How to sleep?


Nature has arranged so that one third of the life we ​​spend on the recovery of the body - a dream. But that dream was really and truly restorative healing, should observe some rules.

Down with the soft feather beds

The most useful dream - on a hard bed. And down with the pillow! Instead, under the neck - medium soft roller, the thickness of a hand. It supports cervical spine and helps to more complete relaxation.


The main requirement for night toilet - no rubber bands and belts, compressing blood vessels. More useful to sleep without any clothes. Another thing - headgear. Although we have not follow the custom of our ancestors - to wear for a night cap and caps.

But during sleep the body temperature drops, and we become vulnerable to the cold! Remember, even a strip of cloth (particularly wool), hoop-fitting head and forehead, the perfectly protects from common cold and sinusitis.

Compass in bed

In the East, decided to go to sleep head to sunrise, in the West - head north. There is no mystery. The Earth - is a big magnet, the field lines that stretch along the meridians between the north and south poles. So in what position the body is better restores power?

Sverdlovsk doctors conducted an interesting experiment. In the evening the subjects randomly went to bed on the floor. In the morning, were analyzed influence mood and well being at the location of the body. It was found that overwrought, deadbeat people tend to sleep head to the east. But when bedtime was overexcited, he then settled in a dream head to the north.

We are all subjective assessments of their emotional state, so it is better to trust instinct: let the body itself will find the optimum position for sleep. It is only necessary to create appropriate conditions to him. It is likely that the bed- "airports" where you can sleep and the length and breadth, included in fashion, not only because of "sexual convenience" ...

What position will tell?

Of course, per night and body position changes more than once. But in what position to sleep better all? The most optimal for relaxation and proper rest, American Doctors believe sleep on his stomach, rather than on ... knees, the so-called pose child (as if you were crawling). Sleeping on your side in a fetal position - "up" - overseas doctors believe "signal of limiting fatigue."

By the way, our chiropractors also advised to sleep on his stomach to allow straighten intervertebral cartilage. Moreover, in this position, no internal body is no pressure on the kidneys, and they are much more intensively cleanse the body, it is washed from slags. However, not all so simple.

Doctors-gastroenterologists agree that sleeping on your stomach is useful, but ... only on an empty stomach! The fact is that after a couple of hours in the stomach digested food flows through the pylorus (the so-called being under the right ribs valve) into the duodenum.

At the same time it receives enzymes from the pancreas and bile from the gallbladder. When a man lies on his back or stomach, bile through the open porter flow into the stomach and eats away its mucosa (so close to gastritis or even ulcers of the stomach). So that afternoon nap is helpful, but only if it lasts more than an hour.

Dine better in four hours before bedtime.

And if you observe this rule does not work, we suggest that after meal to go to bed on his right side. In this pose the most stomach is protected from bile. Not for nothing enlightened parents teach children to bed is on the right side, putting stocked palm under the right cheek. And this is not nothing.

It is believed that stocked palm shoot excitement, comfort - not by accident while praying hands folded just so. But these recommendations - European.

But in Tibet, in the room where slept "chela" (boys, students) has always been a monk-warden. He saw to it that every child all night sleep only on my left side. Tibetan healers argue that habit sleep on the left side prolongs life, promises longevity.

After the day is dominated by energy of the Sun, which corresponds to the right half of the body. And at night - energy of the Moon, it corresponds to the left half of the body. To prolong life, according to the Tibetan teachings, it is necessary to balance between the extremes - in this case between the Sun and the Moon.

Therefore, it is necessary to lay down at night on the left side, activating the "solar" energy right side. And in the afternoon, moderating activity Sun, the Tibetans' pritenyat "right eye, and stopped right ear or nostril. Sleeping on your back, as you already understood - is not the best way to "restoration" of the body. Well, the last.

Physiological norm of sleep - eight hours.

If you have the opportunity to share a dream on the day and night - use it. We know that in countries where adopted siesta (afternoon rest), the number of cardiovascular disease below.

Mysteries of prophetic dreams


"The prophetic dreams most believe housewives, pensioners and women in general (2, 2 times more likely than men), with less than secondary education, low-income living in rural areas, unskilled workers" - a conclusion was made after the results of the sociologists

survey of 1,600 of our compatriots. I did one of these categories does not seem to come up, but believe in prophetic dreams.

Once, many years ago, I had a similar dream. I retell it will not: first, to recall details you do not want (the dream was not pleasant); Second, in general, no matter what exactly I had a dream. But I woke up in the firm belief that in Leningrad, my great-grandmother died. And so it proved.

To deny the existence of prophetic dreams - a thankless task. By the way, even scientists agree that something is there, because historians recorded a number of cases proving that prophetic (or prophetic) dreams - not fiction.

Specialists involved in dreams, often lead such an example prophetic dream: Rileyev being at a tender age, seriously ill, and the case has gone to the death of an infant when his mother had a dream in which a voice told her not to ask God for healing for the child, because his life would be hard, but death - terrible.

