How to learn to get up early, to become an early riser Part 2

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How to learn to get up early, to become an early riser Part 2
Page 2


If you learn how to get up early you will have more time for things that are much more interesting than the dream.

And when enough time for everything that is important to you, it gives you a great sense of harmony, serenity and optimism.

Please return to the question of going to sleep, just in case the desire to sleep ...

To do it right, you need some knowledge and common sense. If you do vigorous activities before bedtime, it can ward off sleepiness at some time.

In college, I used to play poker until dawn, then we often went to lunch. I can not sleep longer than my usual schedule provided, if I work, relax with friends or do some other activity. But this is not what I had in mind when he talked about drowsiness.

I mentioned the test when you can not read more than a few pages without losing focus. This does not mean you have to wait until fall from exhaustion. The appearance of sleepiness, I'm talking about - it is the moment when the brain begins to produce hormones that you are euthanized.

Do not confuse it with the usual fatigue. You feel like you start to doze off. But for this to happen, you need to create the right conditions. Give yourself a little rest before going to bed. I am convinced that reading - is a great way to relax.

Some say that reading in bed - a bad idea that you need to sleep in a bed. I have never had a problem with it, because when I feel sleepy, I just save the book and fall asleep. But you can read in the chair, if you so prefer.

How to learn to get up early

Another example of dough. Ask yourself: "If I go to bed, how fast can I sleep? "If you think it will take more than 15 minutes, I would advise to wait a while and continue to watch.

When you set a fixed wake-up time, you may need a bit of practice to determine the correct bedtime. Initially, large fluctuations are possible if too late to go to bed one night and too early to another.

But over time, you will learn to feel the moment when you can go to bed at the same time instantly fall asleep and wake the next day well-rested. To protect itself from lack of sleep, set a deadline, after which went to sleep in spite of everything, even if is not desirable.

I clearly represents the minimum amount of sleep that I need. 6.5 hours - is perfectly acceptable to me, but I can sleep for 5 hours and feel normally, if it does not happen every night. Maximum time of my sleep - 7.5 hours.

Until I started to get up at the same time every morning, I often slept for 8-9 hours, sometimes even 10, if tired especially hard. If the day you consume caffeine, it can affect your sleep rhythms. The first article assumes that you are nothing of the sort used to waking. If you are addicted to caffeine, first get rid of this habit.

Do not expect that natural sleep will come at the right time, if you khimichit with his brain. The goal of the first article was to explain how to develop the habit of getting up early.

And tips are intended to develop the habit. When a habit is fixed, it begins to act instinctively. You can engage in vigorous activity, such as work or play computer games, and you're still going to know exactly when it's time to go to bed, even if it takes place at different times.

Test drowsiness important for the development of habits, but later it was replaced by the subtle signs of the organism. You can always sleep longer than usual when you need. If I do not go to bed until 3:00, then I will not get up at 5 in the morning.

But I will be back to its usual schedule the following day.

I recommend getting up at the same time, 30 days in a row to secure the habit, then you adapt to it so that it will be difficult to sleep more than usual.

I wanted to sleep late one Saturday morning and turned off the alarm clock, but wake up automatically at 4:58. I tried to sleep again, but could not. Like this.

When developed the habit, it is not difficult to get up if you fall asleep with the appearance of sleepiness.

If you have children, you adapt as much as possible. My kids are 5 years and 1 year respectively. Sometimes they wake me up in the middle of the night - my daughter used to suddenly appear in the bedroom to tell his wife about his dreams, or just chat.

And I understand what it's like when a small child wakes up every few hours. If you are in the same situation, there is one advice: go to sleep when you can. Children are not particularly adhere to schedules :-)

If you can not get out of bed when the alarm clock rang - it is likely to lack of discipline. If discipline you order, you get up no matter what. Motivation helps, but it is short-lived and may last only a few days.

Discipline is like a muscle. The more you develop it, the more you can rely on it. Each discipline has (quietly, right?), But not everyone develops it.

Basically, it comes down to, to take on simple tasks, execute them, and gradually move to more complex. This is similar to yoga exercises. With the strengthening of discipline tasks such as get out of bed at a certain time, will be a mere trifle. But undeveloped discipline it can seem an insurmountable obstacle.

Why do I get up early?

