Dreams about the past and future, dreams that foretell

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Dreams about the past and future, dreams that foretell
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We know that every dream - prophetic, but what could presage a dream of the past? The dreams of the past are made up of pictures of past life, or are built on plots of our past desires. Often in a dream we see a situation dreamed about at one time, but there will come true this dream, or the dream told us:

do not dream, do not think more about it, you do not need it?

Determine the meaning of the dream is very simple according to the phases of the moon - Mistress of the night life and dreams.

Growing moon called the new and decreasing - old. That's the whole secret.

The period of waning moon corresponds to the ebb and rising - tide waters.

And dreams waning of the moon show that what we have to leave that lose anything from our lives and dreams of growing moon - something with which we meet, which will come in our lives.

One aspiring correspondent wanted to interview most of Alla Pugacheva, but did not find her path.

A few months later during the waning of the moon, he saw himself in a dream conversation with the singer. And what do you think the dream does not bode desired meeting. When the correspondent, already looking forward to a positive response, he asked whether the dream foretold the meeting in real life, I had to answer - no.

Sleep waning moon shows that lose anything from a person's life, will be superfluous, uninteresting.

And after a few weeks of the hunter for the interview itself I have come to the conclusion that it would be interesting to talk to Pugacheva, his desire to meet with her warm. So you think if you had a bad, bad dream?

Most likely, you would have thought it - "not good." But if you had a bad dream during the waning of the moon, it is - for good, because it means that ubudut troubles in your life, stop events occur that cause the unpleasant feelings and emotions.

Dreams waning moon could be called cleansing.

If the waning moon dreaming something pleasant, like a dream correspondent, then the dream means that this pleasant you will not. But do not because of this upset, because life is only saves us from unnecessary.

Dreams waning moon show that in our lives too much, and foreshadow the situation or change the world, which will relieve us from this excess. It can be very easy to understand, on what kind of deliverance, purification indicated waning moon dreams, because dreams are born subjects of our strong desires and past events.

It is much more difficult to decipher dreams growing, new moon, because they give a picture of the future, which we have not yet dreamed of.

Dreams growing Moon demonstrate something new that is knocking at our lives and will soon be with us.

Such dreams can be called filling the. Topics of these dreams as dreams waning moon can be very different, from the mundane to the life stories of incredible, fantastic. But they all mean one thing: soon it will happen to you.

According to the system of new and old moon, unaware of the dream, we can not say that he foretold - change at work, in relationships with loved ones, successful acquisition ... But if you want to determine as accurately as possible the meaning of a dream, to know about the laws of the cleaning and filling Dreams necessary.

Dreams of the old and new moon and have another secret.

On the growing moon decided to start new businesses, and the dream of growing Moon shows what and how best to start and what areas of life are demanding change.

In the waning moon is necessary to complete the processes started during the growing moon, so dreams waning moon indicate that it is time to finish, how to do it and that will change our old plans. In the waning moon can be seen and the events of the distant past, their past lives.

Dreams rising moon can be called also inspiring, because they call into the future and dreams waning moon summarize our activities, give her praise. Medical cosmetologist on the growing moon had a dream in his cabin comes overhaul crumbling walls, grow new ones. Repairs began suddenly and ended quickly. Renovated interior was not found.

There was not one of the old wall or an old door, the furniture was already different. And he realized that it is necessary to change the style of work. If not now, then I have a lot to remodel.

And this doctor already during the waning moon again saw the renovation of its interior. But the builders are reluctant to move, endless smoke breaks did not give them focus.

Finally tiring repair was completed, but for a long time no one could stand construction debris, and a brand new floor to the walls again become dirty. This dream spoke of the slowness of the doctor, his unwillingness to change something in their work.

On the growing moon, he changed only a small part of the necessary, but the new mixed with old and it has not improved.

In the phase of the moon definitely need to pay attention. And particular attention should be attributed to dreams, seen in the days of the new moon, full moon, first and third quarters (information on the phase of the moon, and the critical points is given in the tear-off calendar).

New Moon, the full moon, the first and third quarter - a critical point of the moon, when the moon is in hard aspect to the Sun (aspect - the distance in degrees between the planets).

New Moon - a conjunction of the Moon with the Sun (0 degrees of the zodiacal circle); full moon - is the opposition (180 degrees); the first and third quarter - a quadrature (90 degrees).

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Working with dreams

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Working with dreams
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My approach is to work with dreams was influenced by many psychological tendencies. Perhaps, even, not only psychological but also philosophical, and partly esoteric. After all, to say what is the purpose of dreams and how they achieved it,

it is necessary to have an understanding of human mental apparatus. And in my case, this view is more philosophical and mystical than strictly psychological. A psychologist working with dreams, always relying on his understanding of the structure and dynamics of the psyche.

I must say that there is no correct theory of dreams, as there is in the correct theory of psychology and personality. Each psychologist is developing it for himself, of course, based on the more fundamental developments. I also have dreams for their own approach. I'm not saying that to invent something new.