She saw all the details of her son's fate at the end of his life - the gallows. However, the mother, of course, dreaming only of the recovery of the child. Waking up, she saw that the boy was sleeping temperature, he went on the mend. The final life Decembrist Ryleeva well known to all - he was hanged in the fortress.

Well known and sleep Mikhail Lermontov. The poet in his spare time liked to do mathematics. One day, unable to cope with a difficult task, he went to sleep and in a dream saw a stranger, which prompted the decision. Lermontov woke up, wrote it down, and at the same time painted a portrait of a stranger.

Many years later, when the portrait was in the hands of professionals, they recognized him as John Napier - creator of logarithms. Although Napier lived in the XVII century, and Lermontov in the XIX, nevertheless, the poet's contemporaries argued that Mikhail knew nothing about Napier or his writings.

Incidentally, an interesting fact: John Napier was a Scot, and is known to be one of the branches of the family tree Lermontov has its origin from the George Lermontov, a native of Scotland.

It is also said that US President Lincoln shortly before his death he dreamed, the White House and in it the coffin under the white cover. Lincoln asked stood guard near the tomb soldier: "Who died?" And I heard, "the President. He was killed in the theater." Ten days later, Lincoln was shot in a theater.

Lydia Vertinskaya told that immediately after her husband's death she dreamed a dream, "Dream of me, I accompanied him to the station and Alexander said to me:" Look, do not forget - I have a fifth car, the sixth place. "The next day I went get a pass to the Novodevichy cemetery where is buried Alexander. The omission was noted: the 5th station, the 6th place. "

There are historical prophetic dreams, bringing some beatific news. This is as described in the annals of the appearance of the icon of Kazan Mother of God: "One pious girl, who lived in the city of Kazan, was in a dream the Queen of Heaven and said:" In such a place, in the ground, buried my icon, announce this: let otroyut it and removed. "This same dream was repeated several times, and when the girl began to dig the ground at the specified location, you really find there is an icon of the Mother of God."

But the recent example of prophetic dream. Its in one of his articles described Murashev Alexander, member of the International Academy of Sciences Far East, "Nicholas S. dream that on the way from the airport, he drove up to the intersection on the street. Leningrad. At the crossroads of Nicholas sees clearly faced" Volga "and -Taxi" Lada "red.

Around the broken glass, traces of blood and gray matter. Nicholas slowed down and a policeman wand pointed to detour. Dream impressed. Nicholas woke up, drank the water. My heart was somehow wrong. In the morning Nicholas went to the airport for some need, and coming back, night had a dream saw a picture of the accident.

Exactly the same "Volga" and "Lada", but no traces of blood on the broken glass. The unexpectedness of Nicholas slowed down and a policeman impatiently waved his wand, pointing detour. Nikolai parked your car to the nearest bus stop to recover. "

Similar examples of prophetic dreams can bring a lot more. Interestingly, all the same to think about this mysterious phenomenon scientists. There are several theories. For example, bio-energy believe that the prophetic information sleeper derives from an external source - of the noosphere.

Cut off from reality the body supposedly turns into the device with a specific task, which scans the noosphere and selects the desired information. However, not everyone can be the instrument. In addition, the information is difficult to break through the walls of buildings and clothing.

Neurologist Jonathan Winson and some other scientists, describing what happens during sleep the human brain, have resorted to the analogy with the computer. They say that the human brain processes information accumulated per day, connects it with the already stored in memory.

Dreams, according to Vinson, can serve as a window to observe the nerve processes from an early age helps a person to develop, improve and correct the strategy of behavior. Looks into the window from time to time helps the case.

With this theory does not agree our compatriot - Yuri Radchenko bioradiolog. He believes that the hypothesis on which works during sleep the brain continues to count all the possible options, analyzes the situation and eventually stumbles on the right path has a lot of flaws.

It frequently reported in a dream at first glance seem to be ahead of events, and in fact are the echoes of a fait accompli.

"In my practice, - says Yuri Radchenko, - was a case where the mother dreamed that her son was 5 April 1990 on a journey by car. The woman is in the first second was very surprised because she was sure - no car at her boyfriend no. More - more.

The young man drove the car is not very confident at the turn lost control and crashed into a roadside tree. Fortunately, it does not hurt, but the car is damaged. Sleep came on the night of the 7th of April, and two days later received a letter from a guy that on April 5, he crashed the car a friend and now he urgently needed to get the $ 500-700.

His mother found out about it before the letter arrived. Can we call prophetic dream, if he just showed the events that occurred in another city two days earlier? "

The time frame concludes Radchenko, can be quite limitless. Radchenko also rejects the widely held view that the coincidence of dream and reality just a coincidence. The probability of such accidents as calculated by his friend, the candidate of physical sciences - 0 0000000000000001.

That is, the probability of random coincidences is so small that it should not be taken into account. Whatever it was, but the prophetic dreams and yet remain one of the mysteries of human nature. By the way, is usually a person throughout life a prophetic dream can dream once or twice. But it can not ever dream.
