Folk remedies for the treatment of diseases: Milk, rye, rosemary, chamomile, burdock, rhubarb, radishes, root ...



A decoction of the roots to take as a remedy for kidney disease, cancer of the uterus. It is also recommended for women who give birth of dead children.


It is used as a sedative. Boil in water or milk to drink and give children before and after dinner.


Dry the roots, leaves, stems, flowers. Take 15 g of rosemary and 300 g of water, cook until the remains of 250 drink for kidney disease, difficulty urinating.

Take broth before dinner and after dinner, for 20-30 days. In the same manner used for the treatment of epilepsy.


It is used for washing wounds, cough, for douching, in diseases of the ears, sore throat, diseases of the stomach, lung and liver, epilepsy, diseases of the bladder, urinary disorders.

For the treatment of internal diseases prepare decoctions for the treatment of skin - recommended chamomile bath.

Burr wild.

It is used when consumption. Turnip leaves wet with vinegar, lard spread and applied to the chest. When you cough and tuberculosis, to take 20 grams of roots and leaves of turnips, cut and cook. Drink before dinner and after dinner, for 50-60 days.


Roots triturated. Spoon the rhubarb powder boiled in 300 g of water and take a powder for constipation.


Used to treat many diseases. Radish stimulates the appetite, improves peristalsis, cleanses the kidneys from sand and albumin, cleanses the spleen, bladder, stomach and lungs.

It helps when you cough, hemoptysis, worms, skin itch. Black radish curative white. It should be used in food as much as possible and drink the juice of grated radish. You can cook a radish with honey.

Rue, odorous.

Garden plants. It is used in cases where through the mouth into the stomach of a man climbs a snake. Take rue roots, boil in a little water or wine and drink 3-4 times for 2-3 days. It is served well when sick intestine.

Boil 12 grams of leaves and rue and drunk as a tea. When migraine grind in a mortar rue leaves, pour slivovitz, make a compress on the night. The broth can be drunk, and against heart, in the neuroses.

Useful folk remedies in the treatment of diseases: Fern, nightshade, tansy, peony, plantain, wheat, mallow ...


Folk remedies for the treatment of diseases

Male fern (Dryopteris).

It is used against worms. 8 grams of ground roots of fern cook 500 g water until 300 g remain, add 25 g honey. Drink after a meal. In the morning drink '36

Sweet fern (centipede common).

The broth helps with coughing. Crushed roots and stems boiled on the water, add sugar or honey. Drink the broth before dinner and after dinner 10-20 days or longer.


The leaves are used for the purification of urine in the bladder inflammation, inflammation of the uterus. Broth drink before dinner. Scalded nightshade leaves applied to wounds.


Used in the treatment of many diseases: to excite the nerves, the expulsion of small worms, pain in the gut, bleeding hemorrhoids, uterine bleeding, pallor girlish, swamp fever, pain in the chest.

10 g tansy cook 300 g water until 250 g remain, add 12 g of sugar. Drink before dinner two weeks or longer.


The roots lay in the hollow of the tooth to kill the nerve. A piece of root and put in a hollow wax cork. Hold for 24 hours.


It grows everywhere. It is used for the treatment of hemorrhoids and festering wounds. The leaves are boiled in wine, broth drunk as tea, long time. The leaves are also applied to wounds.


Wheat groats cooked with wine or water, is applied to purulent wounds. Change the bandage in the morning and evening.

Wheat cereals

Cooked in milk, light food for the seriously ill. You can also give rice boiled in milk.


Applied for the treatment of many internal and external diseases. For the treatment of internal diseases prepare a broth with water or milk and drink before dinner and after dinner when you cough. Sore throat when swallowing.

When edema, rheumatism make a poultice of scalded with boiling water mallow. Fold change in the morning and evening. When inflammation of the eye mallow boiled milk at night moisten a clean cloth and apply to the eyes.


It is used in foods and for the treatment of stomach, intestines, uterus, red spots on the face, itching, used for heartbeat, running consumption, anemia.

Prolonged use drastically reduces the risk of internal and external inflammation. Yogurt drink at any time of the year.

Primroses, primula.

Take 10 grams or two teaspoons of flowers and cook in 300 g of water until there is 250 g before dinner drink as a tea, with a weak stomach, nervous disorders, colds. In rheumatoid arthritis is used for grinding, when you cough decoction is taken instead of tea.

Helianthus annuus.

Cultivated as an ornamental plant. Medical means against a strong cough in whooping cough. In the autumn to collect mature seeds, bake in the oven, finely crushed.

Take two or three tablespoons of pounded seeds and boil in 500 g of sugar water. Boil the broth, until the amount of the liquid is reduced to 400 g Strain and drink the broth for 10-20 days.

Red and black pepper.

Both types of pepper are used for treating rheumatism. Pepper crushed into a powder. Take 1 liter of alcohol and 250 g of pepper, is stirred into 300 g of olive oil or lard. Ointment rubbed the sore spots in the evening before bedtime.

In 300 g of wine brew 1 teaspoon of black pepper powder, 2 teaspoons of honey. Take the evening. It is used against colds. Can also be used for grinding, if the powder mix with olive oil.

The sand is fine.

Rinse, warm up and apply to the sore spot. It is used for rheumatism.


It is used to treat gonorrhea, cables. Boil the leaves and roots of parsley and drink for 30 days. Scalded with boiling water parsley applied to the swelling in the groin while gonorrhea and chest when mastitis.

Garden and wild wormwood.

Collect flowers of wormwood and dry in the shade. Used to treat many diseases. Prepared infusion of wormwood water or wine.

Infusion drink before dinner in diseases of the stomach, uterus, bladder, liver and bile, jaundice, stomach cancer and uterine cancer, epilepsy, to expel worms, blood cleansing, rinse with unpleasant smell, rinsing and non-healing wounds festering.

5 g of wormwood insist on vodka or brewed as a tea. Drinking infusion or decoction daily 30-40 days.

Pellitory drug.

Wild plants, odor and taste reminiscent of watermelon. Scald pellitory and applied to the swollen places. When inflammation of the throat to make the inside of 10 - 20 g of broth.

Folk remedies for the treatment of diseases:

Fern, nightshade, tansy, peony, plantain, wheat, mallow ...
