But every time I again wish you

Hold the steering wheel firmly, my taxi driver.

Come all you smelled gasoline,

But I love the smell of your employment,

That does not come from an empty store,

Brings a lot of denezhek home

Day and night you're always on the road,

And in the rain and mud, not knowing barriers

And I'm sitting alone in anguish - alarm

But you will come and say, "I'm so glad! "

Wishes brother, taxi driver


Today is a taxi driver and you

My brother, I congratulate you with this.

This work is not easy because,

Often you want to be at home.

The addresses of passengers transported,

From year to year, not knowing the weekend,

Not dosypaya and starved,

And the person forgetting their loved ones.

Let there be fewer obstacles in the way,

Bumps, holes, pedestrians fleeing,

And that did not have to reduce speed,

Underground longer wish transitions.

Happy favorite taxi driver


His favorite taxi driver

Congratulations from the taxi driver I write,

And with spring rain and thunder

I congratulate cute hurry.

Suppose that whenever you fly on a shift,

Good luck drizzling rain

And that all have hammered home the cloak,

And cheerful striped umbrella,

To call all taxi

To get to the other and her friend,

To the house waiting for you hot tea,

Fragrant dumplings and warm.

And your loyal and reliable friend,

The one next door, in sorrow and distress,

Do not break, I ate little gasoline,

For many years I have served you.

Congratulations taxi drivers


Taxi drivers my dears,

Congratulate you hurry now,

And on the day the taxi driver, happy hour,

I write congratulations.

Words are good to all of you

I wish to say today

And with the holiday, and spring, warm,

My family, congratulations.

Thank you for your patience,

Because so long awaited,

What street, avenue, and the house

Not just in the city were looking for,

Because bags and products

Under my door is always dragged

And listen to nonsense and delirium

My never tired.

What we went through a red light

When I was in a hurry for a meeting.

Congratulate on this day all of you,

My good, she decided.
