Insomnia - sleep disorder causes

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Insomnia - sleep disorder causes
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Each of us knows what it means to not have enough sleep. This sleepy during the day, and lethargy, and even poor health. The next night to sleep and feel better

yourself, you will need to sleep for a longer period of time. The human body itself compensates for the lack of sleep a night, extending it to the next night. And if enough sleep regularly? Compensation for lack of sleep does not occur in humans developing nervous system disorders, neurotic state.

Neural processes losing strength and weaken the usual, for an extended period of time delayed in some areas of the brain, forming pockets or braking or static excitation. In the brain, begin to dominate the process of excitation of the brake.

The result is Insomnia. A person suffering from insomnia, want to sleep, but, despite the efforts, the dream comes. And so in continuous pain and suffering it goes all night. Well, if insomnia is not running on time and the man went to the doctor.

When functional disorders of the nervous system and in the earlier stages of the disease is not difficult to get rid of insomnia.

If insomnia is running to such an extent that its manifestations are exacerbated longer functional disorders of the nervous system and the abnormal, irreversible diseases, such as diseases of the digestive, cardiovascular and respiratory systems?

In this case, it is also possible treatment of insomnia, but it is much more difficult and requires the elimination or at least reduction of the reasons that caused it. Insomnia suffer and elderly people who were age-related changes in the body.

Insomnia - a form of sleep disorder. For sleep disorders and may also include increased sleepiness, the so-called hypersomnia. The systematic lack of sleep a person is sleepy. But that's not the ultimate sign painful sleep disorders.

It's just that the body has a vital need for rest. Hypersomnia observed at a slow transition from sleep to wakefulness. Sometimes a man slept well, but in the morning does not feel vivacity and freshness, it leaves a feeling of lethargy and drowsiness.

Watch sleepiness can be and people with a weak nervous system, in which case it can be regarded as a protective reaction of the body that protects nerve cells from exhaustion. In contrast, pathological sleepiness increased insomnia leads to prolonged sleep, which often is a consequence of inflammatory brain disorders, such as viral encephalitis.

In these cases Human sleep can last for a week, and months, and even, in rare cases, years. A case where a woman had slept 20 years. This dream is called lethargic. He served as the basis for the superstition of "apparent death" of living people in their sleep.

Pathological sleepiness usually occurs in people who have suffered such serious infectious diseases such as typhus, meningitis, influenza. There drowsiness anemia and functional disorders of the nervous system.

Causes of insomnia

Insomnia, unlike the increased sleepiness is more common. She has to some extent affected a significant number of people. The causes of sleep disorders set. Sleep disorders can be caused by complex environmental factors.

These include auditory and visual stimuli, temperature and climatic changes. Can cause sleep disorders and pain stimuli depending on the intensity and duration.

Sleep disorders may accompany various diseases. These include functional disorders of the nervous system associated with severe mental, emotional traumas, neuroses, psychoses, organic brain disease (especially with atherosclerosis of cerebral vessels), diseases of the internal organs and endocrine glands (kidney, liver, thyroid).

There are sleep disorders and diseases of the respiratory, cardiovascular and digestive systems. The causes of sleep disorders leave their imprint on the character of their manifestation.

Sleep disorders are divided into three basic forms: difficulty falling asleep, shallow, restless sleep with frequent awakenings and early final awakening.

Difficulty falling asleep is the most common. A person suffering from this kind of sleep disorders for a long time can not sleep: sleep interfere with disturbing memories and thoughts that constantly pile up on each other. All sorts of efforts and painful attempts to fall asleep to nothing lead.

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Dreams and Dreams


The third part of our life takes place in a dream.

But do not feel sorry about it, because every night we have access to information that passes by our daily consciousness.

The world of our dreams even more intense and important than the daily reality.

Sleep is a reflection of our problems in real life, and it can prompt decision, as in dreams, we fully disclose their minds already on the subconscious level, solve the problems put before him in real life.

Dreams are considered as one of the ways of predicting the future.

But, as Freud said: "Not ignoring the opinion of science and not interested in the question of the sources of dreams, popular rumor firmly believes that the dream still has a sense of foreshadowing, the essence of which can be revealed by means of an interpretation.

Serious people usually laugh at these efforts: "Dreams - is the sea foam". And, indeed, prophetic dreams dreams are only a few chosen people, endowed with special powers. But learn to understand their dreams and manage everyone can.

