Folk remedies for the treatment of diseases: tea, savory, celandine, blueberries, cherries, garlic, sage, rose hips, apples ...



It is used for lotions on the bloodshot eyes, to wash the ears when otitis.

Savory wild.

It is used to treat bleeding hemorrhoids, gastritis, diarrhea, dysentery, gastric diseases. The broth made from 10 g of thyme, and 300 g of water.


It is used to treat jaundice. 10 g of roots and leaves, boiled in 350 g of water or wine added 5-6 g of sugar. Drink the broth before dinner for 10-12 days.

The same broth and take bites rabid dog. Cooked leaves are applied to the site of the bite for 40 days. Juice of celandine is used for removing warts and calluses dry in the spring.


It is used in disorders of the stomach and dizentirii. Crush 10-15 berries, add 300 grams of water and cook until there is 200 g Podsladite (10 grams of sugar). Drink before dinner and after dinner, for 10-12 days.

CHERRY wild.

It has a very bitter fruit. In 500 g of water 25 g brew these fruits. Take before lunch 20-30 days, against worms and bleeding hemorrhoids.


To 250 g of olive oil or lard added 10 heads crushed garlic, stir. Accepted against hair loss (rub in the head). It is used to treat rheumatism. Garlic pour vinegar, insist 2 weeks. Infusion rubbed body.

When kidney stones and bladder drink infusions of garlic and vinegar. When worms garlic drink milk. Garlic also take in atherosclerosis, 1 / 2-1 tooth for dinner, best with yogurt.

Tincture of garlic: 250 g per 1 liter of vodka, kept in the dark for 14 days at 30 ° C, filter and store up to 1 year.

With flu, catarrh, dysentery before eating 10-15 drops in a glass of water. Crushed garlic with honey 1-2 hours teaspoon of bronchitis, sore throat. In addition, you can use tincture of garlic for hypertension, atherosclerosis, bronchiectasis, pulmonary emphysema.


Taken against colds and coughs. In 330 g of water to brew 5 grams of sage. Take a decoction of the evening before going to bed for 12 days.


Collect ripe fruit, cook and drink the broth before dinner. It is recommended that those who suffer from cough and has kidney stones.


Finely chop, boil in water or wine, add sugar or honey. Drink before dinner for 50-60 days.

It is used to treat many illnesses: paralysis, neurosis, stomach ulcers, headaches, dizziness, hemorrhoids, epileptic fever, rheumatism, hypochondria, vomiting, cough, seizures.


Two egg yolks (from healthy hens) mix with 2 g alum. The mixture is used for inflammation of the eye.


It is used to treat many diseases: gout, cancer, scurvy, scabs, kidney stones and gall bladder, with enlarged spleen. To prepare the broth take 4-5 teaspoons of barley and 1 liter of water, cook until there is 700

The resulting broth is divided into two parts of 350 g, drink before dinner and after dinner. The course of treatment 50-60 days. For the treatment of skin diseases cook barley porridge, and applied to the sore spot.

Medications in folk medicine: Tobacco, yarrow, thorn, zinc, coal, dill, vinegar ...


TOBACCO snuff.

Prepares from tobacco stalks. Stems are baked, ground into a powder and snorted when colds and flu.


If the sore feet, tobacco applied to the soles of the feet. Crush tobacco package 2 (powder) and mixed with 500 g of honey. Lubricate your feet every night before going to bed for 12 days.


The flowers and leaves are boiled with 15 grams of wine or water, drink the broth when bleeding hemorrhoids, irregular stool, scrofula, nervousness, uterine bleeding, pain in the chest, consumption, weakness, hypochondria, bleeding from the nose.

Grind to a powder and inhale through the nose and wounds sprinkled the powder. It is also used in fever and epilepsy. To be healthy, you need every day to drink sweetened tea from milfoil.


It is used for diseases of the gums, loss of teeth. In 300 g of vinegar, boil 50 g of berries blackthorn. Rinse your mouth every morning 20-30 days.

Zinc sulphate.

It is used for sore eyes. A third of a teaspoon of powder mixed with 100 g of boiling water and instill 2-3 drops in each eye until complete recovery.

Charcoal (willow).

Pounded into powder coal is used for poisoning and disorders. A teaspoon of the powder diluted in 150 g of cold water and drink 10-15 days before dinner and after dinner.

Charcoal (lime).

Grind and drink as well as willow charcoal, against indigestion, dysentery, in case of poisoning. It is used for dusting old wounds. Take a teaspoon 3 times a day.


