Congratulations Roadman prose

 Congratulations road builders in prose

Original congratulations Roadman prose text wishes road sector employees, colleagues word


Dear colleagues!

Today is a holiday in the yard!

Day of the road economy!

So we want to wish you, For life Stela rovnenko track!

Now raise the glasses!

For your hands to work all the same,

And the rest received more and more!

To wage every day ends,

And only adds and adds!


Dear friends and faithful companions of the road! This day is officially yours! And we've probably hasten to congratulate you!

You - roadster, and it's not just like that! Let the power you never leave! To all the roads and bridges were aerobatics!

Show young people a real master class!

For life was as smooth road Without bumps and sudden adversity - this time, And two, health and all you new victories!


Life prepares us sometimes sharp turns, But do not be sad you're my friend and a good man! Happy holiday Happy Roadman!

Let the sun and good luck accompanies you around! After all, you - the nature of the road builder, Remember this and never forget! Your gift from heaven sent to us! Your work is not appreciated and will not be seen! We praise Him still, believe me, not again!

To bridge all the time of the divorce And at the time, without any problems, there were limited!

A tortuous path that was not, And only a smooth, clean and spacious it was always!

Special Greetings prose


Colleagues roadster!

Let me congratulate all of you today with a remarkable professional holiday!

Let the work and the way you please, employees and colleagues always help, Empty never fails, and heads let you always respects! Let you always work well and fun to relax!

On the Day of the road sector you!


Dear friends!

On this wonderful day, I congratulate you all on the occasion of a day Roadman!

Let your life will always be peace and tranquility of a happy, gentle sun always shines, and with you let them always be true and loyal friends! Good luck!


Dear roadster!

Let the years give you confidence, wisdom and happiness in life, and let the soul always remains forever young! Let the children have delight, and friends give you a smile and gifts!

Let you always all turns out. Happy workers of road economy! Happy holiday!

Day of the road sector in Russia in 2014, the history and traditions of the holiday

 Day road sector

Employees of the road sector are doing their best to move on the roads of the country was not only convenient and comfortable, but also safe. Articles about the holidays in Russia, the date is the day when the number of road maintenance, history, characteristics and traditions of the holiday.

Day of the road sector in 2014   Russia's holiday story

Their professional holiday "roadster" mark since 1996. The holiday started with the president of the Russian Federation dated November 7, 1996 N 1435 "On establishing the Day of workers of motor transport and road infrastructure".

Date, the number that celebrate

And in March 2000 he issued a decree, according to which this festival is held annually the third Sunday in October.

Holiday Date: Day of the road sector in 2014 falls on October 20.

Modern road construction, deployed on a global scale, transforms all roads of the country: from local to federal. With new and improved highways to create optimal conditions for business development, thanks to them many lives changed for the better, they have a great opportunity to move anywhere in the country.

Therefore, without exaggeration, be called the road sector the engine of our economy.

The history and traditions of the feast day of Road

Due to this holiday, we pay tribute to the perseverance and diligence of the builders, they are forced to work in the difficult conditions of a large number of vehicles. In this holiday of employees of road service, we thank all those drivers, workers, designers, mechanics, who with their work gives us freedom of movement throughout the country.

It is thanks to their efforts, carried out repairs of fixed lines, the transformation occurs the main street. As part of the road sector has more than 3 million different institutions and enterprises. Employment in the industry has more than 750 thousand people.

If there was no road network, would be unable to realize the article of the Russian Constitution, which guarantees the rights and freedom of movement of citizens, moving in free space goods and services. Thanks to an extensive network of roads created a single economic space of the country. Roads not only solve social problems, but also to implement priority national projects.

This autumn day which is a holiday for those who build bridges and highways, who provides a year-round operation of road facilities and its contents. This is a celebration of those who provide safe and reliable auto service between cities and regions of the Russian Federation.

Over the past few years, income growth has led to what began to rapidly increase vehicle fleet, as well as the volume of passenger and freight traffic. On this basis, it developed Russia's Transport Strategy, aimed at the development of the road network, which will contribute to the socio-economic development of the country, covering transportation needs.

Based on the foregoing, we can say with confidence that in October we celebrate the feast day of nothing Roadman, workers in this sector.

Congratulations road sector in verse

 Day Avtodora

* * *

Attempts on the road

And sloppiness

Happy employee

Road Management!

* * *

Here is the big day has arrived!

Note without bragging:

Sprout spices on a pedestal

Road Management!

Your work everywhere know -

The roads beckon in the distance.

After all, we're going, not crawl

On our highways!

Stand up bridges over the rivers,

Pylons, building in a row.

Interchanges wondrous beauty -

They all say.

You - workers all the way!

We congratulate you all!

Health, happiness, God knows,

Do you sincerely wish!

Happy Road Management!

* * *

Razuhabilis road

Along-the Mother Russia!

How to be here? - Because sobesh feet!

Voice - do not vote!

But it was removed -

Dap-in Skokie, Skokie, Skokie in:

We road curves you

Straighten! Just let time!

You Luba And this mission?

Well, you know, - since then

Will Mother Russia

The road to fight back!

So there is - now we know,

What is the road - the highest class!

You handsome, congratulations!

Today celebration after you.

Congratulations in the verses

* * *

Autumn - summarize!

In the autumn - a holiday for you!

We say openly - road

We became equal with us!

And let them not yet so much.

Potholes and pits - a dime a dozen.

The best road in life

Waiting for you is yet to come!

We all are very happy for you!

What's road builder - the ace!

Arch bridges, overpasses -

Or rather tell you about!

We are honored you will,

Congratulations Congratulations!

And, by chance, do not forget

Flat road wish!

Author Oleg Ignatyev

Congratulations to all workers of road economy on the holiday and wish you great success in your work, so that our road we liked !!!