Unfortunately, sleep is rarely a direct indication of the solution, often it is certain symbols whose meaning may suggest downers.

Dream Interpretation is in general, all sorts of soothsayers, prophets, clairvoyants, mediums, magicians, sorcerers, etc. magicians, and, rarely, psychologists-professionals, such as dream interpretation Sigmund Freud.

On the Internet, you will find only a few million pages of Russian dream book. After reading the proposed treatment, you will easily notice that the description of the same dream in different dream books, to put it mildly, are different, and often just the opposite.

But what to choose? To trust more? Of course, just imagine! Who else but we do know themselves and their problems better.

Analyze your unsolved problems, his actions, his mood over the past few days and choose the most appropriate description.

And remember that you are looking for a solution in a dream, not a prediction.

If you still believe that dreams are prophetic, that is, can predict the future, to find out first, what is the likelihood that they make sense and can come true.

What are the dreams of favorable and unfavorable

 Dreams and dreams, interpretation of dreams, the meaning of dreams, dreams that mean

For the life we ​​definitely need air, water, food and sleep. There is no such person who would not sleep. Sleep is necessary for the rest of many systems of the body and restoration of our forces. Everyone knows what "not to sleep." Previously, even torture enough, not giving a person to sleep.

It would seem that this torture, compared to the other just "funny", it can be easy to sustain, but people without sleep went crazy, they will fully comply. The man was ready to confess to anything, to agree on anything, even if only for a moment to cover his eyes.

Dreams and Dreams

About the importance of sleep from the medical side know everything. But sleep is important not only because it restores our strength. During sleep, we will, among other things, get information from the subtle energy field that surrounds us. There are some very sensitive people who take the field and in the waking state.

They know how to analyze the information that sends the field oracles, clairvoyants, fortune tellers, soothsayers. There are cases where ordinary mortals something feel like you need to change the route and as a result do not get into an accident and do not have to sit exactly in the plane crash which will happen. There is not a lot of people.

Most of us have a good feeling this field only in a dream. Why so? Because when we are awake our system every second sent to our brain different information (eye something to see, ears that hear something, we need someone to chat, our digestive system is actively digesting the resulting food and also sends it appropriate signals and so on and so forth)

Meaning of Dreams

When we sleep, our brain, or as they say, a system of thought, is able to take a break from the routine every second and is able to perceive the information that is contained in the information field around us. Very rarely, people can see it unchanged, that is, what happens, and dreams.

As a rule, the information we receive in the form of characters, called dreams. On how correctly we will discover the value of what he saw dreams, sometimes it depends not only on our well-being, but also life.

Dreams tried to somehow organize in ancient Egypt and ancient Greece. If you dig in the old archives, you can find a lot of evidence of this.

Based on ancient manuscripts, dreams can be divided into main groups.

The first group of dreams, is when a person dreams he and all the events taking place in a dream with him.

Such dreams are revealed by the value of actions that dream sleeping.

Favorable and unfavorable dreams

Favorable is the dream of easy to achieve a good result. As a rule, such dreams are predicting a quick fortune.

Adverse considered dreams of overcoming obstacles, particularly in cases where overcome and failed. In these dreams, it is desirable to remember the reason why it failed to achieve the desired.

What are dreams

For example, a person dreams that he wants to get to the other side of the river, but can not. In the most general meaning of the dream means the changes in life that this man may be about to start.

If the dream is not moved, because it was not on anything, then the expected change and will not start or will start, but came to nothing lead.

If you dream that a man got into the boat, but it started to gain water and again to the other shore is not reached, the dream means that change is near, be sure to start, but will bring loss and disappointment.

If you dream that a man got into the boat, she is not full of holes, but whoever boat rules, did not want to carry a person or took the wrong way, the dream means that change is near, begin necessarily, but because of someone tampering desired result I will not do.

Finally, if you dream that a person can not move due to the fact that in the water sees the danger, such as sharks swim or just a person "knows" that the water there is something, a dream warns that the change is necessary to try to avoid any ways, because they can completely destroy the lives and well-being asleep.

It is also considered unfavorable dreams achieve a result, but the result is bad.

For example, if the dreams that sleep is trying to reach hanging on the branches of fruit reaches. But fruits are rotten, sleep instead of success or failure means or illness. More precisely it is necessary to look at the auxiliary parts of the dream.

Continued in the next article.
