Bleeding from the nose, mouth, out of the lungs, from wounds
Bleeding from the nose.
Keep your head up, be quiet, to pull the nose cold water in which a little vinegar or alum, and then pinch the nostrils shut with your fingers and one or both nostrils with cotton wool.
Above the manner described below, laughing.
However, he laughs best who laughs last, and the latter is the one who has experienced this tool.
Take a small iron key, hang it on a woolen thread so that the key was on the back between the shoulder blades.
This is the best means of divination quickly stop the bleeding.
Bleeding from the nose
It is best to lie down and begin to pull the nose cold water with lemon juice.
If bleeding continues, apply on the neck at the base of the skull cold compress.
If the bleeding is profuse, and you are alone, do not try to remove the flowing blood, sit quietly. Let it make somebody for you.
Bleeding from the mouth
If the blood is dark, like it is mixed with coffee, so it goes from the stomach and caused cancer.
If the blood is mixed with a portion of food, but its color is bright red, then it is called a gastric ulcer.
The patient should be put, and at intervals to give a few sips of cold water with lemon juice. Trunk or complete wrapping divert blood away from the stomach.
Bleeding from the lung
When the blood is bright red and frothy, not containing some of the food, it comes from the lungs, bleeding caused by rupture of the lung tissue. This is not necessarily fatal.
In the natural treatment of pulmonary bleeding often occurs in times of crisis and in this case, is a form of isolation. Often, recovery is preceded by profuse bleeding.
After bleeding is best to stay in bed and fast.
Bleeding from wounds
Stacked bundles or clips made during arterial bleeding, venous bleeding vessel ligation done. It helps cold water to stop the bleeding.
If possible, it is necessary to make sure that the water flowed around the wound in the form of direct current. This delays the circulation and favors the blood to clot.
But do not pour water on the wound itself, as it interferes with blood clotting.
The mixture of water with lemon juice acts as a natural antiseptic.
Folk remedies for sea sickness, sunstroke
Motion sickness
Actually there is no treatment, the disease is associated with the vestibular centers in the area of the left ear.
Before you go on a voyage well 2 days to fast and clean the intestine using an enema, as a rich meal before and during the voyage largely contributes to seasickness.
Easy raw food will greatly reduce suffering from this disease, which in this case can not be all.
Another tip, while pitching to relax, do not resist it. Then, your condition will be much better.
Quickly undressed the victim and throw his body, including his head with cold water. Then vigorously rub the body with water. Or you can wrap the victim in a wet sheet, which from time to time to pour cold water.
If the patient is very weak, to put it to bed and covered with blankets.
Choking (for ingestion)
It happens with children and with adults. Child, swallowed an object, you have to put yourself in the hands and face down heavily slap him between the shoulders.
Snake bites, dogs, cats, etc. it is necessary to immediately suck himself, if possible, or that it did anyone else. In the mouth, there should be no wounds or cracks. After each portion of the mouth need to suck blood rinse, if possible.
If necessary, expand the wound using a cut and wash with diluted lemon juice. Immediately after that, we have to put a wet bandage or compress.
To prevent infection it is necessary to spend 1-2 days (or longer) post, after which go on for some time at full fruit diet. It must be emphasized that the post - the surest method to prevent infection from the bites.
Giving vodka victims of snake bite, very unwise, because it's nothing but harm (sometimes irreversible), will bring.
If lights clothing should be thrown to the ground and start to ride, trying to extinguish the flames. To extinguish the blanket can be used. When removing clothes from the victim of the fire is not torn off from the body of the fabric in those places where it has stuck to it, and cut the fabric, leaving what stuck.
The best treatment is the application of ordinary baking soda and olive oil. Soda neutralizes toxic acids, which are formed on the wound, and olive oil maintains softness wound and prevents the formation of cracks.
If burns occupy a large part of the body is often very beneficial immersing the whole body in a bath of water at a temperature equal to body temperature, 36-37 ° C.
The victim may remain in the water for several days, until the nomination of the body into the air no longer inflict suffering. In case of burns hot water compresses applied urine to the skin surface having blisters and redness.
Burns eyes and face strong acids, lime, etc. best treated by blending a mixture of baking soda and olive oil.
