Birch (leaf) - 15 g, red bilberry (leaf) - 15 grams, kidney tea (herb), licorice (root) - 15 g, St. John's wort (herb) - 15 g, Calendula officinalis (flowers) - 15 gr.
Take 1/3 cup of warm tea three times a day, half an hour before meals.
Take 10 grams of birch buds to 1 cup water, boil for 30 minutes in a water bath. Take on 0, 5 cup 3 times a day.
1 teaspoon finely chopped dandelion root, harvested in spring or autumn, pour one cup of boiling water for 20 minutes. Take 0 25 cup 3 times a day for half an hour before meals.
The ancient divination tool for kidney stones, liver.
These funds used by our grandmothers.
Mince 1 cup of hemp seeds, mixed with three cups of raw milk, boil down to 1 cup at a slow fire. Hot strain and drink on an empty stomach for 1 glass per day for 5 days. After 10 days repeated.
Do not eat anything spicy. Perhaps the increased pain in the liver, but it is necessary to survive. A year later, repeat the treatment and, according to my grandmother, it will bring a full recovery.
Fees for the treatment of bladder and urinary tract.
Air marsh. 1 teaspoon minced raw material to 1 cup of boiling water for 20 minutes, drain. Drink 1/2 cup 4 times a day for 30 minutes before eating.
White birch. 2 tablespoons of chopped leaves and 1 tablespoon of the kidneys pour 0, 5 cups of boiling water, add a pinch of baking soda to dissolve the resinous substance, 1 hour, drain. Drink 1/2 cup 4 times a day before meals. (Contraindicated in acute inflammation of the kidneys, during pregnancy).
Red bilberry. Leaves cranberries are used in the form of infusions and decoctions with urolithiasis, inflammation of the kidneys, bladder. (2 tablespoons to 1 cup of boiling water to insist 30 minutes, strain and drink 100-150 ml 3 times a day before meals).
Cornflower. Is used more often in the mix: take equally flower cornflower, bearberry leaf, licorice root. Tablespoon of the mixture brew 1 cup of boiling water, insist 15 minutes, strain. Take one tablespoon 3-4 times a day with inflammation of the bladder. (Contraindicated in pregnancy, acute inflammation).
St. John's wort. 1 tablespoon to 1 cup of boiling water, boil for 15 minutes, drain. Drink 1/4 cup 3 times a day with anti-inflammatory, antibacterial target.
CRANBERRY Swamp. Use 1-2 tablespoons 3 times a day of fresh juice in the urinary tract infection, to prevent the formation of stones.
Juniperus. Diuretic. Contraindicated in pregnancy, acute inflammatory processes. Take 5 pieces of juniper, 5 parts of birch leaves, 2 parts parsley root, 2 parts of lovage root. Tablespoons chopped mixture to insist on a glass of cold water 6 hours, then boil for 15 minutes, drain. Drink 1/4 cup 4 times a day. It is advisable to comply with the treatment of a vegetable diet.
Cloudberries. Fresh berries infusion of leaves - diuretic. To brew 1 tablespoon of crushed leaves pour 1 cup of boiled water, 30 minutes, strain. Drink 1/4 cup 4 times a day before the onset of the therapeutic effect.
MARSH wheatgrass. 4 teaspoons chopped roots pour 1 cup of cold water, insist 12 hours, drain. Raw again pour 1 cup boiling water for 10 minutes, drain. Both infusion mix and take 1/2 cup 4 times a day.
Rowan. The fruits of mountain ash - 3 parts, grass cranberries - 1 part, 1 tablespoon of the mixture brew a cup of boiling water, to insist 3-4 hours in a warm place, strain. Drink 1/2 cup 3-4 times a day for 30 minutes before meals with inflammatory diseases of the urinary
HORSETAIL. 2 teaspoons chopped herbs to brew 1 cup of boiling water, 1 hour, drain, drink sips throughout the day.
Rosehip. Rosehip seeds are crushed, pour a glass of boiling water, boil for 15 minutes, insist 2 hours. They drink for kidney stones 1/4 cup 3-4 times a day.
Diuretics (watching the disease of the bladder, kidney and urinary tract).
Along with elderberry, juniper, airom swamp, white birch, cranberries, cornflower flowers, cloudberries, couch grass, mountain ash, wild rose, as a diuretic used parsley root, bearberry leaf, leaf bean trefoil.
Parsley root is used, brewing crushed root (1 tablespoon) and 1 cup of boiling water, after boiling on low heat for 10 minutes, after straining drink 1 glass 2-3 times a day.
Most used diuretics charges:
bearberry leaf - 2 parts grass series - 1 part yarrow herb - 2 parts, grass knotweed - 2 pieces;
sheet of cranberries - 1 part corn silk - 1 part leaf birch - Part 1;
Juniper - 2 parts horsetail grass - 2 parts, birch buds - 2 parts. These fees are prepared as follows: 1 tablespoon brewed cup of boiling water for 20-30 minutes, drain. Take 1/2 cup 3-4 times a day.
Efficiency and other mix:
elecampane root - part 1, watch trifoliate leaf - 1 piece, parsley root - Part 1, birch buds - 1 part flowers of cornflower - 1 part of bearberry leaf - 5 parts.
Tablespoon of the mixture brew 1 cup of boiling water for 20 minutes. Take 1 tablespoon 3-4 times a day.