I would say the main reason is that you will have more time for things that are much more interesting than the dream.

Again, I have gained 10-15 hours a week doing this. Additional time is very noticeable. By 6:30 I did gymnastics, took a shower, ate breakfast and ready to go.

I can devote to productive work more hours per day and usually I finish work at 17:00 (this includes personal "work": reply to the letters, pay bills, pick up daughter from kindergarten, etc.).

It gives me 5-6 hours of free time every evening that I can devote to my family, as well as books, magazines, different hobbies, etc. And most importantly, I still have enough energy at this time.

When I have time for all that is important to me, it gives a sense of harmony, serenity and optimism. Think what you could do for that extra time. Even 30 minutes a day will be enough to do the exercises, read a couple of books a month, lead

Prev. - Next. "

Guarding the Sleep


We sleep a third of his life. Why we need sleep? During a night of rest the body produces the hormones serotonin and dopamine, without which a person becomes nervous and irritable, as well as immunoglobulin needed to fight infections.

Muscles (especially the weak facial and eye muscles) get needed rest, without which it can tics, cramps and other violations of their work.

You "owl" and used to sleep late at night, in advance, of course, after spending a few hours in front of TV, computer monitor, or a book? .. Awakening becoming a daily torture for you and look you in the morning, admit, not fresh, alert and sleep man.

In contrast to the "larks" who begin their day, usually in a good mood and look the part. After all, they live according to the natural rhythms of nature: go to sleep early, when it gets dark, and waking up too early, with the sun, just when the day begins. Incidentally, it is noted that "larks" later age and less likely to get sick.


You went to bed but can not sleep.

Tossed from side to side, changing the position of the head, wrinkled and turn the pillow, and sleep all there ... What do you think, why are you still cool? That's right, to quickly fall asleep. And for this it is necessary, first of all, to find a comfortable place for the head. Having found it, conveniently located head, you calm down and go to sleep sweetly.

Getting up out of bed in the morning, do not touch the pillow, did not correct it, do not whip. Leave it in exactly the same position as it was at night. This is a basic condition for your good night's sleep. Checked: the next time the dream will come to you much quicker and easier!

If you woke up in the night and can not sleep, you need the following remedy for insomnia. Make a drink from the cup of lukewarm boiled water, 2 teaspoons of apple cider vinegar and 2 teaspoons of honey.

Fast sleep helps the following method. A tablespoon of dill fill the cup of boiling water. In this infusion moisten a piece of clean cotton cloth and apply on the forehead as a compress.

Tested folk remedy for insomnia: a tablespoon of poppy mash and pour a glass of boiled milk, let it brew for 10-15 minutes. Drink an hour before bedtime.

Take a soothing bath before going to bed. First, immerse yourself in cool bath with apple cider vinegar (cider vinegar, pour a glass filled in the bath), soak it for 10 minutes. Then take a contrast shower. Rub the towel and go to bed.

Get rid of insomnia, irritability help hops. Prepare a pillow stuffed with hops. Make one side of several layers of cheesecloth, to make it easier to smell.

5-7 g daily hops brew in a thermos to 0, 5 liters of water, insist night and the next day, drink 5-6 receptions. If you drink too bitter you will find, add the 2 tablespoons of honey.

Prepare a means for rinsing hair before going to bed. Hop cones throw in an enamel pot with 3-4 liters of cold water. Put the pan into another, larger in size, with boiling water. Thus, hops do not boil, and steamed.

And you can hop insist 3:00 without boiling under the lid, over low heat on a flat metal base, leaving a small crack for a couple. The resulting broth strain. If hop soared in a water bath, leave to infuse overnight. Then strain and 3 times a week rinse their hair. This broth can be taken a bath before going to bed.

Terms of good sleep:

1. The need to sleep in a very dark room. The less light penetrates into it, the better. Zaveste bedroom window blackout curtains.

2. Before going to bed, ventilate the room. Open the window for 5-10 minutes. Get some fresh air before going to bed will be useful to you. Walk a little in the pleasant company, even walk the dog, or at least leave admire the night sky and breathe the balcony.

3. Do not read, do not watch TV, do not listen to loud music before going to bed - all this excites the nervous system and prevents the body to tune in to sleep.

