The wonderful world of dreams!

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The wonderful world of dreams!
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This short article - for beginners, for those who are only acquainted with the fascinating world of dreams. There are no clear guidelines, there are only guidelines to help start this journey.

About dreams written very, very much. This is perhaps the only thing (apart from death) that has always troubled the minds of many, many generations of people of different cultures.

Dream - is what accompanies us throughout our lives, because in sleep we spend a third of our lives. For some, a dream - it's boring semiconscious paging rambling pictures to someone - a constant nightmare for someone - a void.

But for many - this is an exciting journey filled with many discoveries, and experiences. All people are different! And because the world of dreams and offer many different ways.

Many people do not read and do not know about the practices of dreams, all his life walking on the worlds of dreams for his own pleasure, and many just to get a grain of awareness, it is necessary to work hard.

But whatever it was - it's worth it. The moment of realization of the dream, the moment of opening the scope of sleep, experiences and discoveries, communication - all wrapped in a very special "smell" which can not be found anywhere else in everyday life.

This "smell" is our "delicate feelings", by which we communicate in a dream with the world. It's the roots of those feelings, to which we are accustomed to in everyday life that his rudeness hide from us an endless stream of magic that pervades everything.

Why do I call it "the smell"? I see that comes to mind is the word. Although the words do not mean anything - it's just a way of interpreting and sharing experience. For example, the Buddha taught that the body of a thin resembles a fruit plant adre, subtle organ of smell is similar to the two crossed needles, organ of taste has a crescent shape.

In the dream all the senses sharper abilities are limitless.

Net open field for experiments, experiments, knowledge formation. Travel deep into yourself!

What is the purpose of such practices? It is difficult to answer unequivocally. Everyone still defines it himself in accordance with his mind and needs.

The tradition of Tibetan Buddhism, which is very close to me, for example, suggests that the principles of perception in the bardo of dying (space afterlife) are no different from the perception of a sleeping person (so-called "Bardo of Dreams").

Thus, the practice of dreams gives us the necessary experience of the posthumous condition and as a result, experience hold awareness in a state of transition that will allow us to avoid the next birth (about space afterlife read "The Tibetan Book of the Dead").

But this question has more global than those designed to solve this article. And we will talk to you about awareness.

Journey into the world of dreams begins with awareness.

Practices to enhance awareness of the infinite set, but in essence they are one and all alike, and talk about the same, "formed the habit! "

If you want to dream - get used to dream!

Stop once and for all "sleep and dream!" You are now dreamers. And not only at night but during the day - always. Learn to live in parallel with the world of dreams. Stop to give preference to one of them, recognize their equal and begin their journey.

1. Begin with his usual easy-notebooks, the first page is written "large colored letters," "Diary of Dreams". Together with a pen (or pencil), this blog is put next to the bed and each time waking write to all (or all but more on that another time), they remember of your dreams tonight.

Prev. - Next. "

How to deal with insomnia, causes of


How often do you suffer from insomnia? We hope you have it rare. Because if it becomes chronic, it is unlikely that a simple reading of the literature on traditional medicine can effectively deal with insomnia and for all get rid of it.

In these cases, you are better off not to self-medicate, and seek medical advice.

If the insomnia comes to you it is quite rare, but much bother, it is possible to struggle with insomnia, and their own.

Let's try to understand the reasons of occurrence of insomnia. Perhaps stepping over these reasons, you will find a few ways to go faster in the kingdom of Morpheus.

The main causes of insomnia

Many of us are occasionally faced with a situation in which sleep, in spite of all desire is impossible. Already on the other side turned over, and more than one hundred sheep were counted, and the dream seemed to have forgotten about you. Yeah, sometimes it's not easy to sleep, especially if you do not give rest to the idea that you should definitely get some sleep because tomorrow will have a tough day with any important events. Stop!

Here is the first reason. "Do not give rest thought", and hence all the resulting consequences as increased activity in the brain, which is intensively working on exciting events you. Not surprisingly, that you suffer from insomnia. A yield something out of this situation is surprisingly simple, because in order to sleep is enough to send all anxious thoughts to rest. Even in Russian fairy said: "Sleep on it."

Try to think about some of the circumstances in which you have always been able to fall asleep easily. For some, it was time to rest in warm countries, for another - a serene memories of childhood. The main thing is that the brain itself is rebuilt on a more peaceful mode and insomnia goes away so quickly, that he woke up in the morning, you do not remember how and when the fell asleep.

Brain activity can be felt, even in cases where no problems at this time of night, and do not disturb.