Laktogonnoe means. 150 g of crushed fennel seeds, mixed with 500 g of honey and take 10-13 days, one tablespoon before dinner.

Vinegar with smelling salts.

It is used for application to the face and deprives calluses.

When the headache attach a towel soaked in vinegar.

Medicines in folk medicine: Sarsaparil, knotweed, lilac, ergot, pine, pitch pine, cell ...



It is used to treat many diseases: hemorrhoids, scabs, inflammation of the stomach and intestines, neuroses, fever, palpitations, migraines, for washing festering wounds, swelling, and skin diseases.

Take sarsaparilya roots, crushed into a powder. Two teaspoons of powder boiled in 500 g of water until there are 250 of the broth to drink before lunch and 50-60 days longer. During treatment, refrain from eating spicy, salty and sour food. Sarsaparil usually brought from Moldova, Bulgaria.

Seeds of pumpkin.

Toast and crush. Take 1 tablespoon before dinner for 30-40 days. It is used against worms, tapeworm. From pumpkin seeds make oil, which is used in food.

SEED mustard.

Used in the treatment of the following diseases: headaches, malaise, chest pain, cough, constipation, urinary incontinence, bladder stones, itching, rheumatism, colds, swelling, nervous disorders, insomnia, hypochondria, dizziness, blackouts, epilepsy, seizures, scrofula, erysipelas, swelling of the face, scarlet fever, intestinal worms, gout.

A method for preparing medicines from mustard seed in the internal medicine: seed crushed into powder, take 1/2 teaspoon with meals during lunch times a day for 30-40 days.


Sold in stores. The powder was added to the sulfur melted fat (salets) and stir. It is used against scab.


It is used against many diseases. Turpentine - is a liquid, something resembling honey, yellow and clear. Mode of application. Mix 250 g of turpentine 1 kg of honey.

Every day before lunch consume 1 teaspoon of 30-40 days. It helps in many diseases: the sand in the bile, running coughing, itching. It is used for grinding of rheumatism.

SODA drinking.

When heartburn drink after lunch and dinner 1/2 teaspoon dissolved in 1/2 cup of water. Salt rock and sea. It is used for water treatment at home.

A mixture of 300 grams of salt and 1 liter of brandy (grape moonshine) is used for grinding. To rinse damaged teeth and gums of patients with mixed 30 g of salt and 100 g of strong brandy. For rubbing in rheumatism - 1 liter of vinegar, 300 g of rock salt.

SALT English.

To cleanse the stomach take 30 g of the salt was dissolved in 300 g of warm water, add 30 g of white sugar. Drink before dinner, then leave for a walk, do not take food.


The 300 g sugar water boil 10 grams of dried and crushed roots of knotweed. It is used for cough, as well as difficult urination. Take 50-60 days before dinner.


It is used in various kinds of drugs - ointments, medicines, anti-rheumatic ointments.


They are made from wheat or rye bread. Used with fresh milk. Especially recommended for the sick and infirm.


Lilac leaves are used instead of quinine in fever. Take 2-3 leaves of lilac, fill with water or wine, boil. They drink a decoction of 10-15 days before dinner. It is also used for washing wounds. Applied as a compress.


It grows in the Rye, tested styptic. Used in heavy uterine bleeding and vomiting blood. 1 g of ergot rastolchite powder, cook 250 g water until 200 g remain, cool. Drink the decoction 3 times a day for 2-3 days.


A decoction of the shoots of pine trees used as a diuretic. From pine bark decoction is prepared to rinse the gums and teeth. Diarrhea children allow to drink a decoction of pine cones.

PITCH pine.

Eat before dinner in one piece the size of a bean with the following diseases: the unpleasant odor in the mouth (chewing 10-15 minutes), pain in the chest (consumption), cholera (swallow 2-3 slices a day, until after the disease ).

It is used for the treatment of internal and external diseases - in broth, compresses, ointments.

1. Wash water 12 and thereafter used in the treatment of tuberculosis cough. Drink a teaspoon of milk before dinner and after dinner.

2. Drink cholera and hemorrhoids, bleeding, dry.

3. Use to lubricate and poultices for external (skin) disease.

4. itching.

5. scab.

6. In rheumatoid arthritis.

7. In the treatment of scrofula, boils, septic wounds, tuberculosis.

8. It is used as a remedy against fungal diseases, lice, bedbugs.

9. For the ointment in the treatment of syphilis.

10. For the fumigation of hospital premises.

A honeycomb

Together with the wax used for the treatment of old wounds. Honeycomb boiled and applied to the wound warm.
