Polyps of the stomach, intestines
Drink decoction of fresh fir branches, collected in September and brewed as a tea.
At 0, 5 cups boiling water 1 cup of twigs.
All possible means thousands of constipation, but the best - proper diet and proper lifestyle.
Suffering from constipation advise to drink the water in which the long cooked plums and oats. Radish juice, pickle cabbage in the form of heat, yogurt, tea from the dried cherries and dried apples. Those suffering from constipation should drink 4 to 5 times a day.
In the form of laxative to the patient should be given on day 4 cup cucumber pickle. To get the brine, it is necessary to keep the cucumbers in salt water for a month, after which the brine is ready to use (but not cucumbers).
In the villages in the province and in general usually take the bark of buckthorn, 1/2 tablespoons brewed and drunk as tea.
Very useful enema. Often, one cup of water with the juice of half a lemon is enough for an enema.
Train your own intestines, resulting in his actions, these will become effective, and regular, if you train yourself to be emptied at certain times of day.
Deep breathing and exercises with straightening and bending the body are particularly useful for strengthening the muscles of the intestine, and should be practiced each morning.
After gymnastics, it is rubbing the body, especially the abdomen, rough towel necessary to increase circulation.
Some foods have a pronounced laxative effect. This plums, prunes and figs. All of them are excellent in this respect.
When cooking fill them with hot water and leave overnight so. Do not cook them or sweeteners.
If prolonged constipation, it is necessary to finely grate a relatively large cup of fresh cabbage and apples, but in this case, the breakfast is nothing other than this mixture, there can not be.
Lunch should consist of one tablespoon of honey, two tablespoons of water, two tablespoons of oatmeal, one tablespoon of extract of wheat, two grated apple is medium in size, one tablespoon of grated nuts and the juice of half a lemon. Mix all and serve.
Dinner should consist of not more succulent cooked vegetables, a salad of green leafy vegetables and cheese or meat or products, replacing meat, fish, eggs, nuts.
It is extremely important to consume foods to chew very carefully.
Beet and spinach juice have laxative properties. These juices should be mixed with carrot juice and celery and drink many times during the day.
Spastic constipation.
Pumpkin porridge with honey: Peel the pumpkin from the skin and seeds, cut into small pieces, simmered with butter, then fill flour or millet, pre-steamed, add honey and cook.
At 500 grams of pumpkin - 0, 5 cups of water, 60 g of semolina, 2 tablespoons of honey and 50 grams of butter.
In severe diarrhea in adults add to the food half teaspoon crushed and sieved skin chicken stomach.
To do this, carefully separate the hard skin of chicken stomach, wash it and dry it in the sun and hide.
Take with food once or twice. It is an ancient remedy, but always new and reliable.