Dreams about the past and future, dreams that foretell

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Dreams about the past and future, dreams that foretell
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And the connection, opposition and quadrature create tension, the conflict between the planets, in this case between the moon and the sun. The moon in the astrological tradition associated with the soul, the human psyche, the emotional perception of the world and the sun manages mind mentality, so dreams at the critical point of the moon tell about the conflict with the feelings of your mind, logic with intuition.

Pictures here is great variety, but everything you see in the "critical" night, connected with your inner conflict. Particularly unusual are the dreams of the full moon.

All previously dormant, wakes up, blossoms and sounds in this magical day, because the moon is full to the brim with all of nature is filled with the energy of water in rivers reaches the maximum level, and people feel overflowing emotions.

The power of the full moon the moon is great for earthlings. On this day, we hardest to control their emotions and dreams in a full moon night show what we are too emotional, what to spend too much mental strength and the reason for our nervousness. These dreams show in which situations we should be quieter.

Director of the School of the full moon had a pleasant dream in which he bought and gave flowers to loved ones, their students. Huge bouquets brought great joy to all who to fall. But this man was an old problem - it is always very nervous when I congratulated people on the holiday and gave them gifts.

The dream was a colorful, spectacular, but if this man did not know about the secret dreams of the full moon, it would be decoded incorrectly, and began to work on their "nerves."

Full Moon Dreams show in which direction should be in the near future to work on his mental state.

In the new moon, when the moon is not visible in the sky, they dream about what we think too much.

If the full moon a lot of emotion, then the new moon - thoughts, because on this day the Sun, head of intelligence for the earthlings much stronger Moon. Dream New Moon shows what should not be a lot to think about.

One man was very fond of planning, scheduling was his real hobby. But man proposes and God disposes, and the plans of the man is rarely realized. But he loved to plan, and this activity - the process of the mind.

And in one of the new moon he dreamed as he works in a large organization and there has been nothing more than planning.

Knowing the secret dreams of the new moon, we can say to a man - you think too much about their plans, you have too much planning - just that and pointed sleep. It would seem that what is wrong with the love of planning or in an abnormal nervous condition before giving gifts?

But excessive emotionality as excessive rationality impoverish us, taking our forces.

And if you aspire to be better, then do not neglect the advice of dreams full moon and new moon.

Easy to say - for the best, you want to be happy - be happy. But how? This tells the dreams of the first and third quarters.

Although the days of the first and third quarters of the moon as well as the full moon and new moon days - strenuous, but they are not so clearly dominated by the energy of one of the bodies.

During the first and third quarters we will see in the sky half moon. In the first case the moon - waxing, in the second - decreasing. Luna reached half way and allows us to find a middle ground within yourself.

Luna, head to our emotional state, she provokes a nervous condition and itself helps to cope with it.

On the day of the first quarter, when the rising moon reaches half of their size, have dreams of a better way to solve the problem of excessive rationality (as in the dream of the new moon).

In such dreams, gives a picture of the use of the best feelings in cases requiring a rational approach. Often such dreams imbued with lyrical mood, cold dulls alertness.

For example, the man, a lover of planning, which was mentioned above, on the night of the first quarter of the moon (two weeks after the previous dream) had a strange history. He got into an unfamiliar city, wandering through it, trying to find their way and everyone he met asked where he was going.

This dream meant: do not try to just walk itself, great advice from knowledgeable people. For this man the best way of normalization of mental activity is cooperation. But where is there to feel?

In dealing feel the need, you need, at least, feel the mood of the interlocutor to talk failed. Although the first human dream of working in a big institution and second dream is not linked plot, they are united by the same problem.

On the day of the third quarter, when the smooth moon reaches half its size, it is possible to dream about the best use of the opportunities of mind when overly emotional, nervous conditions (as discussed dreams of the full moon).

The man who had enormous tension when giving gifts on the night of the third quarter of the moon (a week after sleeping a full moon, highlighted the problem) had a nice dream: that is the man in the mirror, preening, and then asks his wife - what I look like, and she says - great!

How to decipher this dream?

Man primping, it was important to look great. The idea is that it looks good, if not the soul, at least the body in order to help him feel more confident and let the widening of mental discomfort.

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Working with dreams

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Working with dreams
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Many questions can be answered simply by knowing what kind of life is a person, and what does that do to him at the moment happens. However, we must remember that not always the story understands that simple. In most cases, no extra work on individual images to understanding dreams come fails.