Assistance, folk remedies for fainting
First, find out whether the patient is alive, whether he breathes.
This can be determined by using a mirror, a piece of glass, polished piece of metal that is necessary to hold the front of the mouth and nose.
Alternatively, you can bend the lid and touch the eye century.
If life is not extinguished, the eye blinks.
The smell of breath poisoning can determine what poison had an effect on the victim.
Bitten tongue - a sign of epilepsy.
If the eyes are sensitive to touch, to light, it means that the brain is not broken.
Uneven tightening of the pupils indicates disturbance in the brain.
Constriction of the pupils to the size of the end of the pin points to opium poisoning.
Quiet weak breath - a sign of the injection.
Snores and increased slow breathing, weak pulse - this is an indication of damage to the brain (stroke).
Rapid pulse points to sunstroke.
Hot body and a rapid pulse - symptoms of sunstroke or heat.
Cold body and weak pulse - can be the result of acute alcoholism or fainting.
Assistance, folk remedies for fainting
If the victim is breathing, place it in a comfortable position, head slightly below the rest of the body, cut or undo the clothes so that it is not stretched across the body, move the patient to a current of fresh air.
If it occurs in the open air, obvevayte air around his face.
To stimulate the heart imposes on the chest alternating hot and cold compresses. Hot & Cold Packs Apply a well-to-back.
Pobryzgivayte cold water on your face and neck.
Good massage your hands and feet of the victim.
If breathing is very slow and weak, use artificial respiration.
It helps rubbing saltwater muscles and limbs of the body and warm enema.
Do not let water or stimulants, while the victim is unconscious. This is only a strangled him.
When the patient starts to come to life, give him a few sips of fresh water or water mixed with sour fruit juice.
Do not give alcoholic beverages, as it can bring a very great deal of harm.
Folk remedies, recipes to cleanse and strengthen the body
Cleansing the blood is carried out by the following method, it requires:
1) Take 2 kg of grapefruit +1 kg orange +1 kg lemon.
Squeeze the juice and divided into 3 days.
Before the procedure, clean the intestines. Cleansing the blood is 1 per year.
2) By embracing birch for 7 days, then hugging birch (lean against a birch) 1 every three months;
Cleansing the liver and intestines:
20 g of corn (or olive oil, unrefined sunflower) oil + 50 grams of lemon juice (cranberry juice or cranberry).
Drinking on an empty stomach in the morning 7 days. Do not be afraid that burns in the stomach a few days will the stones from the intestine.
Well while cleansing the liver and intestines breakfast cooked rice, nepodsolenym.
Strengthening the tone of the whole organism and the purification of the heart and surrounding tissues of toxins, which enables the heart to work properly:
1. 100 grams of garlic crushed in a porcelain bowl.
The resulting mass shift to the milk bottle, pour 150 grams of vodka, close the cap, shake well, wrap the bottle of black cloth, put on 13 days in a cool place.
Then strain and take before meals consisting of: 50 g of warm boiled milk (goat's best) and 20 drops of tincture 3 times a day.
It is better to do it in the winter.
Store the bottle at room temperature, wrapped in orange cloth or paper.
2. Celandine
(grass - 1 tablespoon of raw materials), pour a glass of boiling water for 20 minutes. Drink 3 times. Within a month 1 time in 3 days.
Recipe eliminate senile diseases:
Take the juice of the earth - the mummy, tree sap, sugar cane juice stones - Feldspar, mix, make the powder and drink once a day.
Onion - helps the awakening of sexual desire.
It promotes hormonal balance and rejuvenate the body. To get a powerful impetus to the success of an intimate relationship, it is helpful to eat on an empty stomach (you can with bread), a raw onions - 3 days in a row and one fresh boiled protein (protein kills the smell of onions).
Note: the knife does not cut the onions, eat onions without salt.
Sweet strengthens the power of the body, the immune system is restored. It is useful to young and old (well everything except sugar).
Sour - generates heat, stimulates the appetite.
Bitter - cures loss of appetite, infections, quenches thirst, returns the voice (well there are hot peppers), bitter good at swelling of the throat, throat ulcers.