Recipes of traditional medicine in the treatment of diseases: Walnut, hazelnut nutmeg, oats, sow thistle, ammonia ...


Walnut oil.

To 300 g of oil to add 4-5 fresh eggs yolks, stir. Apply the ointment on marlechku, applied to burns 2-3 times a day.


Used to treat many diseases. The leaves are used for bathing children are physically weak.

Young green fruits of walnut used in the treatment of jaundice, which is the tea of ​​five nuts that drink before dinner. Tea made from the skin (10 g green nuts), drink from worms, they can be washed up old wounds.

Peanut butter smeared scab on the face and chapped hands.

Hazel (earring)

Used with scrofula. Collect the color dry. Take 1 teaspoon chopped earrings and cook with water as a tea. Take 50-60 days before dinner.

WALNUT nutmeg.

It is used in diarrhea in children. Crush one nutmeg mixed with fresh milk and give the child a teaspoon.

Walnut leaves.

Remove from walnut shells and dry in the shade. Crushed into powder and cook one teaspoon of 300 g of water, 15 g of sugar. Take 50-60 grams of broth before dinner with scrofula, to cleanse the blood. It contains iodine.


Cooked oats used for applying to edema, treatment of colds. Oatmeal broth sweetened with honey given to children and adults with cough

OTEN yellow, Euphorbiaceae.

It is used to treat warts on the hands. Breaking the thistles, to scratch a wart every morning and lubricate the juice.

If gum disease to rinse them every morning with the following solution: finely crushed thistles and cook it in the wine vinegar. It helps and loss of healthy teeth (alveolysis).


Take a teaspoon of ammonia, dissolved in 100 g of water and rinse it with a solution of the mouth and throat in the presence of white pustules. In small quantities, it is used as a decoction for colds and sick spleen.

Folk remedies for the treatment of diseases: a mother-and-stepmother, poppy, olive oil, carrots, milk, honey, lemon balm, meal, mint ...



The roots and leaves of the plants were collected in June, pulverized and dried in the shade.

Used to treat tuberculosis and consumptive cough and inflammation of the liver. Take 25 grams of roots and leaves mother and stepmother, cook them in a 500 g of fresh milk. Decoction drink before dinner 50-60 days.


The seeds are used in food and oil has a narcotic effect. When insomnia can take a dose the size of a grain of wheat, but not any more, as this can cause death.

Almond butter.

Giving children 1 teaspoon before dinner and after dinner, mixed with milk or honey. It is used for coughs and anemia. When the pain in the ears 5-6 drops instilled into the ears before going to bed. If your hair is well lubricated head with almond oil.

Butter, almond

It is used for the preparation of ointments.

Cacao butter.

It helps with many diseases. It is used to treat hemorrhoids. When the body and itching in the groin area is necessary to smear sore spots cocoa butter.

OIL melissovoe.

When a sick stomach 3-4 drops of oil are stirred in 30 g of brandy and drink before dinner.

Olive oil.

It is used for diseases of the internal organs (drink 15-20 g) and external diseases (rubbing or smearing). As relief to drink 30 grams at an inflammation of a woman's breast cancer and male genital organs make cold compresses. Warm compresses to do with the diphtheria and scarlet fever (applied to the back of the head).

In rheumatoid arthritis the patient every night rub a mixture of olive oil and vinegar. If a woman coming hard labor, must be 2 weeks before they take 30 g of oil. If poisoning drink 40 grams per day. Olive oil is used and cholera.


To strengthen slabotelesnyh, weak children to bathe in milk 3 times a day, as long as they do not get stronger.


Used for worms in children. Crush root drain the juice and give the child a drink before dinner. When the sand in the kidneys and bladder should juice drink, with a cancerous wound - rinse her juice from carrot roots.

FLOUR white (wheat).

Gruel, cooked in wine and olive oil, is used for poultices for skin inflammations, swelling, abscesses.

Rice flour.

Cook the rice flour with water and vinegar, applied to the injured spot, sprains, old wounds, scrofulous rash. By the wounds of the hot poultice applied 2 times a day until its complete purification. Then the wound is smeared with sweet cream to extinction.

Honey bee.

It has all the properties of medicinal plants which are used for making drugs. Honey helps with many diseases. It is used to treat cough, tuberculosis, eye disease, epilepsy, angina, gastritis, diphtheria, scarlet fever.

For the treatment of internal diseases use 1 teaspoon before lunch and 1 tablespoon before dinner. When honey skin diseases lubricate sore spots, make him a compress. When tonsillitis and sore throat gargle made from water, mix with honey.

When inflammation of the eye instilled 1-2 drops of water, which was to stir a little honey. When a bee stings, wasp, hornet honey to lubricate sore spot. Children with worms, let's take a spoonful of honey before lunch and after dinner.

For insomnia, to calm the nerves, take 2 tablespoons of honey before bedtime. Honey helps in the treatment of liver disease, anemia, general weakness of the body. Honey - it's great.


It is used at indigestion, diarrhea, gynecological diseases, amenorrhea. Take 10-15 grams of lemon balm, and 100 g of water, prepare a broth. Drink before dinner.


It is used when the throat feels sour taste. Need to drink after lunch and dinner. In 100 g of water diluted 1 teaspoon of chalk powder. The same mixture is used in the prickly heat in children - in the groin, behind the ears, under the arms.


It is used against rheumatism. In 1 liter of vinegar to dissolve 300 grams of soap - body rub through a day at bedtime. You can replace the vinegar with alcohol.

For the preparation of medicines against scabs to take 500 grams of soap and 200 grams of sulfur. Rub the body every night. On the third day of the patient's body alkaline wash water.


It is used for the treatment of clubroot, with colic. Make a decoction in wine. Drink before dinner 30-40 days.


The species of thyme, grows in damp places, has a pleasant smell, used in the confectionery industry. It is used for many diseases: diarrhea, vomiting, sore stomach, fever, nervousness, belching, headache, uterine bleeding, toothache, worms.

For internal use to cook 15 g of mint with water and drunk as a tea, before dinner. For compresses (with massive bleeding) use mint scalded. Diaphoretic for colds. A decoction of 10 grams of mint, 300 g of wine and 50 g of honey drink after dinner, for 10-15 days.

Pepper mint.

It is used in the treatment of stomach ulcers and hyperacidity. 15 g of dried leaves are boiled in 30 g of water and drink before dinner and after dinner.

Swelling breasts mother - nurse make compresses scalded mint leaves. Compresses applied until after the swelling. Peppermint is used to prepare the broth in hysterical fits, nervous disorders, hypochondria.

MINT horse.

Used to stop external bleeding. Rastolchite horse mint leaves, mix with brandy, apply to the place where the blood flows.

For internal use is used for bleeding from the mouth or hemoptysis. Rastolchite grass, cook in the brandy, strain and cool. Drink in the morning and evening for 10-15 days and more.

ANTS large (forest).

Used for rheumatism (cold). Collect large ants in the bottle, pour them sorokagradusnuyu alcohol and insist 20-30 days. This liquid to rub the sore spots.
