Liver - is one of the most important organs of the body. Its activity plays an extremely important role in a healthy and a diseased body. When the body is introduced alien force him medication, the main burden falls on the liver because the liver - it's a big barrier inside the body to protect it from harmful substances.
Between the protective forces of the body and inserted into the drugs played a real battle in the liver - the battle, which does not know neither the patient nor the doctor. But first, let us recall the basic functions of the liver. It:
1) the production of bile and regulation of cholesterol metabolism;
2) regulation of carbohydrate metabolism and the accumulation of glycogen or animal starch;
3) chemically neutralize harmful to the human body substances and their allocation;
4) regulation of protein and water metabolism.
Bile is also the product of both secretion and excretion. As a product, it participates in the secretion of emulsification and assimilation of fats as well as to some extent promotes intestinal peristalsis. Bile is also a product of excretion.
Further, the liver is constantly occupied by the absorption of starches. After starches and sugars steel suitable for absorption, passing through the digestive process, with the blood they enter the liver, in which a certain amount of them is converted into glycogen and only a very small amount of sugar is passed back into the blood.
When the body of his work is required for the new portion of sugar, a certain amount of accumulated glycogen is converted into dextrose (sugar) in the blood and into the current.
Proteins are digested during digestion into amino acids, partially digested, and the part that is unnecessary for the body, is delivered to the liver, where, together with the nitrogen drugmi garbage functioning of the body is converted into urea by the kidneys and removed from the body.
It is very important to understand, because the more meat, fish, eggs, cheese and dr.belkovyh products included in the daily diet, the greater the load on the liver and kidneys, and so it will affect negatively on their work and on their condition.
We have already mentioned the role of the liver as the body's protective barrier. When chronic constipation when the body is trying by all means to get rid of waste their livelihoods, toxins through the portal vein to the liver are brought to neutralize them.
Therefore, chronic constipation in the liver a huge amount of bacteria and toxins - and this is in addition to all her stress!
Finally, drugs with which "treat" suffering from the stomach and the like, and particularly febrile illness, most likely to be the liver, the latter able to release them from the body.
In the end she had liver functional weakens and becomes ill, and it is not surprising that patients with liver damage in these days is becoming more and more.
The liver also protects the body from the toxic effects of alcohol. Therefore, alcohol is very often the cause of chronic liver disease, such as cirrhosis and liver disease.
The constant use of sauces, condiments, etc. a negative effect on the liver, because it has to deal with the end-products of the "decoration" of the table.
Treatment of liver disease:
clean, fast, proper diet, herbal medicine, psycho. Fresh fruits and vegetables should continue to be a major part of the diet.
Traditional methods of treatment of liver diseases:
1) Mix half a cup of cabbage pickle juice with half a glass of fresh tomato. I recommend drinking 3 times daily after meals for 3 months. Better yet, instead of water to drink the infusion of rose hips. With rosehip peel, dried it, and this infusion is prepared;
2) the root of the licorice (10 g), fennel fruit (20 g), Melissa leaf (50 g). Preparation: infuse a tablespoon of mixture in a cup of boiling water for 20 minutes. Drink 3 cups a day for a month for 1 hour before meals;
3) mummy popularly called the miracle balm. One time in the morning on an empty stomach, one time in the evening for 28 days in a glass plant, preferably 4 g milk mumie (1 time) and add honey, grape juice, blueberry juice. After that, just take a raw egg (home). Strictly follow the diet;
4) in June and July at 11 am Gather flowers cornflower blue. Dry in sun-protected areas. 1 tbsp. spoon grass pour 1 cup boiling water (in enamelware) and held for 15 minutes in a water bath. Then cool, strain. Take the form of warm tea for 1 st. spoon 3 times a day;
5) corn hairs or fibers - brewed as a tea. Time of treatment sometimes lasts up to a year. That treatment was successful corn fruit should be ripe;
6) 1 kg of honey mixed with 1 kg of black currant, use 1 teaspoon 30 minutes before eating;
7) Mix a quarter cup of olive oil and a quarter cup of grapefruit. Drink the mixture on the night earlier than 2 hours after a meal, after making a cleansing enema (go after it on your right side). In the morning repeat enema. After 4-5 days, repeat the procedure.