Useful herbal tea when autumn comes


Starting autumn, and a cold start. It affects the rain and the cold and damp, it's autumn, to which the body does not want to get used to. That's why, with the help of herbs and tea should help the body cope with the vagaries of autumn.

In the autumn, and so a huge risk of disease. This guilt and footwear and human forgetfulness, forgotten umbrella, exposed to rain, wet, and here it is a disease, fever and runny nose. It regards and shoes. For good reason, people say to wet his throat, legs do not go, his feet wet, with a throat problem. It turns out, get his feet wet, and here it is, a sore throat.

But that does not give the body sick, you need to drink herbal tea, soar feet, take a hot bath with the addition of herbs. And get all the useful, the body easily cope with the symptoms of the disease.

You should also know that diseases like those who do not want to use the favorable summer for hardening, who is not worried about the vitamins, as well as those who in spite of the sharp decrease in degrees of air does not wish to take summer clothes. Autumn in fact require warm clothes, comfortable shoes, in which the foot in any weather, rain and snow will stay dry and keep warm.

By the way, note that nasty cold usually occur after a freeze and get wet feet. So if you buy shoes, keep this in mind and only buy quality shoes. So, how to save on shoes, you will inflict damage to their health, and at the same time, you will spend more on drugs. Remember that.

Walnut tree leaves, pine needles, hay, and all that can be used for therapeutic baths.

And it is not really something you have forgotten recipes chaёvnits of medicinal herbs?

Tea in fact are quite tasty, it is drunk easily and also very useful for the whole organism. After all, its composition is so rich in useful and valuable substances and vitamins, do not drink a tea, well, just a sin against the body.

In using this tea, not only in the period of the disease, but just gives body to undergo preventive maintenance, this means that the herbal tea improves the immune system, helps protect against a variety of diseases. Eating just this kind of drink, a tea, you are much more quickly cope with a cold, but it is also possible to reduce almost to zero insomnia and improve sleep.

Remember that all tea charges should be stored separately from each other, that is, in separate bags or containers. But in no case in plastic bags, it is better if the bags are made of cardboard or thick paper.

And it's possible to mix the grass. Preparing tea, herbs can be mixed, it all depends on your preference. But better, of course, do not mix.

What do you need to have a home to return home, to feel the healing aromas, fields, forests, meadows and greenery.

Dry leaves and currant, cherry, wild strawberry, raspberry, bird cherry, blueberry, lime blossom, rose petals, rose hips viburnum berries and blueberries, all these herbs emit a pleasant aroma.

Herbal tea, that's fine, but in fact you need to collect and properly dry and pack. To cope with this, there are a lot of literature, how to prepare medicinal herbs can be found on the Internet.

And if in a nutshell, it should be noted. All herbs collected in the summer at sunrise, that is, with the first dew.

Only dried herbs in the shade and well-ventilated place, a better place, attic, is if you live in your home or you have a cottage.

But, if you live in an apartment, it does not matter, the fees can be dried on the balcony, the main thing that the grass is not nazharivali sun. Any herb is dried in a natural way, in the shade.

Turpentine, folk cures diseases

 Turpentine, folk cures diseases

Vintage voodoo recipes, traditional methods of treating diseases with known you turpentine (pine resin). Believe me, these tips will help you bring health in perfect order and get rid of known diseases.

1. The recipe for the normalization of the immune system

Place 30 grams of gum in the refrigerator for about 45 - 60 minutes. Next remove sap from a cold, wrap in cheesecloth and rastolchite into a fine powder.

The resulting powder 3 times a day 1 hour before meal. Can this powder drink small amounts of cool water.

2. The recipe for the treatment of upper respiratory tract

Take a quart glass jar. Put into it 100 grams turpentine and fill it with 500 ml of boiled water.

Put the jar into the light and infuse water with turpentine 9 days. After taking 3 times a day for dining spoon for 30 minutes before eating.

3. The recipe for the treatment of gastritis

Depending on the degree of diseases, the following methods. Gastritis should just put a piece of pine tar in his mouth and dissolve him. It helps a lot, believe in the word! Pain is literally a couple of minutes!

4. Help with a stomach ulcer

At the initial stage of a stomach ulcer that's a great help to extract based vodka. Take 50 grams of resin and rastolchite into powder, can not small: most importantly, that it is easy to pass through the neck of the bottle.

Take any floor liter bottle of dark glass and pour into it pounded sap. Oleoresins pour vodka, vodka must be good, and plug the bottle for 7 days.

After 7 days, the resulting drink tincture 2 Solovykh spoon on an empty stomach! The course of treatment - until the infusion is completed. But if necessary, can again make a tincture.

After taking tinctures refrain from eating for at least an hour. And follow the diet. During the treatment you can not be anything other than instant oatmeal and a small amount black bread. Also, do not drink tea and coffee! Coffee for ulcer - is poison!

