Too many (yes, almost all) of the authors of the dream practices, talking about the diary emphasize that it must carry every day. And you know what? They're damn right! Everyday! And if you have nothing to write (well, you do not remember anything!), Then enter your old sleep (for example, from childhood) that you remember.
Moreover, after a few days of this practice of recording again, you will notice that the quality of your dreams rose, began to paint brighter memory began to catch some particular who had never noticed before.
But other than that, you will remember my old dreams that have seen before, and the more often and more intensely you work with your diary, the more and more you will remember dreams.
Burn them all! Let not the whole, though not in detail (and that over time will have to pore over the diary of the morning), but at least in thesis, to fix in the memory and on paper. Immediately, I note immediately, the experience and the advice of others, which is especially well-remembered dreams, if you wake up not as usual (for example, 8), and a little earlier (for example, 6).
You can record your sleep and then go to sleep on. Or you can simply make a marathon. To do this, either set the alarm so that he called after a certain period of time (after 1, 5 - 2 hours), or (preferably) to form intent (ie voice in mental attitude, a strong subconscious desire) to wake up every time will end with a dream, to write it down.
Thus, we can write the night several dreams. In my experience, that such marathons - a very exciting experience. After a couple of nights a head start such a mess that the difference between dreams and everyday worlds are erased completely. I fell asleep, woke up, wrote down the dream, and again fell asleep.
Then he woke up, looked in my diary, I saw blank pages, realized that I woke up and wrote down everything in a dream, and now it never recorded, wrote again, fell asleep, woke up again, saw a blank page, through a veil of sleep knew that sleep, I woke up again, I saw a few records in his diary, wrote another.
Again and again she fell asleep woke up. And so polupanicheskom state overnight. After such practices in one night I dreamed that I was leafing through his diary of dreams during sleep. It was a thick notebook full of scribbled with drawings and diagrams. So, keep a diary of dreams in two worlds - that's for sure!
2. In addition, the mention of even one small nuance, which is, nevertheless, important.
If you want to achieve awareness in the world of dreams - achieve awareness in everyday life.
Who can boast of a conscious life? Yes, no one! We get on the machine, wash, shave, brush your teeth, go to metro or car, work, eat, smoke, go to the toilet - all on the machine, like a zombie to the desired path.
We are so obsessed with the world around them, which is absolutely get lost in it, our awareness of spraying, smearing it all over the surrounding area, with all its minutiae. We react to emotional outbursts surrounding the same emotional outbursts for a given scenario, we do think the thoughts of others!
What kind of awareness in the dream can be a speech?
Be aware of yourself!
As often as possible! Ask yourself these questions: "Where am I? ", "What am I doing? ", "What I feel? ". Inhale and feel how it flows into your lungs feel as clothing rubs against your body as tight shoes, as the blood running through his veins, after all.
And, closer to the subject of our conversation, ask yourself: "Do I Sleep? "Grab yourself awareness as much as possible, as often as possible and ask yourself whether you are sleeping, so that one day, out of habit, ask yourself this question in a dream! And to find the answer. Yes, I sleep! Well, this is interesting ...
However, there is one problem (and where do without it?), Namely at the beginning of such moments of awareness may be disposed of sleep. Do not worry - it's a matter of habit!
3. Well, to realize a dream, we are aware of. What next? And from then on the open road for your own research and practice. Read, search, communicate with people, try to develop.
I can only advise a wonderful practice that hackers have come up with dreams, namely: mapping of dreams.
Author: Barrows
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Insomnia - sleep disorder causes
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Insomnia - sleep disorder causes
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The more effort a person expends on it to get rid of obsessive thoughts, do not think about the trouble, turn your attention to something else, the harder it is possible to do.
anxiety about sleep, its suspense, fear of the upcoming sleepless nights, the anxiety of a hard day after a sleepless night exacerbate insomnia.
But it also happens that a person suffering from insomnia, unable to remain long in the same position, constantly tossing and turning in bed to find the most comfortable position and for a long time can not sleep.
Many people suffering from sleep disorders, restless night's sleep with frequent awakenings, also had a negative impact on their overall condition. Such people usually wake up 1-2 hours after falling asleep.
The duration of sleep after awakening at night varies widely - from several minutes to several hours. However, there are occasions when waking up once a person does not sleep until the morning, and only then comes a brief shallow sleep.
Usually people are often awake, complaining about superficial sleep is not satisfying and vigor. The early final awakening is less than the difficulty falling asleep and waking in the night. After it does not come any signs of drowsiness and the person is awake.
Early awakening like waking up in the night, but the only difference is that he was not to be falling asleep, and that it often comes from the state of drowsiness and sleep surface (the first wake-up occurs after a deep sleep). It is premature to wake up people who have enhanced the excitability of the nervous system.
Shorter sleep - one of persistent symptoms of insomnia - rather rarely expressed. More important in the characterization of insomnia - a violation of the organization of sleep.
