Folk remedies when female diseases


Cervical erosion

It is necessary to make a tampon that is wetted inner melted goose fat. At night, the swab is applied in place of erosion, and removed in the morning.

10-12 days - and you are healthy.

This old tried and tested way to cure illness and even running will save you from unpleasant medical procedures.

In diseases of the female genital organs used:

1. Calendula officinalis. 2% solution of tincture of calendula (marigold teaspoon to 1-1 / 4 cups of water) is used as a douching for treatment of cervical erosion, trihomonadnyh obesity.

2. stone bramble. A decoction of the leaves take on stopping menstruation, belyah and other gynecological diseases, hemorrhoids and diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.

3. Stinging nettle. The juice of fresh nettle leaves is taken orally 1 teaspoon 3 times a day 1/4 cup of water for 20 minutes before a meal (at excessive menstruation, various bleedings).

4. The liquid nettle extract (pharmaceutical preparation) to take 30-40 drops 30 minutes before a meal 1/4 cup of water for the prevention of uterine bleeding. Cotton swab moistened with juice of fresh nettle leaves, or paste of the leaves on the swab inserted into the vagina when cervical erosion.

5. Sea buckthorn. When cervical erosion, endotservitsitah, obesity - sea buckthorn oil is used in the form of tampons. Treatment long, epithelialization occurs within 8-12 days, sometimes earlier.

Results resistant. Sea buckthorn oil has not toxic and irritating to the mucous membranes of the properties, so it can be used in the treatment of erosions in pregnant women.

6. Strawberry timber. A tablespoon of leaves pour 2 cups of cold boiled water. Insist 6-8 hours, drain. Take 1/2 cup of infusion daily at excessive menstruation.

7. Kalina ordinary drunk as an excellent tool, increases the tone uterine muscles.

8. Elecampane. A decoction of the root in the use of painful and irregular menstruation, as well as for the prevention of preterm birth: teaspoon crushed root pour a glass of boiling water, boil for 15 minutes on low heat, insist for 4 hours. Take a tablespoon 3-4 times a day.

9. Yarrow (Assembly). Yarrow herb - 20 g, sage leaf - 20g, rosemary leaves - 20 grams, bark oak - 40 grams. Collection pour 3 liters of water, boil for 30 minutes, drain. Daily spending by 2 vaginal douching with belyah. Fees also apply:

10. Grass Yarrow - 5 parts, grass shepherd's purse - 5 parts, rhizome erect cinquefoil - 5 parts, oak bark - 2 parts. Spoon collection pour a glass of boiling water, boil for 5 minutes on low heat, insist 15 minutes, drain. Morning and evening, take 1 cup of broth at heavy menstruation.

11. Grass Yarrow, herb Potentilla goose, valerian root (tie). 2 teaspoons of the collection to make a glass of boiled water, 20 minutes, drain. Drink 1/2 cup 4 times a day with heavy menstruation.

12. St. John's wort. Drink at inflammations of genitals: a tablespoon of herbs, pour a glass of boiling water, boil for 15 minutes, drain. Drink 1/4 cup 4 times a day.

Prayer infertility


Prayer Rev. Roman Miracle Worker, which allowed the prayer of infertility

Surprised by your deeds, Roman Monk, we beseech thee, hear us calling you. In a small cell of the shutter of his death, there you tarry, eating poorly and not having a fire in a hair shirt, wearing heavy chains.

Vouchsafed divine grace, many people's ailments you made whole, the holy Roman and his many wives prayer infertility allowed.

So now we pray, hear with reverence and zeal cling to you and your faithful wives barren; beseeching the Lord God, yes vsemoschnoyu by his power he will solve the infertility of their children, and gives them, because good and loving our God, over us and look after fulfilling our forgiveness. Amen.

Recommendations popular treatments of uterine prolapse


On the causes leading to prolapse of the uterus, a lot has already been said.

The operation for the return of the uterus to its original position - a measure which is taken in this case doctors, far from satisfactory.

It is necessary because the internal tone the muscles of the abdomen to the uterus naturally took its place (normal position).

Traditional methods of treatment of uterine prolapse:

Mainly consist of exercises to strengthen the inner muscles of the abdomen and pelvis.

Stop wearing tight clothes, do not slouch, do not lift weights, etc.

A good bioenergetics in 7-8 sessions (20 minutes) can give a good result (laying on of hands for 6 sessions).

Start with a 4-day fruit diet. In the evening, an enema.

Dry grinding. Sew a large mitten for grinding, cold sitz baths in the mornings, physical and breathing exercises.

If possible, 1-2 times a week - a hot bath with a solution of Epsom salts sea.

2-3 times a day to lie or sit in a position where feet are raised above the body. Do this each time for 30-60 minutes. The more often this was done during the day, the better.

Remember that in this case it is particularly harmful overeating. Nedoest always better than overeat.

Most importantly - do not lift weights.

Recommendations popular treatments of uterine prolapse


On the causes leading to prolapse of the uterus, a lot has already been said.

The operation for the return of the uterus to its original position - a measure which is taken in this case doctors, far from satisfactory.

It is necessary because the internal tone the muscles of the abdomen to the uterus naturally took its place (normal position).

Traditional methods of treatment of uterine prolapse:

Mainly consist of exercises to strengthen the inner muscles of the abdomen and pelvis.

Stop wearing tight clothes, do not slouch, do not lift weights, etc.

A good bioenergetics in 7-8 sessions (20 minutes) can give a good result (laying on of hands for 6 sessions).

Start with a 4-day fruit diet. In the evening, an enema.

Dry grinding. Sew a large mitten for grinding, cold sitz baths in the mornings, physical and breathing exercises.

If possible, 1-2 times a week - a hot bath with a solution of Epsom salts sea.

2-3 times a day to lie or sit in a position where feet are raised above the body. Do this each time for 30-60 minutes. The more often this was done during the day, the better.

Remember that in this case it is particularly harmful overeating. Nedoest always better than overeat.

Most importantly - do not lift weights.

Means with inflammation of the breast (mastitis)


Folk remedies:

When inflammation of the breast (mastitis)

1. Take a fresh peach leaves - 50 grams, fresh herb rue - 50 grams, pounded and mixed in the form of slurry. This slurry is applied on the breast as the medicinal dressings and allowed to stand overnight.

Morning removed and washed with acetic water. Well put crushed leaves of celery.

2. Take 100 grams of oat bran, chamomile flowers - 30 g, mix, moisten grape red wine. Warm up and put in a pouch on his chest.

3. It is well to put soaked in oil or iris wipes to rub oil.

4. You can use the tax: oat bran - 200 grams of flaxseed - 100 gr. Mix and moisten their dry grape wine. Let stand for 3 hours. Then warm up and apply a bandage on his chest for 2-3 hours.

Cracked nipples in breastfeeding women

Effective Propolis ointment:

100g melted petroleum jelly or animal fat, bring to a boil, remove from heat and cool to 50-60 ° C, 10 g of crushed propolis again heated to 70-80 ° C with stirring for 8-10 minutes.

The mixture was filtered hot through cheesecloth and cooled with constant stirring.

The cooled cream is ready for use.

Propolis ointment Store in airtight container in a dark, cool and dry place.

Prolactin plants

(to increase the amount of milk in nursing mothers)

Fennel fruit - 1 part

clover grass - Part 1,

nettle leaf - 1 part

anise fruits - part 1;

or dandelion root, the fruit of cumin, fennel - seeds, nettle leaves (tie), drain.

Drink 1 glass 3 times a day.
