Congratulations linguist in the verses

 Happy philologist


This professional holiday

We hasten to congratulate philologists.

Because you every pros, genius,

He knows how to say and something to add!

Let you luck,

And in his career just waiting for success

To meet the challenges,

To have managed to teach you all!

Congratulations in the verses


Day philologist today.

What shall I wish you?

To gaze was raised to the sky,

Do not get sick and do not suffer!

For a minimum of errors

Words advanced stock

More laughter and smiles,

Travel times!


Grammar, phonetics

And pure sound ringing

Philologists good

Nicer than a dream.

Today is the philologist!

We would like to congratulate all,

We wish you all the best,

Career growth, success!


May Day philologist forgotten

Problems challenging assignments

And all the dreams, like a fairy tale come true,

Even without punctuation.

Let you always obey

All languages ​​without exception,

And the sun is smiling from heaven,

And every day - as an adventure!


Day philologist! Congratulate

Everyone who loves languages

Who will correct all errors

Aloud in dictation by hand.

Do you want the sea of ​​happiness,

Pleasure awards.

Suppose you bypass the bad weather,

Always will be so rich!

Happy philologist!


How did you manage so

  Very competently write,

Biography of the poet,

Can you tell

Bug fixes,

You're not even looking into the text,

And pass without error,

The most difficult test of the school,

We read a lot

A variety of the world's books

The horizon is your inspiration,

And he knocked down for a moment,

Congratulations, family,

With your holiday great,

Let everything goes now

Thank for talent!


Philologists relatives

We congratulate you want

For your labor and care,

In everything give thanks.

Correct mistakes

You are in the text and in the destiny,

One of your smile,

Suffice everywhere

His charm you,

We are ready to battle,

And the life of the understanding

Everyone was very surprised!

Let your holiday today

  Success will bring,

But fame and recognition,

Your house will not pass!


Many know the verses,

Literacy - whether it is healthy,

All ready to explain

And spread out on the shelves,

You are well-groomed, neat,

Voice your pleasant,

What and how someone say

Destined you always know.

Congratulations Congratulations to you,

And good luck wish,

That salary grew,

To find your luck!

Humorous congratulations linguist in the verses

 Congratulations philologist in verse


In the beginning was the Word - God's gift,

Later happened from Chaos

All that the world has become our mortal

And the Word flared up like fire.

And there were those who carried it, cherished,

The value and true meaning, storing,

I keep it heavy fire.

In the minds of others, warming, sowed.

It was your ancestor, my dear friend,

Whose path to knowledge was is heavy and long

Of course without a diploma, not a philologist,

But you do not forget his work.

And keeping the originality of the words

You chose a path and dedicated himself,

Tom to keep his love,

As the spring, where the water hits live.

All the beauty of the native language,

Culture and folk traditions,

Unto thee, to keep all that knowledge,

Come down to us through the centuries.

The work invisibly in the vanity of the world,

And many do not understand the essence of the subject,

But you know how it is priceless

The beauty of speech and live close.

And if the heart has chosen this path

Not for at least some of the diploma

Relatives their favorite and familiar,

Try the depth of his return.

Today philology - science,

And you're her servant, my good friend

Not the easiest of Sciences,

But it will be your soul bail,

The fact that the word will live forever,

In a manifold dialects, adverbs,

And if we take this burden on the shoulders -

Very well he meekly serve.

Author Vladimir Komarov

Day in Russian philology, history and traditions of the holiday

 Day philologist in the country

The article is dedicated to the professional holiday Day of the philologist, when celebrating, date, number, history of philology, modern philology and profession philologist.

The image of the quiet girl with glasses on the front row for a long time does not correspond to reality. Deep knowledge of foreign languages, history, literacy is a wholly owned, part of the public - that's what the modern philology. Philologists today not only leaf through dusty books in the classrooms, but also travel the world in search of hidden meanings, which are so rich in languages ​​all over the world ...

May 25 - Day of the philologist. This date is near and dear to all those who in one way or another connected with philology - alumni and faculty of philology faculty, teacher of Russian language and literature, librarians, journalists, translators and connoisseurs of the native language and literature.

And unites people of all these professions significant date May 25, the Day of the philologist, a great professional holiday.

History of philology

So, let's talk about the new philology and philology. Of course, we can not do without a mention of how it all began. And there can be no joke to say: "In the beginning was the word." Even the ancients, but, of course, the advanced civilization of Greece and India fought over the hidden meaning of the text. It turns out that already in the III century BC, the texts needed in the comments, in deciphering, in a detailed and careful study.

The ancient science did not stand out as it is today, apart from each other. The scientists of past centuries were often lexicographer, had a broad vision and knowledge in different areas. Therefore, the word "philology" though comes from the Greek for "love of the word" (also common interpretation of "one word"), but it appeared much later the Greeks themselves. It is assumed that the object of knowledge was the word in ancient times, have left us no written sources and evidence.

By the XVII century the Europeans have formed an idea of ​​philology as a science. Becoming a center of scientific investigation, the Word was inextricably linked with the history, culture and philosophy. Over time, this gave way to a broad understanding of today: philology became the science of language, but survived, of course, understood that any language can not be studied separately from the environment in which it originated and which continues its evolution.

Let us remember the image of the Soviet, the beloved movie - "Prisoner of the Caucasus." Yes, Shura in the film - just a philologist. In those years, when the film came out, few people are surprised that it does Shura in the Caucasus - and he "collects folklore." That is, in fact, studying the language of a particular ethnic group. Today, researchers from our universities continue to explore similar. Their scientific work and dissertations, maybe not so much known to the general public, but more and more new generations of students are engaged in them. Labour is to evaluate someone.

They are very popular is a "branch" of philology, such as journalism (in some universities, until recently, existed at the Department of Journalism Faculty of Philology, and that, in general, it is logical). Profession Journalist - public, implied or travel, and adventure, often no worse than the famous movie hero. And, of course, "sedentary" such work will not name!

Another issue that the employment of our graduates on a specialty philology today is not easy. Learning the language in all its diversity - the problem, of course, state-level, which can not be assessed purely commercial point of view. And in many Western countries are well aware of. In Russia often have to meet foreign experts "for languages."

A study languages ​​(language group has always studied the complex, as is the ancient common root) Russians today is a must. It's not just about the "sore" problem of youth literacy. Simple language - is also a "living organism", which changes all the time. Changes regardless of the orders "from above" (for example, that coffee is now "it").

The people themselves are constantly coming up with new words, changing the value of the existing ones. "Newspeak" has always been. It was created, scientists, writers, workers of various professional fields. Today it added no less great and mighty Internet, creating the same "Albanian language". A word - a mirror which reflects the hidden, spiritual world, without learning and understanding which would not survive, no, even the most powerful state.