Persons suffering from insomnia commonly complain of sleep deprivation, but, as shown by objective research, they sleep duration is not too small and equal 5-5, 5 hours, while those with normal sleep - at least 6, 5:00. It's all in violation of the quality of sleep. In this context are two types of insomnia - partial and complete, or total.
In partial insomnia periods of wakefulness are at the beginning, middle and end of the night. When total insomnia dominated wakefulness, only occasionally interrupted nap. This type of insomnia is much rarer. When insomnia dramatically changed the structure of sleep compared to a normal sleep.
As shown by numerous studies, the structure of night sleep for insomnia very diverse: can be reduced (even completely lost) phase of deep non-REM sleep and REM sleep, as well as reduce the number of periods of alternating slow and fast sleep. (For insomnia of completed cycles is one or two, in normal sleep - at least three).
Awakening during the slow and fast phases of sleep also significantly distort the overall structure of sleep.
LI Kupriyanovich
Biological rhythms and dream
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How to interpret dreams
Before interpret dreams, we obviously need to be sure that it is a worthy occupation. It is no secret that many consider a dream delirium than - something meaningless and useless: the dream is a cesspool of our mind, the scum of the day, rational thinking.
If we think so, the interpretation of dreams is impaired, turning into a stupid occupation, for fools and perverts - for what the dubious pleasure of digging in the garbage!
Other optimists, do not leave the dream book, they recognize some sense of the dream, and the interpretation of dreams is considered common occupation, attributing dreams to predict the future.
Do dreams have meaning? Already well, we're halfway to success! However, in this case, the method of interpretation raises questions. The origin and reputation of Mr. Dream Interpretation - doubtful. The psychoanalytic view of the particular dream.
Dreaming recognized full-product of mental functioning, and interpretation of dreams becomes a "royal road" to the unconscious. The "strange" dreams understood as the result of mental censorship that distorts the dream thoughts.
So there is a distinction between "explicit" content of the dream - that we remember after waking up and can talk and "latent thought" dream - reconstruction and articulation of which is, in fact, the work of dream interpretation. Interpretation of Dreams held in several stages and is subject to certain rules.
The first and most important rule is that the interpretation of dreams in psychoanalysis is a therapeutic procedure carried out and, if necessary, to achieve the therapeutic (in a broad sense) effect. Interpretation of Dreams - for the love of art - a real psychotherapeutic process is meaningless and may even be harmful.
Next rule - the interpretation of dreams without the dreamer is not carried out! The fact is that to adequately understand this or that way, you can dream, just - just by placing it in the context of the dreamer's personality.
If I had a table, and you, too, had a table, it does not mean that we are thinking about the same. If I ask you, what comes to your mind when you think of the table, you probably remember his birthday yesterday, the company at the table, etc. My desk is probably a desk at which I now write this article, etc. This idea is called the associations to the elements of the dream.
Proper psychoanalytic
the interpretation of dreams is based on the free association of all the fragments of a dream. If, for some - reason to collect the dreamer's association is not possible, the interpretation should not be carried out.
Hence, it follows psychoanalytic requirement of full-time presence of the dreamer at the time of interpretation. All others, including the dream-books and on-line methods of dream interpretation are not correct and are placed on a scale of errors and lack of professionalism pole, the pole of intentional fraud, deceit and profanation.
The results of the interpretation of dreams in psychoanalysis is not limited to a single function, such as predicting the future (ie. N. "Prophetic dreams"); psychologists, psychoanalysts often think about dreams, about intrapsychic conflict is dramatized in a dream.
The dream can be interpreted on the "object" or "subjectivity" level. If I had my neighbor Uncle Vasya, how to understand this? If I decide that I've got to figure out the relationship with his uncle Vasya - I realize my dream to "object" level, as relevant here to the real Uncle Vasya. If I ask myself the question, and not "live" whether in me, in my soul a character like Uncle Vasya - I thus approach the interpretation to the "subjectivity" level.
Both levels have their own interpretation of the evidence (to use), and its limitations, and are used as complementary. When all the associations of the dreamer collected psychoanalyst begins to dream interpretation. From that moment, art.
If the association could collect an apprentice, it requires an interpretation of the Master. Will the success of interpretation depends on the experience and intuition of the analyst. The key to this process is generated over the years, sensitivity to unconscious content and the ability to clothe them in words.
As a psychoanalyst, formulated for himself the interpretation he asks himself the following, an important question - how to "deliver" the idea to the ears of the patient? Experienced analysts generally avoid polysyllabic, long sentences.
The interpretation should be, if possible, a short and emotionally charged and transfer are hidden (mental and emotional) experience of the patient.
In concluding, I note that the interpretation of dreams is not a game of the mind and not fun for the fans. For this or that dream is real, sometimes suffering from neurosis or depression man who tells his dreams, relying on psychological care and support.
Apply to render this assistance, it is the task of the professional psychotherapy, including the method of dream interpretation into their therapeutic arsenal.