No, my version - a hodgepodge of what I liked in the wrong approach and that we managed to adapt for themselves. As expected, all the experiments were performed on top of itself - that my own dreams were the primary material for analysis.

Talk about how I see the device soul, I will not - is the subject of a separate discussion. Let me just say that, in my view, the mind tends to equilibrium, and when a person develops excessive or, conversely, inhibit some aspect of his personality, the different ways human psyche tends to return to the "right path".

Dreams - is the first swallow. First, the soul through dreams quietly tells the man that is going wrong in his life.

And if a person does not understand the allusions, the soul uses a more powerful tool - disturbing dreams, and the next stage - nightmares.

We can say that the purpose of the dream - to keep a person from falling into extremes and help to realize the potential inherent in it.

From this position, it is clear that understanding the language of their dreams, people can bypass many stranded on their way.

Analysis and work with dreams, we are going to do.

Dreams I consider as carefully set plays with a deep metaphorical meaning. Characters and individual objects such productions - is the individual aspects of personality, and they played out a drama - a illustration of the connections and relationships between these aspects, told Aesopian language.

Using other terminology, we can say that every dream image (a character or a passive object) - a metaphorical personification of some mental structure. That is, everything that happens in a dream - this map is taking place in the soul processes.

Therefore, I am very cautious about "prophetic" dreams. I'm not saying that they do not happen - there are, but only rarely.

As in a dream, we see, for example, the death of an acquaintance, it says nothing about the state of health of the person, and does not warn of impending trouble. This may mean that, in a metaphorical sense for us, "dead", ie, lost value, some part of us or the installation of which is shown in a dream in the form of a familiar person. Well, or something like that.

For me, a dream - it's feedback from your soul. Very effective communication. As with any performance, the dream has its own scenario - consecutive dynamic plot. In the dream, we see not a static image, and the events unfolding on the stage or another.

As I said, for understanding dreams are important to us, at first, some meaningful images, and second, dynamics and semantic load of their relationship. I see every dream as a narrative that has a plot, the culmination and denouement.

The climax - the most important thing that happens in a dream; tie - is the background of events, and the denouement - the consequences that are likely to come when people will not change anything in my life. The structure of the story may be different, but, anyway, the study and analysis of the structure - is the first step in my work with dreams.

Just knowing the structure of the story and describe the basic relationship between the images of the dream can continue - find meaning. I forgot to mention an important detail - for the understanding of dreams is very important the emotions and feelings that people experienced during sleep and immediately after waking up.

Emotions and feelings - is much more important to understand the meaning of certain images of dreams than their visual image. For example, a completely hideous monster, with all that can induce a sense of calm and security, and, innocuous-looking handset, to cause panic.

Therefore, to talk about the dream, oblivious to the feelings experienced by a man - it's a waste of time.

Take for example this story: girl dreams that she is in the center of a great city; around a lot of people; at some point, she raises her head and sees that hangs in the sky beautiful snow-white palace; she feels joyful feelings, I admire this palace; Then she turns to the people who are there and trying to draw their attention to this palace because no one on it does not pay attention; cool and people react in the moment when she looks back at the palace, she sees his place dull yellow building; Palace disappeared; she is disappointed and devastation.

First, consider the structure of the plot. She sees something wonderful magical enchanting, then for some reason it wants to attract the attention of others, and when it succeeds, the vision gives way to something unattractive. Even shorter - there is a positive image, she commits an act, is replaced by a neutral image.

The plot - a great city, a palace in the sky, inspiring culmination - an attempt to draw attention to the transformation of the palace in the simple house, isolation - disappointment and devastation. Doing this kind of work, we have already passed the half way to understanding the message which the soul wants to convey to the mind.

In many cases, you can stop at this point, because then everything becomes clear. With our example it is also possible to draw some conclusions - she makes the mistake of wanting to share their vision with others. She wants everyone around happy and admired as well as it (the material for further analysis).

A passing vision of strangers, she discovers the loss of his values. When she tries to tell the world about what he sees in his mind, she is wasting energy. Her mistake the desire to share in the inability to be satisfied with the sole experience of his vision.

Rather than surrender to him completely, she rushes to the people with an exclamation - "Look! Look!", As a result, no people do not see anything special or herself. And there comes disappointment and devastation.

Briefly we can say that, probably, in the life of a girl trying to convey to the people around her inner experiences and images, and by doing this, it devalues ​​them for yourself and lose touch with them. Trying to express the inexpressible words, a person loses spending power and that he is trying to express. What seemed important and magical (palace), then attempts to explain and convey it to others, it turns into an empty nonsense (simple accommodation).

Disclaimer - in this interpretation assumed that people from dreaming to be reliable, though not specific, people. It may be another option - the people can indicate, for example, public opinion, which in the eyes of the girl, trying to "justify" value of his vision. To determine more accurately, you need to consider the context of the dreamer's life.

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