Folk remedies under shingles


Take a fresh young twig walnut.

Burn tear that dripping received after this substance smeared zoster.

Tar birch - 25 g, protein chicken egg - 1 pc, sulfur - 1 tsp. Honey - 25, all mixed - use the ointment with herpes and eczema and fungal skin diseases.

Ingest 1/2 cup 2-3 times a day for 15-20 minutes before meals. Also, at the same time to do this decoction baths or apply a compress on the affected area.

Pine (needles or tips of young shoots) - 20 g, sorrel - 10 g, nightshade (grass) - 10 g, strawberry timber (leaf) - 15 g, St. John's wort (herb) - '20

All of this grind, mix, take one tablespoon of this mixture (10-12 g), pour cold water 250-300 g, 2-3 hours, then boil for 2-3 minutes.

Let stand to cool, strain the broth and do the bath or apply a compress on the affected eczema areas.

Echinops (grass) - 20 g, plantain (leaves) - 20 g walnuts (young leaves) - 15 g, rosehips (young shoots of the branches) - 15 g, black elderberry (flowers) - 20 g

All of this grind, mix, take 1 tbsp. Spoon this mixture of 10-12 g, pour cold water 250-300 g, 2-3 hours, then boil for 2-3 min., let stand to cool, strain and ingest 1-2 cup 2-3 times day 15-20 minutes before meals.

Also, while in the bath or broth to make compresses on areas affected with eczema.

Folk remedies for boils, burns


From boils.

Bake medium size onion, cut it in half and one half applied to boils, put a bandage.

Change the bandage with hot onion every 4 hours, and can be a raw onion.

From burns.

It dipped burned body in the water, then sprinkle immediately with plenty of tea on the burnt place of soda and moisten own fresh urine.

If burned his throat, you should drink an oily substance such as olive oil or water mixed with raw egg protein.

In the old burns were treated as follows:

White and yolk of fresh whipped egg and smeared it burned area, or goose fat, sea buckthorn oil.

Traditional methods of getting rid of warts


Uprooted stem the cut (oblique) ears of corn. Spearhead straw prick several times a wart and immediately buried in the damp straw in the ground, the roots up.

After a few days, when the straw is rotted, the warts will disappear without a trace.

If there is no such stem from the root, it is recommended the following method.

Take a small potato, cut it in half, one half to throw (the superstitious witch doctors say they have to throw over his head, back away from you), and the second half to rub all the warts (cut side) and this part of the potatoes immediately dig into the ground in a dry place it to dry there and would not begin to grow. A few days later, when the potatoes are dry, warts disappear.

Juice of celandine - lubricated or applying moistened cloth on the warts.

Ash wood willow mixed with vinegar, as an ointment. If the mixture is applied to the warts, they dry and fall off.

Pound castor bean (castor) and apply it to the wart - it reduces the warts and freckles.

Unripe berries figs if their juice to grease or put in the form of drug dressing on warts, birthmarks - they will disappear. You can apply and fig leaves, but they are weaker.

Juice rue herb garden - a good remedy for warts and white patches on the body. They smeared or applied in the form of drug dressing.

Cut the apple into 2 parts. One half is good to rub the wart, and the other half buried in the ground. When the second half of apple rot - warts disappear.

Traditional methods of treatment of corns, ingrown nails


Traditional methods of treatment of corns



Before going to bed to steam foot in hot water and then wipe dryness and bind to the corn cake with a little lemon lemon flesh.

It is best to cut a little "crust" of lemon.

After 4-5 days, the corn should go completely.


Soak in vinegar onion peel within 2 weeks.

Apply to corn husk layer and tie for the night.

Repeat several times, and the corn will disappear.



Calluses on the soles of the feet

Change shoes. Shoes should not compress the toes.

This trouble is particularly susceptible to women wearing high-heeled shoes.

For pain relief to do a hot bath with a solution of Epsom salts for 5-10 minutes in the evening and in the morning, apply aloe leaf.

Traditional methods of treating ingrown nails.

Leather fingertip butter and fill every day before going to bed to put on a toe.

Do this for 2-3 weeks in a row.

The nail and soften the pain stop.

This is followed with a knife gently lift the corner of the nail grows by putting on nail pieces of gauze or blotting paper, then tie a finger.

Sore spot heals and the pain stopped.

To prevent re-growth of the nail should wear shoes larger and more spacious.

Folk remedies: Gout, Crick, Neurology


Folk remedies for the treatment of gout


Typically, the pain of gout are fixed on the big toe.

It is not recommended to treat the disease in the acute stage, and give pain to subside, and then proceed to treatment facilities against rheumatism.

The best way to treat gout are considered to bee stings.


The second method.

Melt the glass of fresh unsalted butter over the fire. When the oil begins to boil, remove the foam and add an equal amount of ethyl alcohol. Then ignite the mixture and let the alcohol burn.

The remaining weight - a remedy against gout, but under the conditions that the mass massaging sore spots will be near a hot fire (fire, fire, oven).

Folk remedies tensile muscles.

It is recommended to take a finely crumbled onion and mix it with sugar, cover the bandage with a thick layer of this mixture and apply to the affected area, a day repeated.

Folk remedies neuralgia.


During bouts of pain to cook hard-boiled eggs, cut it in half and both halves immediately attach to the place where the pain is felt most strongly.

When the egg has cooled down - the pain disappears and the relatively long time neuralgia will not bother the patient.

Means, the author repeatedly tested.