Incidentally, it is a reliable criterion for proper interpretation of the dream can be a reaction to the conclusions of the dreamer. If no response - that is, people do not feel in any response to the proposed interpretation, it means something it is not so, something is missing or not understood correctly. So, if the "insight" does not occur immediately, comes the next stage. Once determined the structure and the basic characters and their relationships, you can proceed to their analysis.

There are two complementary approaches. The first - an individual search for the meaning of each separate image, and the second - the meaning of the definition in terms of collective symbolism. In both cases, each image is studied, first separately and then in conjunction with all the other images and the general course of the plot.

When searching for the meaning of the individual, usually use the technique of association to the image (this is different from the psychoanalytic technique of free association). No need to search for associations to understand just how choice of words associations to the word-image. In fact, it can happen otherwise (although the choice of words and associations may also be effective).

Let me remind you that in every way the dream is certain psychic structure - this may be the installation of the complex, some feeling or any other zamorochka. So, to understand the meaning of the image - so get to it is that the image indicates. As the experience at each person, one and the same way of the dream in different people can indicate different things. For example, someone associated with the image of the dog's loyalty and friendship, and someone with the wolves and danger.

Therefore, the search for an individual arising from personal experience, the sense - the second most important point in the analysis of dreams. To find a deep sense of personal image, I usually suggest that a person close your eyes and immerse yourself in the contemplation of the image, and then describe the feelings and thoughts that it causes.

Often, there is another effective approach - the search for a way parallels real life that is consonant with that image, or it somehow resembles. And he and the other approach eventually lead to personal semantic content of the image. Gestaltists here offer another option that seems interesting to me - a person is asked to tell his dream from the perspective of each individual image and try to describe all the feelings that it (the image) is experiencing.

Like all other practices Gestalt therapy, a pronunciation of the must occur in a manner as if the story of the dream was developing at the moment. I myself this technique is not yet used, but I feel that it can be very effective.

When an individual sense of all images (different interactions between objects of the dream - it is also the images, they must be prodelyvat the same work) is more or less clear, you can look at them from the point of view of collective symbols. The difference here is that the sense of collective character does not depend on the experience of the individual.

Many images can be common human sense. More about this should read CG Jung - this is his area of ​​research. Such characters are not very many. Jung group them into compliance with this or that archetype (the essence of this concept, too, see the works of Jung). Consider again our example. It is possible to see two bright image congruent with the meaning - it is the center of the city, in which the action takes place and the magic palace.

More to paint the symbolism of these images will not - on this issue, you can book an entire book. Well, in short, these images indicate the center of the psyche (the Self, Jung) - innermost core of the human soul. The fact that she was at the center of the city and witnessed the magic spectacle, perhaps indicating she was able to establish some connection with his Self (in Christianity is called to communication with God), but in the power to do her mistakes, she constantly the connection breaks.

Usually, the analysis of the collective dream symbolism leads to more global issues, to some existential questions facing the person (also on a separate conversation, and long). A search for the meaning of the individual brings to the surface current (current) psychological problems of man.

Approximately in this way takes my work with dreams. It remains to mention just a few details that need to be taken into account.

Often, the same dream repeated several times in a lifetime - it must be regarded as an indication of the special importance of the message that it is trying to convey.

Nightmares - is a stark warning that the mind makes the dreamer. And if the nightmare ends with the person wakes up with fear - it is said that the mind begins to lose patience. It is already possible to start to worry about their mental well-being.

Many dream so fleeting that leave no trace after waking up or stored in fragments, or they do not have a plot and only some empty images. Such dream can be regarded as important, but only if they do not cause an alarm condition in Dreamwalker.

Absent all dreams can be one reason - mental dullness, or, if you prefer, callousness. If you do not have dreams, then you are too long learned to ignore. In short, it's bad.

The idea is that a person must constantly keep a dialogue with the soul by means of dreams. Of course, there are people who over time find a more efficient means for conducting such a dialogue, but it's rare people. In this sense, it is important that dialogue to establish and maintain.

The dreamer and his soul - it's like two companion. If one is not attentive to the other, the conversation quickly comes to a standstill. To the worse, guess yourself. Options and techniques for a productive cooperation with the soul too much.

For example, you can sketch dreams, or at least, a record. In principle, these techniques can be used in cases where a person "does not remove" dreams or the plot is too confusing and unclear.

When the communication established, the dream language becomes simple and clear. The complexity of the plot and tricked - a sign that too much has accumulated such that the soul wants to tell the person.

There are many other subtleties and importance. And without that mass of books on the subject has already been written.

And for those who still want to try to analyze his dreams, a hint - it's worth it! The prize is great.

Artem Krimnus

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