How to wake up


To have a good day, it is necessary to properly wake

If a person everything goes wrong, they say that "he got up on the wrong foot." It's not just words. Medicine has proven that in order to have a good day, it is necessary to properly wake up. First and foremost, it is not necessary at the first sound the alarm abruptly jump out of bed.

The transition from sleep to wakefulness should be unhurried and correct. To do this, even apparently healthy individuals is useful to do some exercises and stretching. After all, in a dream one is slowing (exchange, for example), while others are amplified (eg, nerve).

It is believed that during sleep the brain processes all the information he had received the day, as if laying it on the shelves. There are changes in the cardiovascular system, blood volume decreases. It relaxes the spine. All of these systems need to prepare for the day job.

To do this, there are some very simple guidelines. In the morning you need to recharge your joy, and therefore, has not yet opened his eyes begin to go through all the things that need to be done on this day, it is contraindicated. It is better to turn to music. Now the morning and have to deal exclusively with a loved one.

If you are healthy

To activate the cardiovascular system should be lying on his back and his hands on his belly, take a few deep breaths, straining belly and very bulging abdominal wall during inhalation and exhalation when closing the maximum it in yourself. So you disperse stagnant blood in the abdominal cavity. Make of 10-15 breaths.

Those who find it difficult to do the exercise with outstretched legs can bend them a little. After that, turn over on his left side, and lay down in a fetal position, that is, maximum pulling her knees to her chin. Place your right hand on his right upper quadrant and also take from 5 to 15 breaths.

In this exercise, you clean the biliary tract, it is very helpful to those who have a tight gut. Another thing that needs to be done in the morning, is to stretch the spine: the right arm stretched forward, right heel pull in the opposite direction, and then the same with the left.

Then two hands you pulls up and heels down. Think of how a cat wakes up, she kneads her spine, that is, in a knee-elbow position to do bending, bowing back and then touching the breast bed. After this little gym too, do not immediately jump. Sit down and sit on a little before bed.

If you have high blood pressure

If you have any chronic diseases, waking in the morning there are some features. For people with hypertension morning - the most difficult time, and statistics, unfortunately, confirms that the highest number of accidents with hypertensive (crises, strokes, sudden death) occurs between 6 and 11 o'clock in the morning.

Therefore, hypertensive patients still in bed to take the medication and lie down for a while. To the morning there was no undue burden, everything you need - from breakfast, which you will only warm up suit that you wear, is not standing for half an hour before the cabinet, nervous because of lack of time - must be prepared the night before. Morning vanity can cause illness.

If you have back problems

In people suffering from osteochondrosis, especially cervical and thoracic, in the morning there are unpleasant sensations, dizziness, nausea. They can be advised to make all the breathing exercises mentioned above, but after that up very carefully. First, pull the legs off the bed and lie down for so little.

Then sit down with your eyes open, very gently to make 5-10 tilts the head from side to side and is 5-10 times tilt it back and forth. After this rise, a little to stand up and start your day. About the same ritual should be in patients with hypotension (low blood pressure). They know that a sharp move, especially during the transition from horizontal to vertical position, there is noise in the ears, dark eyes.

If you have varicose veins

In the morning to do exercises for the legs (small climbs, scissors). After this gym without getting up, raise your legs and leaned them against the wall at a right angle to the body. In such a situation it is necessary to spend at least ten minutes, and only then you can gently pull the elastic bandage or start stocking feet.

If you get up in the morning, dropped his feet, and then woke up and put on a stocking, you self-harm, because the venous valves have fallen down and the elastic stocking or bandage fixes their abnormal position. Better then not to bandage all.

As you can see, this is not very difficult, however, it takes a little longer, but it's therapeutic preventive procedures, and better to spend 15-20 minutes each morning, and keep yourself in good condition, than later in the day to suffer from the pain and go to doctors . If you do it right, no one would say that you get up on the wrong foot.

10 secrets of sleeping beauty


According to the firm conviction of one of my friend, "the more we sleep, become more beautiful." Here it should be noted that the lady izrekshaya so profound truth looks quite remarkable: very large blonde from birth has different-sized eyes,

one of which is significantly decimated and, moreover, is very much kartavyaschaya. At the same time, however, her self-esteem is at the skies, character - is very controversial, and a lack of "fans" has never been and there is today.

Hearing from her beauty secret is so simple, I could not help sarcastic remarks such as: "So that's why you're so beautiful!", To which no response other than an expression of deep satisfaction, the girl followed. Imagine my surprise when I was holding the topic of sleep, I found that not so wrong was my friend.

