It is easy to wake up in the morning


If you are a "night owl" and your life you are completely satisfied with the schedule, it is possible that our advice you to anything. However, it so happens that the most convinced "owl" lifestyle change

turn into "larks", did not regretting it. Please try?



Meeting with the new day.

Think for yourself a special ritual to meet the new day. If you live outside the city, you can go out on the porch and watch the sun, shivering from the morning chill and splashing through the wet grass with dew. If you - a resident of the metropolis, the morning can begin with a tiny cup of coffee brewed in Turku, flung open the window and observing the waking city. You can invent a morning ritual to your own taste, the main thing - to welcome the new day feel the joy from the beginning.

Who gets up early - God gives.

According to the observations, the sooner new day begins, the more cases unable to alter throughout the day! Waking up late, we often only have time to dress quickly and run to work. Try to wake up early - there is a time and a leisurely breakfast, and coffee in Turku, and cleaning, and leisure, and for reading news feeds ... your imagination is unlimited!

The magic and silence.

TV is silent, the machine is not buzzing, the music is not in the window breaks, the morning to the brim full of magic silence, which so rarely catch at a different time of day. Quiet morning, good to read books, to think about something else, and just enjoy the silence. If you do nothing - dedicate quiet morning to myself tidy things, do some yoga, make nourishing mask.

Sunrise - a delicate matter.

Those who sleeps until recently passed the most magnificent natural view - sunrise. Just imagine: the darkness of the night is gradually replaced by light of dawn, the edge of the sky is filled with all shades of scarlet, everything is painted in vibrant, bright colors, which are only in the early morning ... To paraphrase paravozik from Romashkovo in one famous cartoon, if you do not see the sunrise - you are late for a lifetime.

Breakfast - a head.

Breakfast early in the morning does not look like a snack on the run. A cup of freshly brewed coffee, a newspaper or a book, silence, peace of mind - all this pales in comparison with the hasty chewing a sandwich and a sip of instant coffee (brew some do not have time!). In addition, nutritionists have long proved that forced a missed breakfast "halloo to one another" uncontrollable bouts of desire to eat all the most harmful for the body: sweet buns, fast food, fatty food, etc.


Yes, do not laugh, charge - a very topical thing and is doing it the easiest way is in the morning. Besides, you will not be able to wriggle out of it under the pretext that it is necessary to redo a lot of cases, as it usually happens when you put off exercise for the evening.

For the good of the cause.

Morning - the most productive time of day. It's time to write an article for the work, fill out daily, paint cost costs, make a list of products for a week ... you'll be surprised how many useful things can be altered in the morning until the day whirlwind does not blow you away. And the evening hours that you normally spend on such things, we can devote to family and friends.

Not a day without a goal.

Make it a rule to plan to achieve some purpose for a week - much like Munchausen planning commission feat from 8 am to 10 am, remember? Following the example of the famous baron's plan in the morning, but not a feat, but one step to the end of the week and will lead you to the fulfillment of the goals at the beginning of the week. And try to take this step was the morning after morning, you remember - the most productive time of the day.

Movement - life.

Rush hour - a time when public transportation to become not the most pleasant, to say the stay. To avoid it, you need to go to work in advance and, consequently, get up earlier.


Assign a business meeting in the first half of the day. Coming to the meeting in advance, you will make a favorable impression on a potential business partner and be able to carefully prepare for the meeting.



Sudden changes adversely affect the body and nervous system. Start gradually change its schedule - every day for a few days to wake up 10-15 minutes earlier than usual. Accustomed to, subtract from their sleep for another 15 minutes, and get used to a few days. Continue in the same spirit as your awakening will not make you the right time and without any special effort on your part.

Go to bed earlier than usual. Chances are, your late going to bed is associated with the habit of watching TV or surf the Internet. If you continue in the same spirit, at the same time trying to follow the advice of the first and reduce the time of sleep, then eventually you will not break down and start again later, you wake up - and have to start all over again. It is better to go to bed early, even if you did not want to sleep. Read a little, and you will not notice as fall asleep.

Another trick for zasonya: Service place as far away from the bed, to avoid the temptation to "kill" him and go back to sleep. Remember how many times you clicked on a ringing mobile phone button "to postpone the call" and transferred to the alarm for 10 minutes? That's right. The farther the mobile will lie on your bed, the more effort you'll need to find him asleep. As long as you get out from under the blanket and look for mobile, you will have time to wake up, and willy-nilly have to get up.

Get out of the bedroom immediately after turn off the alarm, do not let yourself again to get under a warm blanket. Force yourself to get to the bathroom, wash, take a shower. After 5-10 minutes you will feel the strength to start a new day.

Find the cause for early recovery - it will help you wake up, become a kind of motivation. The reasons may be diverse: see the dawn, to add an article to do morning exercises, roller skating ... imagination is boundless!

