Traditional medicine recommendations. Acute Bronchitis
This is a consequence of catarrhal condition of the bronchial tubes and their ramifications. Actually, that is to say, "chest colds".
Treatment: While the acute phase of illness lasts (3-4 days), one should fast on the water and orange juice.
At this time in the evening to put a warm enema. Then go on a diet full of fruit, and then start eating as recommended.
During the attack it is very useful to take a hot bath with Epsom salts.
Several times a day, can be applied to the chest towel soaked in hot water (wet and then squeeze out the water). Make three such a hot compress for 2-3 minutes each, and then finish the alcohol for 3 minutes. You can do so several times a day.
Relief is given as alcohol and alternately compresses. As the patient's condition improves, start taking restorative measures.
The first sign of bronchitis - cough. Common cough - a sign that the bronchi of the mucous membrane clogged waste life of the organism.
In winter, people tend to consume more food, contributing to the development of Qatar (white bread, meat, sugar, cereal, potatoes, pies, etc.) than in the summer. They put too many clothes, thus impede the normal air access to the skin.
Also affects the amount of sunlight, and the people in our day usually spend most of their time in stuffy, closed areas and thus does not get enough fresh air.
This is the underlying cause of cough. We are not talking here about a cough that comes from smoking.
Treatment of bronchitis:
Since cough - it's just a sign of catarrhal condition of the bronchi, at which slime "expectorated" it is good in itself, is an attempt to rid the body of waste.
You just need to help him in this work, not stop coughing, as some people think.
Traditional methods of treatment of bronchitis:
1 thin slice of radish cut into 8 pieces, sprinkle with sugar. After 6 - 8:00 will juice you want to drink a teaspoon every hour. Heaviest cough runs for 3 - 4 - 5 days.
2. It is necessary to wipe a dry cloth chest with a cloth, and then rub the interior lard (skin should be dry), but before the procedure to add a small amount of pine oil.
3. Gogol - Mogol (egg yolks, beaten with sugar and rum) is good help, there is an empty stomach.
4. Take the birch buds, which leaves hatch, they fill a bottle, fill it with vodka and insist 7-10 days. Take 5-10 drops diluted in water, 3 times per day.
5. 1 tablespoon psyllium pour a glass of boiling water for 15 minutes. Take one tablespoon three times a day for 15 minutes before eating.
6. 2 tablespoons of calendula flowers pour a glass of boiling water, keep the water bath for 15 minutes. Take 1-2 tablespoons 3 times a day for 15 minutes before eating.
7. Take curled thistle, 1 teaspoon pour a glass of boiling water for 15 minutes. Take chilled 5 times per day.
8. Propolis.
Method inhalation propolis that can be used in the home, is as follows:
60 g of propolis and 40 g of wax placed in an aluminum pan with a capacity of 300 ml and put into another bowl larger boiling water, propolis and wax under these conditions to melt, volatile propolis together with water vapor will sublime, inhalation propolis recommended morning and evening 10-15 minutes.
Apply drink: 500 g peeled and chopped onion, 50 g of honey, 400 g of sugar boiled in 1 liter of water on low heat for 3 hours. The liquid stored in a bottle with a sealed cork. Take 1 tablespoon 3-4 times a day.