True, one important caveat - it is important, not how much we sleep, and how and when. I propose to go a little further into the subject and try to identify the main beauty secrets "Sleeping Beauty".

1 Do not eat before going to bed!

Furthermore, recent meals that very definitely affect our figure, a belated dinner provides jobs for the whole night our stomach, which sometimes need a break, too. If you are impatient to eat - do it no later than 2 hours before bedtime and eat only bland foods (vegetables, fruits, dairy products).

2 Going desirable not later than 22-23 hours.

For a normal night's sleep is enough 5-6 hours .   According to the biological rhythms, the most useful time to sleep - from 23 pm to 5 am. In any case, your dream must seize the time from 2 am to 4 am. At this time, we sleep more deeply and "productive."

This afternoon sleep is not recommended! Especially desirable to bed before sunset. Ironically, the duration of sleep depends eaten the day: eat less, the less sleep. Incidentally, a very little sleep centenarians - no more than 4-6 hours. Per day. Draw your own conclusions!

3 Need to sleep head to the north or east.

Anyway, so we say our ancestors, citing the direction of the magnetic lines of the Earth. The ancestors of the Chinese people in their amusement teachings of Feng Shui recommends that each person find their own good direction for sleep, while being careful not to put the bed directly opposite the front door and not abusing the mirrors in the bedroom.

4 sleep better on a hard, flat surface.

As though it was tragic for the modern "Princess and the Pea," is much more useful to sleep on a firm mattress. On soft feather body inevitably bend, and it causes circulatory disorders of the spinal cord and the various organs, which are clamped. Furthermore, this leads to a denial of nerve endings that could adversely affect any part of the body.

No wonder those who have suffered a spinal injury and sciatica patients, doctors recommend sleeping on the bed quite hard. In addition, the lower will be your pillow - the better. The low head during sleep supports normal cervical spine, improves cerebral blood circulation, promotes the normalization of intracranial pressure, and even prevents the formation of wrinkles on the face and neck!

5 Sleep desirable naked.

This is not only very sexy, but great effect on our skin, allowing it to fully breathe during sleep. If you are cold - better cover the extra blanket.

6 The least useful to sleep on their stomachs.

The most beneficial posture during sleep - on its side, automatically turning over a few times during the night. But you can sleep on your back.

7 Your bed should be warm, and the air in the bedroom - cool!

Never disregard airing bedroom before going to bed, and remember that your linen should be fresh, warm and always beautiful. It is preferable - from natural cotton or linen. Of great importance is the color of linen and walls in the bedroom: Red helps insomnia, and the blue and green shades of calm. In recent years, there is evidence that the dark color of linen contribute to a better quality of sleep.

8 alarm clock to get up - bad!

The fact that our sleep is divided into cycles, each of which consists of phase "fast" and "slow" sleep different depths. Typically cycles last 60 to 90 minutes, and healthy people cycle less. For a complete rest enough sleep 4 of its circadian rhythm. However, normal sleep and circadian rhythm 6.

It is important not to interrupt sleep during the circadian rhythm! If you wake up the person in the middle of one of these intervals, it will feel overwhelmed. Therefore it is better not wake up alarm clock, but by "internal clock." If you still crank Service, you need to allocate time in such a way that a dream had a whole number of cycles.

9 do not lie in bed!

As soon as you wake up (and it may be early in the morning), it is necessary to smile, stretch, throw blanket and climb. We usually look at the clock, noting with satisfaction that it is too early, again lie down. But the benefits of such a maturing very doubtful!

Try to get up early and you'll notice how positive emotions and useful things will be added to your day. Gymnastics, slow water treatment, careful care, the ability to prepare a full and healthy breakfast. Perhaps the first will want to sleep, but remember that this is not a true need, but only a habit of body. Then it will pass.

10 Relax before going to bed!

Trite, but it brings a lot of positive emotions and great tunes on vacation:

warm bath with essential oils

glass of warm milk or tea with honey and mint and lemon balm,

dreams and thoughts about something pleasant,

brief walk before bedtime relaxing massage,

leisurely and gentle sex.

Well, it is believed that in the dream we spend almost half of my life. Therefore, you can certainly have advised a lot more any "useful".

However, it only makes sense if all described already complied us. However, in relaxation and pleasure (one of which is undoubtedly a sweet dream) unbecoming to force your body to perform and offered me the recommendations at all costs.

Try to do it with pleasure and you will see how to improve your mood, shine your eyes and face will light up a smile. But the smile - is the main condition of our beauty and unfailing remedy for male charm.

Masha LIRA.