Give the prize for themselves early rise. Let it become a cup of hot chocolate or a few chapters of an interesting book that you will have time to read in the morning. Promise yourself something delicious for breakfast, treat yourself to something nice. Knowing that in the morning you will find something good and looking forward to it in advance, it will be easier to tune in early rise.

The main thing - to benefit from the early rise.   No need to wake up at two or three hours early just to sit on the Internet (unless you need to work). Do not waste the morning, start the day cheerfully and efficiently.

How to stop snoring

Table of contents
How to stop snoring
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Users who violate these sounds of the night calm, rarely do notice their own snoring. Usually those who, it prevents snoring, feel the all the "charm" of the night songs. And not just because that snoring is an unpleasant combination of sounds to our ears,

from what the other person for a long time can not sleep. In addition, other sounds just interfere with normal sleep, wake them in the night, sometimes several times.

Most people tend to get rid of snoring, so as not to disturb others sleep, because they themselves like as he is not worried. But snoring can sometimes be a sign of more serious health deviation ... But let's get to the first.

Snoring Causes

Before we talk about how to get rid of, understand, how it is taken at all. These sounds arise from vibration narrowed walls of the pharynx. A hidden reason for their restriction that overly relaxed muscles that support them the soft palate and tongue. During sleep, these muscles, some people are so relaxed that sometimes interfere with normal breathing.

Most often snoring occurs with age, the aging muscles of the tongue and soft palate are weakened and can not as before to maintain the airway open. Although in some cases the cause of snoring can be congenital narrowness of the throat. The cause of shortness of breath, and as a consequence of snoring can be a deviated septum, polyps (tumors) in the nose or the same congenital narrowness of the nasal passages.

In addition, and an elongated uvula, and even malocclusion can lead to snoring. Who would have thought that everything is so interconnected. In fact, the health of our body as a single system. And the fact that someone has suddenly appeared snoring a reason - it is like a "signal" that there are some deviations.

Should I be concerned?

Not always. It is noted that it can make itself felt, and in people taking alcohol before going to bed. As is well known, under the influence of alcohol muscles relax, which causes the sleeper thereafter publishes snoring sounds. The same situation is very tired and a man with the body enough energy to keep the muscles (including the tongue and soft palate) in good shape. In such cases, when the snoring emerged once but not repeated, it is natural to worry about.

Another factor that affects the general health, can become obese. Mainly due to the fact that is deposited in the neck fat creates excessive pressure on the airways. First of all it is important to establish the cause, and then decide which treatment to choose for themselves.

Maybe treat snoring and do not need . if, for example, it does not affect the general state of health, and strangers he does not interfere. For clarification reasons, it is desirable to treat a sleep and otolaryngology, which conducted the necessary studies to recommend the most appropriate treatment.

Treatment How to get rid

Having analyzed the possible causes, you can talk about existing methods of its treatment. The most common cause of snoring is the weakening of the muscles of the soft palate and tongue. About surgical method will tell later. To begin MirSovetov share traditional methods of treatment. Firstly, you have to wean yourself to sleep on your back when the cause of snoring becomes a sink language.

On their own, of course, to retrain your body can not succeed. This is usually advised to proceed as follows: at night put on pajamas embroidered on the back tennis ball. Wait until your body is reconstructed, it will have about a month. Comfort during sleep, of course, will suffer. Still, if you care to get rid of snoring on their own without medication or surgery, it is one of the best solutions to the problem.

Unfortunately, sleeping on the side is not always a positive effect. The result can be such as to get rid not succeed, but only diminish its power. Then, in addition to the above method, you can use a set of exercises to strengthen the muscles of the tongue of the soft palate and tongue. Firstly, the movements of the tongue. First, try to stick his tongue forward, as it does, when to show the doctor a sore throat.

The more effort you put in, the better - you have to feel how tense the muscles at the base of the tongue. Repeat this exercise 30 times. Then, in contrast, the number of times try to do language movement back toward the throat. Second, you can work the jaw. Having about 30 movements of the lower jaw back and forth, you also posposobstvuete strengthen weak muscles.

How to get rid

Then take in the mouth of a subject and to hold power for 5 minutes. Do not expect quick results from these exercises. But if you repeat every day, morning and evening, will definitely become noticeable improvement. When in this way you get rid of snoring, then in the future it will be necessary only occasionally do these exercises in order to maintain the necessary muscle tone.

In order to get rid of him were also invented devices that are placed inside the mouth. Some of them are somewhat similar to the nipple for children. The effect of this method of treatment of snoring is based on the idea that language is constantly trying to touch a foreign object, located in the mouth, and thus remain in suspense. The second device is similar to the protective insert boxers.

But unlike her insertion is made for each individual so that the lower jaw has been continuously pushed forward. This is necessary in order to

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