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Wonderland dreams
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Night analyst
Almost everyone at least once in his life had a dream that later came to pass. Our ancestors attributed this to the fact that the man visited the messenger of a higher power that helped him see the light and the future. However, representatives of science put forward a more prosaic explanation. The fact is that during sleep and during wakefulness involves different parts of the brain, so the perception of the same events in dreams and reality are quite different.
There is a hypothesis that during sleep are activated just those areas that are responsible for the analysis of the received information in wakefulness. Moreover, this information is taken into account the subconscious in its entirety, including those parts, alarms and events that people ignored the reality.
This curious theory is supported by many facts from the history of science and the arts. Often it is a dream people of creative professions or scientists find solutions to the challenges over which they vainly fought day. A famous example of this - a distinguished chemist Dmitri Mendeleev, the creator of the periodic table, the idea and structure of which came to him as he slept.
Roughly the same thing happens with future events. Our brain collects a variety of information, processes it in a dream and shows a man with the help of sleep rather than the events that occur exactly in the future, as the most likely scenario is there a situation.
The subconscious mind does not include random factor that plays in our lives a very important role, and therefore the majority of dreams did not come true. However, we tend to remember and attach importance to carry out a forecast of the subconscious, and his error immediately forget.
The theory on the analysis of information in the process of sleep is confirmed by the fact that the greatest number of dreams come true - people with analytical mind that, and sober, and constantly engaged in the miscalculation of the probability of an outcome.
"Deja Vu" inherited
Often people dream is dead relatives, or they see a picture of the distant past, witnessed, of course, could not be. The mystics explain this by saying that the inhabitants of the underworld pays a visit to a live transfer of some information and pictures of the past are the memories of the past incarnations of the soul.
However, recent research in genetics shed light on these mysterious dreams. It was found that the genes that a person inherits from his ancestors, capable of storing a huge amount of information, comparable only to that of the most powerful electronic media. Scientists believe that the descendants passed not only the experience, but the imprint of personality and partly long-dead ancestor.
Thus, through dreams with the person talking is not a distant cousin - before it can hear echoes of emotions and attitudes fixed in the genetic material. And even the dreamer and reinterprets them on your own. The same applies to the dreams of the past and the phenomenon of "deja vu" when we think that we have already once been in this absolutely strange, place, or experienced a similar situation, but in reality nothing of the sort happened.
Perhaps, the hero of the episode was one of our prarodichey and traces his vivid impressions preserved in the genetic memory of generations. Because of the electroencephalogram it was also able to establish that kind of specific items causes the vast majority of people similar emotions.
This, in particular, water, fire or other disaster, natural phenomena, many animals and plants, shelter, weapons, geometric configurations like the cross, triangle and so on. In all probability, our reaction to such "landmark" for the psyche of items for Ages little changed. This explains the possibility of creating a dream book, which contains a description of the most common feelings that cause dreamed up in the night dreams Pictures, and nothing more.
To dream of angels
According to Orthodox theologians, most dreams are the result of the brain, collected person, per day feelings, experiences and impressions. The church often calls into question the validity of the phenomenon in the dream of the saints, the angels and the Virgin Mary.
If you think about them constantly, visiting shrines, bought icons, spoke on the subject - well, the characters of the world you can quite heavenly dream, but nothing inspired in such dreams, likely will not.
To communicate with God and His messenger, including through dreams can only exceptional people of righteousness, with prayer and fasting by the stable bond with heaven - such, for example, as a wise Joseph, with a description of the dream which we began our story.
An ordinary man like the signs are rare. This view is confirmed by the Bible - in the "Book of Books" signs in dreams only get people elected who played a huge role in the history of mankind. The Church strongly disapproves of divination by dreams and dream books, reading such books calling sinful. I do not consider it useful exercise and scientists.
The fact is that, after reading a particular interpretation of a dream, people subconsciously start to subconsciously tune it to this outcome. So, having learned that the dream means the disease, the person himself programs themselves feeling unwell.
To dreams is best applies to watching the next movie: look and eventually forgotten. Yet sometimes our night vision is not devoid of meaning. Let not easy to comprehend, but who said that the way to truth is easy?