What then was the cause of insomnia? Perhaps it is drunk cup of strong tea, coffee or any other beverage tonic. Although, in fairness, I must say that some of the varieties of tea have a calming effect.

But if you're not sure what kind of effect you have on the tea, it is best to replace the traditional tea drinking after dinner for another drink. For example, any natural juice or mineral water is excellent to substitute. Or, at the worst, if anything from drinks at home left, drink a glass of plain water - from her insomnia, you certainly will not. Another reason may be your stomach.

But rather, what you eat (or not eat) before bedtime. We do not advise you to load up before going to bed, even if the dinner came out surprisingly tasty, and in the morning to leave no means desirable. Fatty foods will be a long time to digest, that will not let you sleep for some time. At the same time to go to bed hungry is absolutely not a solution either.

Most of all this applies to those who like to sit on a diet. Do not scoff at his body, on the contrary, eaten an apple before going to bed will benefit and will only fall asleep faster. Quite often people have insomnia simply because they feel uncomfortable in bed.

Perhaps the reason for insomnia lies in the fact that the situation in the bedroom interfere with sleep. The temperature in the room, stray light or sounds - all this affects how quickly you fall asleep. Before going to bed, close the curtains tightly, turn off the TV. If the room is too hot turn on the air conditioning or just slightly open window.

If on the contrary, chilly, it is desirable to have such an event in the soft warm pajamas. Sometimes, there are times when sleep does not give served its old mattress. And you like the "Princess and the Pea" tossed and turned in bed in a vain attempt to get rid of insomnia. Or simply it's time to choose and buy a new pillow, because nothing else is not affected because sleep is a comfortable bed.

How best to deal with insomnia

Sometimes the reasons for not so obvious, and the methods of disposal may vary. Universal remedy in such cases is, of course, sleeping. But there are ways to get rid of a lot of negative things. Addictive heavy awakening one of them, and, moreover, in each case may have many side effects of soporific constant.

Leave this method as a last resort, if we do not help those which talk further. There are many popular recipes to help you get rid of insomnia. But not every house there are components for preparation of the corresponding recipe, so do not dwell on them.

Moreover, the information on the methods of treatment of insomnia folk abound, if desired, they can be easily found. Most are interested in ways to help you sleep, so to speak, "available at hand." When just can not sleep, a good way to get rid of, find yourself some monotonous sedentary occupation. You can advise, do not strain your mind by reading books, knitting, etc.

But not the text on the computer typesetting. Although the DC voltage causes eye fatigue, but also the light from the monitor to the body creates a false sense of continuation of the day, which, of course, will not let you sleep. Probably many people know that sleep helps the cup drunk before going to sleep warm unboiled milk with honey. If there would be milk, it may be a green tea or a glass of warm water normal.

Sometimes (but only sometimes) if you do not want a long time to deal with annoying insomnia, you can snuggle up at bedtime with a glass of red wine or a bottle of light beer. It will help to relax and fall asleep faster.

Insomnia often is it that a person can not relax after a busy day. This problem is especially acute for office workers. In addition, their work is connected with the constant mental activity, they have acute shortage of physical activity. And all together often leads to problems with sleep, to periodically cause discomfort.

Therefore, physical activity is highly recommended. Throughout the day, for example, go during lunch in a cafe or go for something in the nearest store. In the evening, after work, it is desirable to arrange a short walk. If your home is half an hour away from work, why not walk.

And all will be great if you have the opportunity to swim in the pool after work, easy fatigue after this, the best way contribute to sleep. It helps fight insomnia a hot bath for a few hours before bedtime. This procedure relieves muscle tension of the whole organism, accumulated during the day.

If you feel though slightly, but a nasty nagging pain (in the legs, lower back, neck), as an alternative to help and easy relaxing massage. Generally, in cases where the cause of insomnia gets any pain (such as toothpaste), it is best to take pain medication, and in the morning to seek medical advice. As you can see, the causes of a lot and they are all different.

One sleeping pill - not a panacea for all occasions. Therefore, there is no single good tool. Sometimes people can not sleep because of severe stress, emotions, and there can not do without the help of a psychologist. Other cause of insomnia becomes physical health problems that require treatment by a qualified doctor. What do we have in the end to all the above.

That you are not concerned with the question how to deal with insomnia, try, first of all, to eliminate the causes of its occurrence. Build your schedule, train your biological clock sleep and wake up at a certain time (even on weekends).

Maintain a healthy way: proper power system, moderate exercise and restorative procedures - a pledge of normal full sleep. Learn to feel and understand ourselves, that's all you need.

Good night!
