Sore throat, febrile diseases, flu folk remedies for treatment


When angina - giving teas:

(it should be remembered diphtheria)

1. Sambucus nigra. A decoction of flowers, 3-4 tablespoons brewed cup of boiling water. Boil 5 minutes, used for gargling.

2. Calendula. Broth flowers (1-2 tablespoons per 1 cup boiling water, boil for 5 minutes, to insist) - for gargling.

3. Onions. Fresh juice 1 teaspoon 3-4 times a day.

4. Salvia officinalis. 4 teaspoons make 2 cups boiling water, to insist 30 minutes, drain. For gargling.

5. Garlic. Garlic tincture on vodka. 10 drops in a glass of water to rinse 3-4 times a day.

Febrile disease and flu

As I have repeatedly stressed, fever - it's not something hostile to health, threatening even death (if it does not reduce the time), but it's nothing more than an attempt of the body and samoochistitsya samoizlechitsya.

Fever - it's acute illness, and all other diseases are a direct manifestation of the self-cleaning and self-healing of the organism.

Let me rush to pass a series of natural, then you are in all respects you will feel better.

Thus, taking antipyretic medications for fever, you do more harm than heal itself. If treated with natural methods, there can be complications.

Fasting - this is a great thing for all febrile illnesses, as through fasting facilitates and accelerates the process of self-purification. The relatives do not understand this. They usually feed their "patients" for the "maintenance of forces".

We can say that most of the complications arising in the orthodox treatment is precisely because of this "power supply" during fever. But the patient with a high fever does not want to eat!

This instinctive nature of the requirement and the key to the natural treatment of disease.

With flu, acute viral diseases need to herbalism.

Take senna and buckthorn bark, or zhestra, everlasting, knotweed, St. John's wort, or elderberry flowers, each component 50 grams. Mix.

Stir in three tablespoons in a vessel with 3 cups of cold water, warm over low heat. Boil for one minute.

Drink 3-4 glasses of warm or hot for 20 minutes before eating. Children give 1 / 4-1 / 2 cup.

Rhinitis, sinusitis, ear pain, hiccups, folk cures


Sinusitis (runny nose) - lubricate the nose swabs, cooked in fresh butter and beeswax (equal parts).

Traditional methods of treatment

Runny nose.

In acute and chronic rhinitis mustard powder sprinkled in socks at night or on foot and calf applied mustard (mustard can be lubricated sheets of paper and used as mustard).

The present and the fermented broth of sugar beet is washed with a cold nose.

Fresh beet juice instilled into the nose, it is better with the addition of 20-30% of honey.


Sinusitis patient should go to Russian or Finnish sauna with dry steam - the first year, 2 times a week, and then - once a week. Grate horseradish, add the juice of 2-3 lemons. It got quite a thick sauce.

Ingest half a teaspoon of sauce in the morning and the same in the afternoon for a long time (daily). It causes excessive tearing, which is not to be ignored.

Avoid drinking water or any other drink immediately after medication. Horseradish should be fresh (not more than a week ago). The sauce can be stored in the freezer for a relatively long time.

Ear pain

If it is known that the disease is caused by the common cold, it is necessary to proceed to a method of treatment are described below: heated brick or large stone, wrap it in a cloth attached to the patient's ear and hold for 2 hours.

It is recommended to give the patient any medicine that causes sweating. Instead of stone can be sand in the bag.


This spasm of the diaphragm, caused by a nerve irritation.

It may also be caused by digestive disorders or drug poisoning, especially mercury, phosphorus, strychnine, and others. In the latter case (drug poisoning) can become chronic hiccupping.

In normal Icahn drink some water. We must bring down the rhythm and everything will Icahn. In chronic Icahn have to undergo a natural treatment.

How to get rid of a headache popular treatments


Traditional methods for headache

1. It should be applied to the temples, neck, forehead fresh cabbage leaves; It does the same for burns and bruises.

2. The original voodoo remedy for headache.

Take fresh lemon rind 2 cm in diameter, to clear it of the white matter, applied to the wet side of the temple and keep it for a while. Soon, under the crust formed by a red spot, which will start a little burn and itch.

Headache soon disappear. There is a saying: "Fight fire with fire." The above means is built on ... vyshibaniya wedge wedge.

3. Valerian as a remedy known a long time and is a common treatment for many diseases.

I would like to share my observations. Valerian drops take on pure alcohol (not essential), no impurities other cardiac agents. Inhale (sniff) only at bedtime.

Everyone has to find a proper dose inhalation 1-2 times alternately in each nostril.

Some have a headache in the morning, which means that valerian acts very rapidly in the body and do not need to take deep breaths, and gradually increase them. If the dream becomes stronger in the first few hours, then woke up, we can maintain the dream repeated inhalation.

4. Kalina ordinary. Drink fresh juice.

5. Cabbage. Applying fresh leaves.

6. The juice of fresh potatoes drink 1/4 cup at a systematic headaches.

7. Red clover. Apply infusion of flowers: a tablespoon of clover flowers make a glass of boiling water for 30 minutes, drain. Drink 1/2 cup 3 times a day.

8. In folk medicine used for headaches fresh strawberry field.

9. Fresh leaves of common lilac is applied to the sore area for headaches.

10. The black currant. Take 3 times a day 1/4 cup of fresh juice with strong pains.

11. In the morning on an empty stomach to drink spring water, wells or snow water.

Immediately you should read the prayer:

"Thank you, Lord, for what you gave me life and health, maybe you will love my heart and strengthened my will, so that I can do Thy will, let all be fulfilled for the glory of your name and the glory of you. Amen!"

Medical magic, praying for a headache

It is possible and necessary to fix the result of treatment by prayer.

Beheading of St. chestnyya chapter glorious Prophet and Forerunner John the Baptist of the Lord (pray for healing headaches).

What is your wonderful beheading mail, holy John, what weep tears, which will sing a song, do not comprehend the mind and the language is weak !? Herod the Most Holy compartment lawless your head, John the Baptist of the Lord, the God of the earth, the Almighty in heaven crowned with immortality you and gave you his kingdom.

Great before God and you can ask a lot from him. Therefore, limping, we pray thee, the Baptist of Christ: hear the suffering headaches, alleviate disease and to calm them, and quench their grief, pain relieving and healing them, they glorified thee God for ever and ever. Amen.