4. Think before going to bed just about pleasant. If you are overwhelmed by caring, dark thoughts, problems do not go out of your head, you tell yourself as a famous heroine of "Gone With the Wind": "I'll think about it tomorrow! "Because before going to bed, only for light and pleasant thoughts that will gradually move to the lungs, and pleasant dreams.

5. Do not eat at night. Firstly, it is a crime in relation to your figure. And secondly, the body which is occupied digestive process can not quickly go to sleep. Dine 4 hours before bedtime.

Drink a lot at night is not worth it, unless you want to wake up with the swelling and bags under his eyes. Limit the old proven techniques that promote good sleep: a cup of chamomile tea or warm milk with a drop of honey.

6. Go to bed and wake up always at the same time. Adherence - an excellent prevention of insomnia.

7. Sleep naked or in special clothes - it's up to you. However, this issue is not necessary to change their habits. Your brain has to remember that when you put on your cozy pajamas, means - it's time to sleep. For this reason, you should not wear clothes in which you sleep, as a home clothes.

8. Let's talk about sex before going to bed - well-established in people's minds the stereotype. But in fact the night was created not so much for love, how to sleep, relax the body, emotional and physical, to recuperate. So if you want to sleep and have a good rest, reconsider their views on time for lovemaking.

The perfect time for sex - the morning, when the amount of the hormone testosterone, responsible for sexuality, in the blood of men the maximum number. In addition, it is the morning of the same biorhythm partners, and hence desires. Do not miss the moment!

9. The scent of lavender coming from the bedding, you quickly calm down, relax and tranquilize. This is a proven method for centuries. By the way, choose bedding calm tones. Flashy red, crimson, orange, striped linen excite the nervous system and interfere tune in to sleep.

10. Do not forget to change the pillow every 1, 5-2 year. The feather pillows accumulate a huge amount of bacteria that can cause serious illness in humans. Choose a thin cushion - lush and high port posture, which could then respond pain in the neck and back.

Party the night? Perhaps it is preparing for an important exam? In any case, in the morning you feel completely broken (th), and want only one thing - falling on the bed and close your eyes. However, it is not necessary to do so.

You will have to wait until night, and only then go to bed, and the usual time for you. The body will need three days to restore your biorhythms after a sleepless night. Try not to break the regime and, overcoming fatigue, go to sleep at night after all.

How to survive a sleepless night

Sometimes you just need to stay up all night. How to overcome themselves and immerse themselves in the arms of Morpheus? Here are some effective ways to:

- Take a hot shower;

- Have a drink containing taurine, eat chocolate;

- Smell the fresh orange or orange oil;

- Include a bouncy, energetic music;

- Think about sex. But only fantasize, but do not go into action.

Drowsiness you win, when you need to take a few hours from your sleep, if:

1. shatter his dream into parts: 2-3 hours sleep at night and an hour in the afternoon.

2. Will not do manual labor at night, because the body needs rest and sleep more than the brain. At night, only possible intelligent load.

Gritting his teeth during sleep (bruxism)

Many parents are afraid to hear the strange sound of a creaking, wafting out of bed at night the child. As a rule, unpleasant sounds are caused by rhythmic contraction of the masticatory muscles.

This phenomenon is quite common, but the mechanisms of its origin is not very clear. It is known that at this time a change in heart rate, blood pressure, respiration.

It is believed that bruxism can be one of the manifestations of dysregulation of the depth of sleep, such as sleepwalking and night terrors. It's quite unpleasant phenomenon occurs in about 50% of children worldwide. Typically, over time bruxism disappears by itself and brings no serious consequences.

If your child suffers from bruxism, consult your dentist. The doctor may make a special tire that will not let the teeth come into contact. Then your child will avoid toothache, tooth wear and the joint that connects the lower jaw to the skull bone - the effects of bruxism.

Regular exercise, relieve stress and muscle tension, will also help to prevent or cure this disease. Let the child is actively moving day, but an hour before bedtime all games should be stopped.

Also, do not eat or drink except plain water, an hour before bedtime. Tense muscles need time to relax before the baby falls asleep. It is possible that the cause of bruxism in fatigue.

In this case, lay the baby to bed an hour earlier than his usual bedtime. And be sure to talk to him. Discuss his work at school, in kindergarten, in the yard ... This dialogue will have a calming effect and helps relieve tension.
