Medications in folk medicine: Sweet clover, melon, angelica, datura, Blackberry, Acorns, St. John's wort, Iris ...


Yellow and white sweet clover.

Infusions of clover helps with headaches, epilepsy.

Make them as follows: the leaves and flowers poured a strong alcohol or brandy, allowed to stand for 10-15 days. Then moisten the cotton extract and applied to the head 3 times a day.

When epilepsy, fainting, make a decoction of 15 g clover roots boiled in 500 g of water until it is 300 g drink broth before lunch as tea 50-60 days or longer.

Melon ordinary.

It is used to treat gonorrhea. A teaspoon of crushed seeds boiled in 300 g of water. Drink the broth before lunch 15-20 days. A decoction of the roots of melon is used to cleanse the bowel.


Used for the treatment of old wounds. Rub the leaves attach to the wound. Change compresses the morning and evening. Continue treatment for a long time.

Datura (ordinary).

The leaves are harvested during the flowering and dried in the shade. It is used like tobacco. Smoking a cigarette for one night as a remedy for breathlessness. Not more than 10 datura seeds crushed and boiled. Drink as a tea in the evening.


Collect it during the flowering and dried. Broth from Dubrovnik helps with inflammation of the eyes. 20 g of dry Dubrovnik cook in water. In the evening, make a lotion to the eyes. It is also used for diarrhea and dizenterii.20 Mr. Dubrovnik cook in 500 g of water. The broth is divided into two parts, to drink for two mornings.


It is used in kidney and uterine bleeding, intestinal diseases, diarrhea, dysentery. Dried roots, leaves, stems, boiled with wine or water. Drink within 10-15 days before lunch and after dinner.

Fish fat.

A tablespoon of cod liver oil stirred into 100 g of wine. Drink with anemia and scrofula.


They contain iron and tannin. Used for anemia, pus in the ears, for the treatment of scrofula, hemorrhoids, tuberculosis, rheumatism, pain in the gut, in the bones, insomnia. Collected, dried in the oven acorns, peeled, crushed.

Two teaspoons of ground acorns boiled in 300 g of water. Drink the broth before dinner and after dinner instead of coffee, with sugar. Use it for a long time. Acorns can be boiled in milk. Who drinks acorns for a long time, it will be healthy.

Larkspur, larkspur.

It is used for inflammation of the uterus. The roots, stems, buds and leaves are boiled as a tea to drink before dinner 20-30 days.

When applied to arthritic joints as a compress. Same thing with the spurs calcaneus. Packs do not yet resolve the spur will be pain or swelling and inflammation in the joints (arthritis).

Fat sheep and beef

It is used for the preparation of various creams, diseases psoriasis.

Fat goat, pig.

It is used for rubbing in diseases of the skin, itch, scab, rheumatism. Warm oil is used for rubbing the entire body.

St. John's wort.

Flowers St. John's wort helps with coughing. 15 g of flowers of Hypericum stirred into 300 g of water. Drink before dinner 50-60 days. Infusion of flowers St. John's wort is used for the healing of fresh and old wounds.

Flowers poured lamp oil is poured into the bottle, put the sun, held 20-30 days. A decoction of the flowers of St. John's wort drink in catarrh of the stomach and intestinal inflammation, such as tea, before dinner.

Ash wood.

It is used for alkaline water, which keep the arm or leg with the inveterate rheumatism.


It is used to treat malaria, gastritis, hemorrhoids. Use roots, stem, leaves, flowers. Take 10 grams of centaury, boiled in 300 grams of wine or water, drink before dinner 20-30 days instead of quinine, which is injurious to health.

Iris German.

The crushed iris root boiled in milk and applied to purulent wounds, chiryam in the neck and elsewhere.


It used in the treatment of colds, as a remedy for cough. Take 1 teaspoon of ginger powder, 2 tablespoons of honey, 300 g of old wine, cook together. To drink in the evening before going to bed, 10-15 days.

Known drugs in medicine: Carnation, gentian, mustard, clay, grenades, mushroom, mountaineer ...


Gentian perekrestnolistnaya.

Collect gentian on 20 June. The roots and stems are crushed, dried in the shade. Use with swelling of the liver and bile.

Take 20 grams of gentian, cook 500 g of water or wine, a drink before dinner and after dinner 50-60 days.

The same decoction is drunk as a remedy for fever, pain in the stomach and intestines, bleeding hemorrhoids, malaria, jaundice, constipation, rheumatism, kidney patients, headaches and hypochondria.


It is used against headache.

Teaspoon cloves stirred in 20 g of brandy, warmed and drink.

Clay white.

It is used for inflammation and heart.

500 g of white clay to soak in vinegar. The resulting slurry is applied to a thick cloth and attach to the place where the inflammation begins. The dried clay is reused, diluted vinegar.


It is used against many diseases, in particular - for rheumatism.

Take a tablespoon of mustard, grind into powder, mixed with water to form a slurry, put on a towel and apply to the affected area for 5-6 hours, then remove and spread mustard sore spot lard.

Glaze pottery

It is used to treat eczema. The ground icing vinegar and stir with a wooden oil, lubricate sore spots in the evening.


Corky, roots and the color of boiled as a tea and drink when worms (tapeworm).

Take respectively 04/08/10 g of each component, 500 g of water and cook, drink before dinner, a day before the disappearance of the tapeworm.

Mushroom raincoat.

The dust that is produced in these mushrooms when ripe, is used for Stopping blood, cuts, injections or lacerations. The dust sprinkled on the cotton wool, is applied to the wound and bandaged. Blood stops.

Mushroom Cornel.

Used in the swelling of the liver. Mushroom pulverized, stirred in a liter of pure wine drink 30 g per day before dinner for 30-40 days.


It grows in the mountains. Flowering blue or yellow. It is used to treat many illnesses: fever, the patient's stomach, scrofula, scurvy, rheumatism, flatulence.

Used roots, stems, leaves and flowers. Take 3-4 grams of gentian, 300 g of water or wine, cook and drink before lunch as tea 20-30 days.

Highlander pepper.

It is used to treat bleeding hemorrhoids. The broth is 50-60 days drink before dinner.

In rheumatoid arthritis is added to the bath. The patient must be in the bath for about an hour. Take 15 or more baths.
