Lose weight by the method of Charlize Theron

 Charlize Theron

In this article you will learn how the famous actress Charlize Theron always manages to be in good shape. For many people, this girl - the ideal figure. Very few can find people who do not agree with this statement. This beautiful actress can always easy to play any, even the totally unusual for her role.

In the movie "Monster," she had to turn from a young and beautiful girl into its opposite - the drinking, not thin woman who does not cause positive emotions. To successfully play this role, she had to ruin her figure and gain more than 15 kilograms. But after the end of filming, when there is not even a year has passed, the talented actress has once again become the same as it was before - a beautiful and harmonious. Amazing, is not it? How is it still possible to?

Reduces weight by the method of Charlize Theron

Charlize always follows a strict diet. For it is peculiar to low consumption of foods containing large amounts of carbohydrates. She also gave up all fatty, fried and salty. Under the ban as alcohol, very limited use of sugar.

Actress consume mostly protein foods, there are a lot of fruits and vegetables, does not waive the berries and herbs. Feel free to be guided by the principle of "eat often, but little by little."

Pays great attention to use a sufficient amount of liquid - the usual clean drinking still water (or mineral), tea, juice. Charlize Theron does not prevent some coffee and drink it often enough.

If she needed to lose weight quickly, it usually has no more than two times a day, so eating no more than a thousand calories a day. She believes that in this case, the body will use the energy from the fat tissue, which will lose weight faster.

Nevertheless, many doctors believe such actions are dangerous. And yet for a little time on the diet they are quite possible. For those who are not able to have so little, you can suggest a diet with a little more calories - 1200-1300.

Besides strong dietary restrictions, the actress is actively "burn" their calories, spending a lot of time at work, and paying great attention to various sports. Charlize Theron loves to ride a bike, do not hesitate hiking, he loves to run and practices yoga.

During childhood, like most other girls, seriously fond of ballet, so modern load it seem quite feasible and sufficient.

Fruit vegetable diet to help lose a few extra kilos

 Fruit vegetable diet

As you know, in the vegetables contain enough vitamins, minerals and fiber. The well-known American actress Cilla Black has developed and effectively tested on a brilliant fruit and vegetable diet. In a month you can lose a few extra, not less than 5-7 kilograms.

Recommended daily eating and savory vegetables (which do not contain carbohydrates). Better if it will be a grenade, sour green apples, cranberries, lemons. For example, green apples bring the body pectin.

A balanced diet, coupled with exercise (or going to the gym), allowing the body to lose a few extra kilos.

Start the fruit and vegetable diet when these products are many. The main season: summer, autumn. At this time you will be able to eat more salads and fruit.

Fruit -ovoschnaya diet can last at least 30 days. The main thing that you have had a desire to get rid of the extra kilos.

There are two types of diets: complex and mono-diet.

Mono-diet based on a single product, and the complex assumes a varied vegetable diet menu. Dishes made from potatoes, cucumbers, pumpkins, greens and carrots are more suitable during a diet to lose weight. These dishes are good rye bread (in small amounts), low-fat yogurt.

We offer one of the slimming diet, the most effective.

The well-known American actress Cilla Black has developed and effectively tested on itself an excellent fruit and vegetable diet. In a month you can lose a few extra, not less than 5-7 kilograms.

This diet involves the consumption of vegetables and fruit in large amounts, and to limit the amount of consumed fish and meat (about 150 grams per day).

It should alternate between "hard" days and "light" days. During the passage of this diet is supposed exception of alcohol, mineral water. Leave your menu teas (green, lemon). You can drink black coffee.

In the first and third week of the diet consumed daily for breakfast: a slice of bran bread, a slice of melon and grapefruit.

At lunch you can eat a salad with tomatoes and cucumbers, a slice of low-fat meat. Or will it be a salad of green vegetables, fish (steamed or grilled) and a slice of rye bread.

It can be easy to cook vegetable soup, eat a salad and a dessert to eat fruit. All dishes wash down with mineral water, green tea.

For dinner you can eat a piece of fish baked in the oven, vegetable salad with a slice of rye bread. You can eat green salad, chop. You can eat a casserole of lean meat and vegetable salad.

On the second and fourth week, you can eat anything you want. But do not forget that you will achieve results if you limit your menu. You should not eat fats, carbohydrates, spices, flour products.

Before you sit on any diet, be surveyed. Maybe you have stomach problems, liver or pancreas. Consult with experts. It is strictly forbidden alcohol.

Fruit and vegetable diet will be effective and will definitely lose a few extra kilos, if you follow all of the recommendations.

Lose weight by the method of Charlize Theron

 Charlize Theron

In this article you will learn how the famous actress Charlize Theron always manages to be in good shape. For many people, this girl - the ideal figure. Very few can find people who do not agree with this statement. This beautiful actress can always easy to play any, even the totally unusual for her role.

In the movie "Monster," she had to turn from a young and beautiful girl into its opposite - the drinking, not thin woman who does not cause positive emotions. To successfully play this role, she had to ruin her figure and gain more than 15 kilograms. But after the end of filming, when there is not even a year has passed, the talented actress has once again become the same as it was before - a beautiful and harmonious. Amazing, is not it? How is it still possible to?

Reduces weight by the method of Charlize Theron

Charlize always follows a strict diet. For it is peculiar to low consumption of foods containing large amounts of carbohydrates. She also gave up all fatty, fried and salty. Under the ban as alcohol, very limited use of sugar.

Actress consume mostly protein foods, there are a lot of fruits and vegetables, does not waive the berries and herbs. Feel free to be guided by the principle of "eat often, but little by little."

Pays great attention to use a sufficient amount of liquid - the usual clean drinking still water (or mineral), tea, juice. Charlize Theron does not prevent some coffee and drink it often enough.

If she needed to lose weight quickly, it usually has no more than two times a day, so eating no more than a thousand calories a day. She believes that in this case, the body will use the energy from the fat tissue, which will lose weight faster.

Nevertheless, many doctors believe such actions are dangerous. And yet for a little time on the diet they are quite possible. For those who are not able to have so little, you can suggest a diet with a little more calories - 1200-1300.

Besides strong dietary restrictions, the actress is actively "burn" their calories, spending a lot of time at work, and paying great attention to various sports. Charlize Theron loves to ride a bike, do not hesitate hiking, he loves to run and practices yoga.

During childhood, like most other girls, seriously fond of ballet, so modern load it seem quite feasible and sufficient.
