Erotic dreams and intimate desire dream

 Erotic dreams and sexual desire in a dream
Erotic dreams

You happened to make love with Antonio Banderas? Or spend a hot night with the chief and his deputy? Or kissing passionately on the streets with hardly a familiar guy?

I bet that this happened to you! And you know where? In a dream! The erotic dream!

That would be my grandfather Freud frolic to hear what you dream of! Followers of his theory believe that any elongated object in a dream means the male genitalia, and any hollow - women. We will not delve into the maze of psychoanalysis: sometimes a banana - it's just a banana.

But to understand why the erotic dream comes to you ex-boyfriend, or you make love with the boss, perhaps, you are. After all, dreams - this is key to the subconscious.

Even if you're the eighth year blyudesh religiously faithful to her husband and did not think about the adventures on the side, you can see the erotic dreams with other men. And the women!

The circle of individuals close to your body in the country of Morpheus is very broad: it's complete strangers and casual companions and good old friends and former classmates and co-workers and even family!

The idea of ​​the intimate attraction to many of them in real life, it seems blasphemous. And yet you wake up in the sweet fog and can not forget the night adventure.

What can I say, erotic dreams are so real that lead to real orgasm in a dream, even if you do nothing about this recall (3% of women, it happens regularly)!

And not necessarily dream about sex scene: your night counterpart may simply stroking your hair, holding her hand, dance with you - and you will burn with tenderness and desire, and your feelings will be much stronger and brighter than in real life. Why is that?

It's simple as ABC. At the bottom of your subconscious lurk sexual instincts and desires, but the consciousness is a strict censor does not break them out. As a result, you are very often not even aware of them.

During sleep, control of the censor weakened, though not disappear completely, and the desire to pour out into the sometimes bizarre shape. In addition, in an erotic dream all moral norms go by the wayside, you can not worry about your appearance, how you perceive partner - namely, those things blocking your sexuality "in the real world."

Hence - and indiscreet actions and forbidden situations and sensations. For example, erotic scene involving a woman says about your hidden bisexuality.

It does not mean anything bad: you can just feel intimate attraction to persons of the same and opposite sex. 47% of women are bisexual, but not all aware of it! However, not all erotic dreams to be interpreted directly.

If you dream you are sexually attracted to a person, which is not perceived as a potential partner in life, most likely it is a projection of relations in the sexual sphere.

For example, do you see yourself in the arms of a colleague or friend, to whom feel very friendly feeling. This dream just confirms your sincere attitude towards this person and that you trust him.

The erotic dream to see you back your ex, even though the day you about it for a long time do not remember, and happily live with others? This does not mean that you want it back!

Instead, you compare his former partner with a new love while trying to avoid the previous script that does not suit you.

Sex with the boss, which you are absolutely indifferent, means nothing other than the desire to "grab" a piece of his power.

A erotic scene with your (oh, horror!) Father says that you want to bring back old feelings of intimacy between you, not a desire to take the place of the mother.

Although Freud, of course, be attributed to you Electra complex (female counterpart of the Oedipus complex).

Do not focus on psychoanalysis erotic dreams!

How to fall asleep quickly and sleep well

 How to fall asleep quickly and sleep well

Article about what to do when your head is filled with problems and you can not fall asleep for a long time.

How fast asleep? There are a few simple tips and techniques that will help to achieve amazing results and healthy sleep.

The main question you should ask yourself - why you can not fall asleep quickly?

Carefully consider the possible answers, checking whether you have serious sleep disorders.

Did you have a bad habit to think about, think about the problems and plans for the next day, instead of trying to fall asleep quickly. Any of these reasons can be an obstacle on the road to healthy sleep.

What do you do to fall asleep quickly?

1. Take a warm bath an hour before going to bed. This will help relax, relieve stress, prepare your body to rest.

2. Sports - another good way to feel better and to get rid of excess energy. The main thing is not to exercise right before bedtime - it is only invigorate you.

3. Turn off the computer long before they go to bed, otherwise the impression of watching a movie or processed reports will not let you concentrate on your vacation.

4. You can use the methods of aromatherapy. Filling the room with your favorite soothing aromas, you can relax and tune into a sound sleep.

5. Really try to sleep, not letting his thoughts back to the problems and plans. Try to empty your mind and imagine that everything around you is white.

You are in the white room and nothing else. Empty white room - your consciousness. Empty, light room, allowing you to relax and not think about nothing.

6. Get rid of anything that might distract you. Do not watch TV before going to bed. You can always read a good book or a very boring - they help enough to relax and fall asleep faster.

Make sure your bed is not near the magazines and newspapers - they can also distract you in the moment you decide to go to bed.

7. Pretend you very much want to sleep. At first you will not feel sleepy. But after a while your acting turn into quite real desire to lie down to rest.

8. Old trick of counting sheep. If none of the above work, try this old known method.

Warning: people really love all kinds of mathematical problems can be too carried away by this procedure, forgetting the primary goal - a dream.

9. Imagine that you are doing something that makes you feel good. Remember this feeling and do not think about anything else.

Continue to do this kind of exercise, and a week later you feel that you can quickly go to sleep, you sleep better, stress and mood passes always on top.

How little sleep and sleep?

 How little sleep and sleep
How little sleep and sleep

This article contains information about how you can not sleep for the usual 7-8 hours, but only for 3-4 hours !!!

Nowadays, to be successful in a particular case, it is necessary to work just hard, but just as important to do everything and always on time.

After a hard day's forces we still have a little bit. There is almost and free time.

But probably know that the person to normal life must be more to eat, drink, sleep. Many dream of a dream held not to 8 hours, and 3-4 hours.

But how can you sleep for a while? It just seems unreal. But modern science continues to surprise us.

It turns out that a good night's sleep for 3-4 hours possible.

If you have a free schedule, then you need to take advantage of the phenomenon of polyphasic sleep. If the schedule is not free, you have to go by simple calculations.

Let's start with the fact that the whole process of sleep is divided into phases, each of which is approximately equal to 90 minutes.

At the end of each phase, the person wakes up, but immediately falls asleep. Our brain erases information on this awakening.

For this reason, waking up in the morning, we think we slept all night without waking up.

So, if you wake up the person at the end of the phase, it will feel awake, sleep. The more of these phases will wake the person, the better.

You can select a very pertinent question: "How to calculate the duration of each phase for a specific person?"

You will need more than one day of observations and experiments, the results of which should be recorded in a diary.

At the end of experimentation is necessary to calculate the average value of which will relate to a specific person.

But do not think that after 90 minutes of sleep, that is, immediately after the first phase, you wake up and feel refreshed.

The result will be satisfactory at least in the end phase 3.

Experiments show that a person needs about 14 days to determine the duration of the phases of sleep.

Ate you have the opportunity to give sleep more than 6 hours per day, it is best to use it and not to torture the body in vain.