5. Help for boils

When boils sap at night should be applied to the affected area and fix bandage and plaster can be. The pain goes almost immediately, and in 3 day boil completely absorbed.

I wish you health!

Mumie Formulations, dosage and use in diseases

Table of contents
Mumie Formulations, dosage and use in diseases
Page 2


Shilajit - an ancient "miraculous balm", this juice tears rocks or popularly called the "blood of the mountains."

Mined in the mountains of the Pamirs and Tien Shan.

The color refined mineralized mummy - a dark brown, viscous, sticky mass, heat softens hands, Smolny has a peculiar odor, dissolves in water with little sediment, taste bitter.

Sometimes mummy terrestrial origin and animal carcasses, it can not be used inside. Therefore, use only pharmacy mummy.

Dosage and use mummy

Mountain mummy applied directly inside the cooking juice, water, honey, tea, milk, etc., thanks to the good solubility; topically in the form of ointments, drops, juices prepared on, alcohol, honey, etc.

Ingestion, preferably on an empty stomach 1-2 times a day, morning and evening before bedtime. Within 25-28 days 1 course of treatment, and a second - in 10 days at an advanced stage of the disease.

The required number of mummies for one-time use - 0, 2 - 0, 5 grams, depending on body weight:

70 kg - 0, 2 g,

80 kg - 0, 3 g,

90 kg - 0 3 - 0 4 c,

90 kg - 0, 4 - 0, 5 grams.

Breeding is desirable in milk 1:20 parts (2-3 tablespoons can be in the water and add honey to taste, or the alternate breeding mummy juice (grape, cucumber), herbs parsley, blueberries, cumin, with the yolks of eggs.

Application mummy in various diseases:

In bronchial asthma, allergic and inflammatory chronic diseases, cough, sore throat, fever, catarrh of the upper respiratory tract, sneezing

Receiving mumie to 0, 2-0, 3 grams of a mixture of milk fat or a cow with honey. Inside an empty stomach and at night before going to bed 1:20 and lubrication for the night surface of the inflammatory area, nostrils, throat, the same composition through a swab or gargling (angina).

Total must be 1-3 treatment depending on the form of the disease. The course of treatment lasts 25-28 days with 10 day intervals.

When infertility in men and women, reducing sexual function gipoleperimii (substandard seeds in men).

Ingestion by 0, 2-0, 3 c mumie together with carrot juice or sea buckthorn juice or blueberry juice 1-2 times a day on an empty stomach in the morning and at night before going to bed (in accordance 1:20). The course of treatment 25-28 days.

The desired result is sometimes achieved by mixing the mummy with egg yolk and juice of some medicinal plants.

Increased sexual function markedly felt already in 6-7 days.

Mummies of hemorrhoids.

Ingestion fasting - 2 times a day (morning and evening before going to sleep at 0, 2 g per reception). And most importantly, mandatory in this case - lubricate the anus and rectum depth of 1 cm (mummies mixed with honey in a 1: 5-1: 8).

Ingestion of 25 days after a 10 day holiday to repeat again to cure, and continue to blur for 3-4 months with a month break.

When running hemorrhoids cure occurs within 6-8 months, not before. The best application is achieved in a mixture of mummy with peach butter or cow fat in the same proportions for the simultaneous ingestion and lubrication (this must be a significant number of mummies on the course).

Pyo-inflammatory and infectious wounds, burns.

Lubrication wounds 1-10% solution mummy affected sites, or 2-3% solution and ointment.

Purulent otitis media, otitis media, hearing loss.

In accordance 1:10 to 2 times a day in the morning and in the evening before bedtime. Eating at the same mummy inside 0, 2-0, 3 g in a mixture of milk and honey. It enhances the outflow of pus and anti-inflammatory function.

Mummies with headaches, migraines, numbness, dizziness, epilepsy, facial paralysis.

Happy mummy inside of 0, 2-0, 3 g in a mixture of milk and honey in parts 1:20 2 times a day, in the morning - on an empty stomach, in the evening before going to bed for 25 days, and at an advanced stage with a repetition rate in 10 days treatment.

Dyspepsia (heartburn, vomiting, belching).

Ingestion at 0, 2 g mummy milk or honey (or dissolved in a tablespoon of tea or boiled water) 2 times a day, morning and evening before going to sleep for 24-25 days.

Healing comes in the 10-15 day.

Mummies stuttering.

Need mummy mixture with honey in the ratio 1: 5, 1: 8 to 0, 2 g of extract. Treatment should be done in 4-6 months.

If women's diseases, tissue defects of female genitals (erosion, etc.).

Before and after the menstrual cycle in place of erosion superimposed cloth, well soaked with a solution of 4% of the mummy, then the swab is fixed. The course of treatment is 2-3 weeks followed by 10 days of repeated as needed.

Along with the ongoing course of treatment is recommended to be taken internally and 1 times, which reduces treatment time. During treatment, it is recommended to abstain from sexual intercourse. Treatment is carried out at night.

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