Erotic dreams and intimate desire dream

 Erotic dreams and sexual desire in a dream
Erotic dreams

You happened to make love with Antonio Banderas? Or spend a hot night with the chief and his deputy? Or kissing passionately on the streets with hardly a familiar guy?

I bet that this happened to you! And you know where? In a dream! The erotic dream!

That would be my grandfather Freud frolic to hear what you dream of! Followers of his theory believe that any elongated object in a dream means the male genitalia, and any hollow - women. We will not delve into the maze of psychoanalysis: sometimes a banana - it's just a banana.

But to understand why the erotic dream comes to you ex-boyfriend, or you make love with the boss, perhaps, you are. After all, dreams - this is key to the subconscious.

Even if you're the eighth year blyudesh religiously faithful to her husband and did not think about the adventures on the side, you can see the erotic dreams with other men. And the women!

The circle of individuals close to your body in the country of Morpheus is very broad: it's complete strangers and casual companions and good old friends and former classmates and co-workers and even family!

The idea of ​​the intimate attraction to many of them in real life, it seems blasphemous. And yet you wake up in the sweet fog and can not forget the night adventure.

What can I say, erotic dreams are so real that lead to real orgasm in a dream, even if you do nothing about this recall (3% of women, it happens regularly)!

And not necessarily dream about sex scene: your night counterpart may simply stroking your hair, holding her hand, dance with you - and you will burn with tenderness and desire, and your feelings will be much stronger and brighter than in real life. Why is that?

It's simple as ABC. At the bottom of your subconscious lurk sexual instincts and desires, but the consciousness is a strict censor does not break them out. As a result, you are very often not even aware of them.

During sleep, control of the censor weakened, though not disappear completely, and the desire to pour out into the sometimes bizarre shape. In addition, in an erotic dream all moral norms go by the wayside, you can not worry about your appearance, how you perceive partner - namely, those things blocking your sexuality "in the real world."

Hence - and indiscreet actions and forbidden situations and sensations. For example, erotic scene involving a woman says about your hidden bisexuality.

It does not mean anything bad: you can just feel intimate attraction to persons of the same and opposite sex. 47% of women are bisexual, but not all aware of it! However, not all erotic dreams to be interpreted directly.

If you dream you are sexually attracted to a person, which is not perceived as a potential partner in life, most likely it is a projection of relations in the sexual sphere.

For example, do you see yourself in the arms of a colleague or friend, to whom feel very friendly feeling. This dream just confirms your sincere attitude towards this person and that you trust him.

The erotic dream to see you back your ex, even though the day you about it for a long time do not remember, and happily live with others? This does not mean that you want it back!

Instead, you compare his former partner with a new love while trying to avoid the previous script that does not suit you.

Sex with the boss, which you are absolutely indifferent, means nothing other than the desire to "grab" a piece of his power.

A erotic scene with your (oh, horror!) Father says that you want to bring back old feelings of intimacy between you, not a desire to take the place of the mother.

Although Freud, of course, be attributed to you Electra complex (female counterpart of the Oedipus complex).

Do not focus on psychoanalysis erotic dreams!

The phases of sleep and smart miracle Service

 The phases of sleep, REM sleep, smart alarm clock

Sleep and its phases, 5 stages of sleep and the miracle of intelligent alarm clock tells you when to wake up, to feel rested.

"The dream - it is a miracle of Mother Nature, delicious dishes of the feast on the earth ...".

W. Shakespeare.

Good sleep - is the key to health. Healthy physical, emotional and psychological - the dream is one of the keys to human health. A person deprived of sleep becomes irritable, distracted, unable to carry out their everyday work.

Experts call the average rate of sleep a day for a man - 7-8 hours. But in our time of rapid norm for everyone. To sleep a couple of hours, we sometimes feel quite sleep. Sometimes it happens that a man sleeps for 10 hours and at 11, and not feeling rested. Each for himself is his own personal rhythm of sleep.

To understand the causes of a rash will help us not such a thing as sleep phase

Scientists who study sleep, there are five different phases. All phases have their signs and their duration. The main ones are two phases: slow and fast sleep.

The phase of REM sleep while falling asleep longer REM sleep and before awakening - increasing the duration of REM sleep. The first four phases are summarized and called slow sleep (slow-wave sleep, orthodox sleep).

The first stage of sleep - the so-called period of dormancy. Slumber a person not suffering from disorders of sleep, lasting from one to ten minutes.

Man is easy to wake up in this state, and it is possible that he would deny his dream. At this stage, sometimes there are involuntary muscle contractions (usually during this there is the image of falling, tripping, etc.).

The second stage - sleep spindles (duration - 20-30 minutes). At this stage, the body starts to calm down, breathing becomes deeper, the temperature is slightly reduced.

For the first two phases are characteristic of so-called dream thought. Fragments of pictures of the previous day, the thought of pressing issues, etc. Wake up the sleeping still easy. Increased sensitivity to sounds. Almost all respond to his name.

The third stage is finally pleases us the beginning of a deep sleep. The third and the fourth step is often combined into one. There comes the deepest sleep. During this period of sleep a person is difficult to awaken.

The fifth stage - REM sleep, REM sleep, also called REM phase (rapid eye movement) or, in the English version, REM-phase (rapid eyes movements - rapid eye movements). During this period of sleep, if you look at the sleeping, we will see a rapid movement of the eyeballs.

During REM sleep muscle man just relax, it is very difficult to wake up, while the activity of the brain increases.

French neurologist named this stage, paradoxically, "waking facing inward." It was in this phase we dream dreams.

In adults, the percentage among all sleep stages is: a nap is about 12, 1% of sleep, the stage of carotid spindles - 38, 1%, the third and fourth (delta sleep surface and deeper) - 14, 2% and 12, 1% respectively, and finally, REM - 23, 5%.

Now that you know some of the stages is our sleep, you can answer the question: "Why do I feel tired, slept more than 8 hours? "

The phases of sleep a healthy person during sleep are repeated cyclically several times.

Depending on what phase you woke Service, you will feel a relaxed or not.

For a good night's sleep you need to wake up during the fifth stage, that is to take a full sleep cycle.

It will help you to wake up in the proper stage of the special alarm clock, smart alarm clock. Alarm due to sensor (located in the bracelet) registers changes and based on their determines your stage of sleep.

Specify a smart alarm clock the range of time in which you need to wake up (for example, from 7-30 to 8-15), and it wakes you at the end of REM sleep.

Sleep is no less important than food, water and environment, so try not to expose your body to stress.

A lack of sleep - is stressful for you, and quite frankly, and others.
